19 May 2006 Gilbert Ashley 17 Jun 2006 updated Many thanks to 'theoffset' Ismael Cortés for suggesting crafty to me and then helping to get everything working. 27 Jun 2006 stable release build crafyt-20.1afx-i486-5.tgz Original sources obtained separately here: ftp://ftp.cis.uab.edu/pub/hyatt/ For convenience I've combined the source code and common files used by crafty into a single tarball: crafty-20.1afx.tar.bz2 The original source files are all in the Resources/pasture directory: (crafty-20.1.zip, bitmaps.tgz, sound.zip, book.bin, bookc.bin, books.bin crafty.doc.ascii, crafty.hlp and crafty.man) at http://amigolinux.org. As configured by default, this package should install under a single directory, like /opt/chess since the the binary looks for the shared and config files in the same directory -even the log and rc files. With the help of , I got the -D defines working for a still cleaner way to get this right, without patching any source files. Most importantly the logfiles and rc files are in ~/ (your $HOME), and the common files under $PREFIX/share/crafty. He also provided code for the xboard-crafty wrapper, which runs xboard with crafty as the engine. xboard is also available from this site: http://amigolinux.org A small patch to the Makefile and chess.h would fix everything easier, for compatibility with PkgBuild and for setting this up with sane Linux-style installation paths. theoffset supplied the syntax for adding some of the available DEFINES, making it possible to set the paths correctly. However, the location for the speak executable is hard-coded into chess.h (line 1075) in such a way that the crafty executable looks for the speak script in the same directory as itself. However, certain paths in the speak script may need to be adjusted to fit your system. So, instead of installing 'speak' as an executable in $PRE_FIX/bin, I copy it to the doc directory as an example. To use it, edit (soundpath) and copy it to the same directory as crafty. Be sure and make it executable also (chmod 755 speak). This could be handled the same way as building xboard-crafty, but the speak script is rather long for another cat < EOF inclusion in the PkgBuild script. This actually compiles and runs easily with 'make linux' with everything running in the same directory. But under Linux we should at least have the logfiles in a sane location. It seemed best to make all the dirs more LFSH conformant. Getting this all into a nice conformant package has posed nearly every possible difficulty. About the License! crafty appears to be free for non-commercial uses. Some of the code is unsigned. grepping for Copyright in the sources turns up these: Copyright (c) 1998--2001 Eugene Nalimov Copyright (C) 1995 by Steven J. Edwards (sje@mv.mv.com) Copyright (C) 1996 by Steven J. Edwards (sje@mv.mv.com Copyright (c) 1991--1998 Andrew Kadatch There are icc logs on the hyatt ftp site mentioned above where more info may be obtained. Some of the code is explicitly in the public domain and some has the familiar conditions of giving proper credit or getting permission before including it in commercial software. Most of this code was written many years before the GPL was written - Stillman was still playing in the sandbox back then, when sandbox meant a wooden thing out in the back yard, not some WIKI page...