@ vv e / wg P & wN T \ wv T 00-database-info B2 t5 00-database-short x BF 00-database-url A x abort xC f abort (v) xh By accounting zT Y addon z9 R add-on zr S address 0O V Advanced Power Management (APM) 0j Bd age 2A Y alias 2Y f allocate (v) 23 i alphanumeric 3Z d ambiente de la web 32 p ampersand 4f C3 anchor 7W q anchor (v) 8A V anti-aliasing 8V 3 append (v) 9M v applet 97 Ch Application Program Interface (API) BAc BR appraisal BBt Y archive BCF CY archive (v) BEd k argument BFB h array BFi Cg Artificial Intelligence (AI) BIC 4 ascender BI6 X ASCII-Armoured text BJR BB Aspect-oriented programming BKS BB assapps BLT g assembler BLz By assembly BNl h assessment BOG s assignment BOy Z associative array BPL CQ assume (v) BRb W Asymmetric Digital Suscriber Line (ADSL) BRx BQ attach (v) BTB q attachment BTr n attribute BUS W authentication BUo x autoprobe BVZ e backbone BWv 9 back-end BV3 4 background BXs n backslash BYT q backup BY9 y backup (v) BZv z backward compatible Bai x bandwith BbT u banner BcB a baseline Bcb Bw batch BeL O batch processing BeZ BE batcher Bfd g baud Bf9 BQ benchmark BhN 4 big-endian BiF t bind (v) Biy b binding BjN c bit Bjp Bn bit mask BlQ c bitmap Bls X bitrate BmD Y bitstream Bmb b block Bm2 Q block (v) BnG q blur (v) Bnw q bookmark Boa j boot Bo9 u boot loader BqJ i boot (v) Bpr e bootrom Bqr Z bootstrap BrE Bd bot Bsh i breakpoint BtD v broadcast Bty h broadcast (v) BuT k browser Bu3 EN brush BzE Y bubble sort Bzc 2 buffer B0S 8 bug B1O Bn bug-fix B21 f built in B3U i Bulletin Board System (BBS) B32 BX bundle(v) B5N BQ burst page B6d CA bus B8d r byte B9I CD cache B/L Bm cache memory CAx Ba callback CCL a camel caps CCl i camera ready CDH Ci canvas CFp Y capability CGB Y caps CGZ a card CGz Q cardinality CHD c caret CHf Cf case sensitive CJ+ 1 cast CKz Z catch-up (v) CLM t cellular automata CL5 m Central Processing Unit (CPU) DJx 7 channel CMf R character set CMw DX chat CQH f chat (v) CQm o check button CRO n check out (v) CR1 b checkbox CSQ 0 checker CTE BK checkpoint CUO f checksum CUt BI chess CV1 R chief architect CWG m child process CWs e chip CXK h chipset CXr m choke CYR 2 chroot CZH k class CZr P clause CZ6 T clean CaN Q clean (v) Cad f clear (v) Ca8 V click CbR a click (v) Cbr p client CcU S clipboard Ccm a clock rate CdA h clone Cdh O closure Cdv c clumsy CeL k cluster Cev Z cluster (v) CfI X coder Cff 2 cold boot CgV e colon Cgz s command Chf CJ command line Cjo BY commit (v) ClA BF Common Gateway Interface (CGI) CmF Cr compile (v) Cow Y compiler CpI X compliant Cpf 2 compose (v) CqV Y composer Cqt BN compress (v) Cr6 a compression CsU a compromised Csu Bi computable CuQ Z computer Cup v Computer Aided Design (CAD) CvY BL computer nerd Cwj m concatenate (v) CxJ e concurrency Cxn B5 conjunction Czg EZ connect (v) C35 Y connected graph C4R g cons C4x Q constraint C5B l constructor C5m b context C6B U converse C6V f converse (v) C60 a converter C7O k convex hull C7y x cookbook C8j W cookie C85 DT coprocessor DAM c copyleft DAo n copyright DBP q copyrighted DB5 q cordless DCj Z core DC8 Bd core dump DEZ g core dump (v) DE5 Bc core file DGV By core voltage DIH h courseware DIo 4 cover DJg R crack (v) DKs f cracker DLL p crash DL0 m crash (v) DMa 7 crawler DNV U cross-assembler DNp n cross-compiler DOQ l cross-platform DO1 i cross-post DPX CL cue point DRi h current DSD BP cursor DTS R customize DTj b cut and paste (v) DT+ k cyber DUi Bs cyberspace DWO BF daemon DXT BZ daisy chain DYs h daisywheel printer DZN t dash DZ6 N data DaH a data mining Dah g database DbB a datagram Dbb W date Dbx O de facto standard Db/ BM dead lock DdL r deadlock Dd2 Z debug (v) DeP 4 debugger DfH W declarative language Dfd t decode (v) DgK o decoder Dgy p default Dhb Bb default file Di2 / deferral Dj1 Y deflate (v) DkN a defragment (v) Dkn g delay DlH R delete (v) DlY f delimiter Dl3 k demo Dmb b demodulate (v) Dm2 BP denial of service DoF BB deny (v) DpG d DESARROLLO Dpj j descender DqG Z descriptor Dqf Z desktop Dq4 W detach (v) DrO v developer Dr9 b device DsY g devise (v) Ds4 p dialog box DvK x dial-up link Dth 9 dial-up login Due s diffusion Dv7 W digest DwR g dike (v) Dwx V directory DxG Y disclaimer Dxe 2 discuss (v) DyU q discussion groups Dy+ m dispatch (v) Dzk i display D0G g display menu D09 n display (v) D0m X disposable D1k Z distribution D19 d dithering D2a Y documentation D2y f doorstop D3R h dot matrix printer D3y 0 down D4m a downgrade D5A n downgrade (v) D5n BM download (v) D6z / downsizing D7y l downstream D8X g downstream port D83 o downtime D9f i draft D+B S drag and drop D+T k drill D+3 i driver D/Z BV dumb EAu w dumb terminal EBe s dummy ECK O dump ECY Y dungeon ECw U edge EF1 P e.g. EES Bj electronic mail EGE m elevation grids EGq n ellipse EHR S e-mail EDE BO embed (v) EHj q embedded EIN g emerge EIt R enable (v) EI+ W enable (v) EJU Y enabling EJs Z encode (v) EKF Y encoder EKd X encryption EK0 B6 endian EMu z endless ENh Y enhancement EN5 W enlarge (v) EOP X entity EOm S entries EO4 n environment EPf h erase (v) EQA U error EQU P escape (v) EQj 2 evaluator ERZ X event ERw Y event-driven ESI Bb executable ETj Z execute (v) ET8 Y expire time EUU j ext2 EU3 N extrication EVE x facility EV1 g fade in EWV c fade out EWx a fade (v) EXL g failure EXr R fake EX8 O feature EYK 8 feed EZG b feed (v) EZh Y feedback EZ5 BJ fetch (v) EbC V FIB (Forwarding Information Base) EbX BN field Eck P file Ecz BY file erase Eeg g file system EfA BF file (v) EeL V filehandle EgF Hd fill rate Eni e filter EoA R fingerprint EoR v firewall EpA Y firmware EpY 0 fix EqM c fix (v) Eqo + flag Erm m flame EsM BV flanger Eth X flat shading Et4 h flip (v) EuZ U floating Eut V floating point EvC CK floppy disk ExM o flow chart Ex0 g flush (v) EyU U folder Eyo e follow-up (v) EzG 0 font Ez6 B7 footprint E11 c foreground E2R o foreign agent E25 g fork E3Z U fork (v) E3t g format E4N BR format (v) E5e l forum E6D O forward (v) E6R BB fragmentation E7S q frame E78 g frame buffer E8c / frame relay E9b l frames E+A T framework E+T m free E+5 BI front end FAB 9 fully qualified domain name FA+ 6 function FB4 U function inlining FCM B2 further FEC + fuzzy FFA Q gateway FFQ 5 gaussian blur FGJ m getting started FGv j glob FHS BG glyph FIY P grab (v) FIn V graph FI8 Y graphic display FJU r Graphical User Interface (GUI) FJ/ + Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) FK9 BK grid FMH k guidelines FMr Z gzipped FNE 6 hack FN+ 6 hack (v) FO4 o hacker FPg B2 handheld FRW U handle (v) FRq Y handler FSC f handover FSh BA handshaking FTh 2 hang (v) FUX p hard disk FVA y hard link FVy 3 harden FWp Cp hardware FZS CD hash FbV BK hash table Fcf BE hassle Fdj k hassle (v) FeH i hcl Fep j header FfM BS heap Fge P heuristic Fgt Y hi-color FhF e hide (v) Fh/ h hierarchy Fig X high-color Fi3 m highlight Fj/ e highlight (v) Fkd t high-tech Fjd i hint (v) FlK Bs hit Fm2 BB hi-tech Fhj c hits Fn3 l home Foc u home agent FpK c home directory Fpm BL home page Fqx u honeynet Frf CB honeypot Ftg CQ host Fvw u host (v) Fwe T hostname Fwx g hub FxR 8 hyphen FyN Q hyphenate Fyd 9 icon F0E V iconize (v) F0Z n idle F1A Z i.e. Fza q illustrator F1Z a imaging F1z Cg implement (v) F4T d inbox F4w c indent (v) F5M BF indentation F6R X index F6o Q indexed F64 U inflate (v) F7M l ingles espaņol F7x d inherit (v) F8O X inheritance F8l Y init F89 BB inkjet F9+ l inode F+j X inodos F+6 f input encoding F/Z g installer F/5 BH instance GBA g Integrated Development Enviroment (IDE) GBg Bd Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN GC9 BX interactive GEU b interface GEv BE interlace (v) GFz p interlaced GGc a Internet GG2 p Internet Protocol (IP) GHf BB interpolation GIg f interrupt GI/ a Interrupt Request (IRQ) GJZ BP introducer GKo b intrusion detection system (ids) GLD BY isochronous GMb Be isomorphism GN5 b italic GOU T item GOn Z iteration GPA z jabber GPz u jabber (v) GQh / jagged picture GRg h jigsaw puzzle GSB e jitter GSf BU job GTz P journaling file system GUC 8 joystick GU+ BJ jumper GWH BD junk-mail GXK c justify (v) GXm X keepalive GX9 V kernel GYS R kerning GYj Dp key GcM Bi key escrow Gdu i key fingerprint GeQ k key pair Ge0 b keyboard GfP U keyboard shorcuts Gfj z keyring GgW w keyword GhG Z kick Ghf Y kit Gh3 g knowbot GiX Fh label Gn4 S latency GoK U lattice Goe W layer Go0 P layers GpD Q layout GpT Bc leak Gqv BD legalese Gry t library Gsf FA lightning effects Gxf t line GyM X line wrap Gyj BF link Gzo n link (v) G0P 4 linker G1H U Liquid Cristal Display (LCD) G1b 8 list view G2X h little-endian G24 y Local Area Network (LAN) G3q u locale G4Y z lock G5L t lock file G6e g lock (v) G54 m log G6+ a log in (v) G7t Co log on (v) G+V e log out (v) G+z Y log (v) G7Y V logger G/L s login G/3 R login banner HAI 6 LOL HBC BF look and feel HCH BH loop HDO V loopback HDj d lossy HEA CG luminance HGG Y lvalue HGe o mail HHG Y mail hub HH8 j mail (v) HHe e mailbox HIf R mailer HIw BE mailing list HJ0 BF mainframe HK5 8 maintainer HL1 BJ map HM+ M map (v) HNK b markup HNl S mask HN3 g mask (v) HOX g masking HO3 c masquerading HPT 7 master HQO X match HQl BH match (v) HRs 2 measure HSi b merge (v) HS9 r mesh HTo O message digest HT2 p method HUf R milestone HUw n mirror HVX S mirror site HVp X misplaced HWA Y mistake HWY f mix (v) HW3 T mixer HXK T mnemotecnicos HXd W mobile IP protocol HXz p mobile node HYc r modem HZH d monitor (v) HZk m mount HaK y mount (v) Ha8 U mouse HbQ P named pipes Hbf BL nest (v) Hcq d nested HdH T netmask Hda a netmount Hd0 BD network He3 P newbie HfG X news feed Hfd BP newsgroups Hgs BK nickname Hh2 S noise gate HiI j non-octet Hir j object HjO R object oriented Hjf t Object-oriented programming HkM BA octet HlM W ocurrence Hli Y ocurrences Hl6 U off topic HmO u off-line Hm8 q offset Hnm h OK HoH Q on-line HoX g open source Ho3 l option Hpc R outline Hpt U overall HqB i overflow Hqj b overhead Hq+ X overload HrV X overload (v) Hrs c override (v) HsI y owner Hs6 V pager HtP Be pan (v) Hut R parameter Hu+ X parse (v) HvV m parser Hv7 h partition Hwc X passphrase Hwz a password HxN 3 patch HyE e patch file HzP q patch (v) Hyi t path Hz5 i pattern H0b S peer H0t g peer-to-peer H1N e penalty H1r Y perform (v) H2D l performance H2o m period H3O Q piggybacking H3e BN pin H4r f pipe H5K e pipe (v) H5o BD pipeling H6r f pitch H7K W pixel H7g W placer H72 Y plaintext H8O a play H8o k player H9M Bf playlist H+r j plotter H/O g plug and play H/u i plug and play (v) IAQ l plug and pray IA1 BI pluggable ICj Y plug-in IB9 m pointer IC7 T policy IDO BG poligonal mesh IEU m poll IE6 P poll (v) IFJ U polling IFd S popup menu IFv d port IGM B9 port (v) IIJ Bd portable IJm V portage IJ7 S portscan IKN y portscan (v) IK/ 2 post IL1 O post (v) IMD 4 poster IM7 r posting agent INm i postmaster IOI BI postponed IPQ X power IPn g preemptible IQH a preemptive IQh o preview IRJ u private IR3 h profile ISY S profile (v) ISq Y profiler ITC X profiling ITZ E0 profiling execution IYN BK programmer IZX a programming IZx c prompt IaN BB prompt (v) IbO X properly Ibl c proprietary software IcB BH provide (v) IdI 7 proxy IeD p punch-in Ies 0 purge (v) Ifg d query If9 m queue Igj O quit (v) Igx 0 quote Ihl 4 quote (v) Iid q quoted text IjH c race condition Ijj n radio button IkK B4 radiosity ImC Z random Imb U randomizer Imv Cd range IpM BE rank IqQ O rate Iqe N rate (v) Iqr i rating IrN m raw Irz V raw mode IsI 7 ray-tracing ItD h read only It+ a readme IuY Q realm Iuo BX realtime Iv/ k reboot (v) Iwj k receiver IxH j recipient Ixq 6 redirect Iyk h refresh IzF X refuse (v) Izc g regular expression Iz8 o relay I0k BU relay host I14 q release I2i BA release (v) I3i n rely on (v) I4J z remailer I48 Y remove (v) I5U E7 rendering I+P / reply (v) I/O 7 repository JAJ a request JAj S require (v) JA1 h requirement JBW Z reset JBv S reset button JCY i reset (v) JCB X resolver JC6 BH re-spawn (v) Itk a ripper JEB e root JEf s root exploit JFL k round trip time (RTT) JFv w router JGf t routing JHM o routing table JH0 g RTFM JIU BC run JJW R run out of memory JKD n run time JKq g run (v) JJn c runlevel JLK BM runtime library JMW r sample rate JNB n scalable JNo d scanner JOF j scanning JOo e schedule JPG U schedule (v) JPa m scheduler JQA y scratch (from) JQy v screen JRh T screen saver JR0 3 screenshot JSr i script JTN 0 script kiddie JUB Bx scroll JVy n scroll down (v) JWx b scroll (v) JWZ Y scrollable Jd4 Z search JeR T search engine Je5 a search (v) Jek V search wrapped JfT 4 seccion target JXM a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) JgL 1 seek (v) JhA T segmentation fault JhT s semicolon Jh/ e sender Jid + separation of concerns JXm w sequence Jjb g sequencer Jj7 Cf server Jma 0 server JYW W servidor espejo JYs i set JnO Q set up JoW Y set up (v) Jou Z set (v) Jne 4 setting JpH Z setup (v) Jpg Z shadow passwords Jp5 p shared memory Jqi k sharpen (v) JrG BE shell JsK 4 shell JZO l shell script JtC / shift JuB Y shift (v) JuZ h shortcut Ju6 T shorthand JvN k shrink (v) Jvx W shutdown JwH b signature Jwi p silently JxL 2 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) JyB BU single-stepping JZz o site JzV B1 skin J1K S skip (v) J1c T slash J1v P slot J1+ f snap (v) J2d U snapping J2x V snapshot J3G BZ sniffer J4f i snippet J5B b snippet Jab T socket J6F s soft link J6x s software J7d BD sort of J9A q sort (v) J8g g sound effect J9q g source Jau B0 source J+K m source code J+w d spam Jci 7 spawn (v) J/N V specification J/i g specs KAC c specular highlights KAe w spell KBO R spell (v) KBf X spelling KB2 X spike KCN f spin lock KCs g splashscreen J5c p splitter KDM V sponsor (v) KDh b spoof (v) KD8 h spool KEd y spool directory KFP p spreadsheet KF4 f sroll up (v) Jdd b stack KGX O staff KGl a standard KG/ k stat (v) KHj W statement KIP j stats KH5 W stochastic KIy a store KJM b stream KJn u stream (v) KKV BD stride KLY BE string KMc f strip (v) KM7 Bi stroke KOd BN stroke (v) KPq V subject KQZ S submit KP/ a subnet KQr S subscript KQ9 X supersede (v) KRU m support KR6 Bt support (v) KTn 1 surfer KUc V surround sound KUx l swap KVW U swap (v) KVq j switch KWN q symbolic link KW3 i symlink KXZ c syntax highlighting KX1 u system call KYj i system logger KZF / tab KaE x tag Ka1 i tarball KbX + target KcV c target partition Kcx p task Kda O technnical support Kdo p template KeR W test Ken V test (v) Ke8 c texture mapping KfY r thread KgD Ba threshold Khd U threshold level Khx h throughput KiS Be thumbnail Kjw X ticket KkH S tile KkZ Q tile (v) Kkp X timeout KlA BC timer KmC W timeslice KmY 0 timestamp KnM r tiny Kn3 R tip KoI b toggle Koj f toggle (v) KpC r token Kpt Z token ring KqG f toolbar Kql h toolkit KrG 8 trace KsC P trace (v) KsR e trade off Ksv t trade off (v) Ktc d trailing spaces Kt5 k transactional integrity Kud 0 transport KvR Y transport (v) Kvp d tree view KwG f trigger Kwl W troll Kw7 j troll (v) Kxe v troubleshooting KyN BD troyanized program KzQ BW trusted K0m W tune (v) K08 T tutorial K1P R tweak K1g R tweak (v) K1x U twisted pair K2F d type K2i N type (v) K2v U typing K3D t typo K3w k undefined K4U Y underflow K4s m Uniform Resource Locator (URL) K5S BI unindent K6a a Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) K60 BN Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmiter (UART) K8B Bh up K9i l update K+H l update (v) K+s Z upgrade K/F k upgrade (v) K/p BA upload LAp 3 upstream LBg d upstream port LB9 h upstream version LCe l usability LDD X user LDa Z user friendly LDz f utility LES BQ utiltity LFi BR validity LGz U value LHH P variation LHW r verbatim LIB x verbose LIy 2 vertex blending LJo s view layout LKU k viewer LK4 Q vulnerability scanner LLI CF wallpaper LNN Cd warehouse LPq j warning LQN e web LQr Bu Web Mail Folder (WMF) LSZ w webcam LTJ l weblog LTu 6 widget LUo m wildcard LVO U window manager LVi BA wireless LWi Y word wrap LW6 BZ workaround LYT f wrap (v) LYy p wraparound LZb k wrapper LZ/ z yank (v) Lay BI zap Lb6 Q zoom in (v) LcK X zoom-out (v) Lch X