_______________________________________________________________________________ 4234.tgz -- "Network Probes Explained: Understanding Port Scans and Ping" Lawrence Teo 4342.tgz -- "Elegance of Java and the Efficiency of C--It's Ada! Frode Tennebo 4343.tgz -- "PHP4 and PostgreSQL: Building Serious Web Applications with Open-Source Software" Tim Perdue 4347.tgz -- "Monitoring Your UPS with apcupsd" Riccardo Facchetti 4354.tgz -- "PVFS: A Parallel Virtual File System for Linux Clusters" Ibrahim Haddad 4360.tgz -- "A Linux-Based Automatic Backup System" Michael O'Brien 4375.tgz -- "Typesetting with groff Macros" Wayne Marshall 4383.tgz -- "SISAL: A Safe and Efficient Language for Numerical Calcs" D. J. Raymond _______________________________________________________________________________