system/status/xstatus/!INDEX generated by keeper 1.55; do not edit by hand! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xmemuse.0.4.tgz shows free-used-buffers-shared/ram-swap in a chart procmeter-2.4.tgz graphical statistics about CPU usage, disk access, network load procmeter3-3.4d.tgz Displays in a series of graph (using X windows) statistics about sys status tkps_1.10.tar.gz tk interface to ps xbench_bin_src.tar.z bins and src to calculate X performance xcolormap.tar.Z show the entries in the current default colormap xcolors.tar.z displays all of the colors in rgb.txt xdpyinfo.tar.Z displays information about the current X server xfsm-1.99.tgz shows file system free space xhtalk-2.9.linux.tgz shows a dynamic 'menu' of users logged in xhtalk-2.9p1-linux.tgz shows a menu of logged in users and starts talk sessions xload-procps.c.z Displays system load histogram (src needs procps) xloadtime-2.0.tar.gz an enhanced version of XLoad xmem-1.02.tgz displays bar graphs of real and virtual memory use xnetload-1.11.0.tar.gz Xnetload displays packet traffic and uptime in an X window xosview-1.7.1.tar.gz displays cpu/memory/swap/network usage xosview-1.8.0.tar.gz displays cpu/memory/swap/network usage xperfmon++-1.2.tar.gz shows system status in X xps-1.0.tar.Z graphical version of ps xsar-02.tgz simple system activity reporter for X11 xsysinfo-1.6.tar.gz provides a graphical representation of system state xwatch-2.09.tar.gz watches various log files in an x window