Title: gcc1-with-libs.dsl Description: gcc g++ make for DSL 2.2+ Version: 3.3.4 Author: multiple - see packages.debian.org Original-site: http://packages.debian.org Copying-policy: GPL for: gcc,g++,make,patch,libreadline4-dev,libncurses5-dev Check packages.debian.org for copyright info on others -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 19M ]==----- Extension by: clacker Comments: gcc, g++, make, and patch are the core utilities you need to compile applications from sources for dsl. Also included are a variety of header files to allow the use of libraries that already exist in dsl in those new programs. This latest version of the gcc1.dsl extension can compile (with gnu-utils.dsl loaded as well) the kernel from sources without requiring additional libraries. Some of the library headers include: libncurses5 libreadline4 com_err libjpeg62 libpng libungif libtiff libpcap libuuid zlib1g libsqlite X development libraries Xaw GTK1.2 development libs Change-log: 2006/04/11 - First version 05/10/2006 added patch & development libraries Current: 2006/05/15 renamed from gcc1 and added libungif, libtiff, and lib freetype