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sk$>:D::D$9MɉUtE܉EEEUMHEU0^_É;}vUM̉UMEUEU0^_ǃEua9}w9urŰE)E܉ŰUtE܋ỦEUMEUQ녅u 1ƋẺE܉U= +EԉE؉MMM׊M؋U E̊ME̊M؋E ẺE̊MUe;ỦEw uE9Ev M)MȋEM̋E+EщM̉ʊMMԉE ‹EUEUWVS [@E)19sE)F9r [^_]UWVS[á@ )NuR [^_]ÐUS[c@U ERPj]USR vЋuX[US[@PZY[warning: skipped %ld byte of junkwarning: skipped %ld bytes of junk%s: checksum error (0x%x, should be 0x%x)cannot swap halfwords of %s: odd number of halfwordscannot swap bytes of %s: odd number of bytes%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%8lx%6lo%6lo%6lo%6lo%6lo%6lo%6lo%11lo%6lo%11lowarning: archive header has reverse byte-order%s not created: newer or same age version existscannot link %s to %s\r\n\\\%03o\f\t\ \"\b%s %3u %-8u %-8u %3u, %3u %s %-8.8s %-8.8s %8lu %s%c070701070707070702premature end of archiveTRAILER!!!/dev/ttywrename %s -> %s: unknown file typecannot remove current %s%s: file name too long%d block %d blocks standard input is closed%s: truncating inode numberblank line ignored%s: symbolic link too longstandard output is closedcannot read checksum for %s%6s%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%08lx%06ho%06lo%06lo%06lo%06lo%06lo%06lo%06lo%011lo%06lo%011lo%s not dumped: not a regular file%s linked to %scpio (GNU cpio) 2.6[destination-directory]Main operation mode:Run in copy-pass mode[[USER@]HOST:]FILE-NAMEforce-localformatUse given archive FORMATblock-sizeBLOCK-SIZEdotio-sizeNUMBERSTRINGnonmatchingnumeric-uid-gidrsh-commandCOMMANDquietverbosewarningFLAGpattern-fileFILEno-absolute-filenamesonly-verify-crcInteractively rename filesswapswap-bytesswap-halfwordsnull[USER][:.][GROUP]reset-access-timeInformative options:helpGive this help listusageGive a short usage messagelicensePrint license and exitPrint program versionnonetruncateallinvalid block sizeGNU cpio%s (%s) %s %s no-newcustarMode already definedhpodchpbin--to-stdout--owner%s is meaningless with %s--create--preserve-modification-time--extract--link--reset--append--dereference-O--sparseToo many arguments--make-directories--no-preserve-owner--rename--pass-through--swap-halfwords (--swap)--list--swap-bytes (--swap)--no-absolute-pathnames--rename-batch-file--unconditional-Ierror closing archiveCreate the archive (run in copy-out mode)Extract files from an archive (run in copy-in mode)Print a table of contents of the inputOperation modifiers valid in any mode:Use this FILE-NAME instead of standard input or output. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveArchive file is local, even if its name contains colonsSet the I/O block size to 5120 bytesSet the I/O block size to BLOCK-SIZE * 512 bytesUse the old portable (ASCII) archive formatPrint a "." for each file processedSet the I/O block size to the given NUMBER of bytesPrint STRING when the end of a volume of the backup media is reachedOnly copy files that do not match any of the given patternsIn the verbose table of contents listing, show numeric UID and GIDUse remote COMMAND instead of rshDo not print the number of blocks copiedVerbosely list the files processedControl warning display. Currently FLAG is one of 'none', 'truncate', 'all'. Multiple options accumulate.Operation modifiers valid only in copy-in mode:In copy-in mode, read additional patterns specifying filenames to extract or list from FILECreate all files relative to the current directoryWhen reading a CRC format archive in copy-in mode, only verify the CRC's of each file in the archive, don't actually extract the filesSwap both halfwords of words and bytes of halfwords in the data. Equivalent to -sSSwap the bytes of each halfword in the filesSwap the halfwords of each word (4 bytes) in the filesExtract files to standard outputOperation modifiers valid only in copy-out mode:Append to an existing archive.Archive filename to use instead of standard output. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveOperation modifiers valid only in copy-pass mode:Link files instead of copying them, when possibleOperation modifiers valid for copy-out and copy-pass modes:A list of filenames is terminated by a null character instead of a newlineArchive filename to use instead of standard input. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveDereference symbolic links (copy the files that they point to instead of copying the links).Set the ownership of all files created to the specified USER and/or GROUPWrite files with large blocks of zeros as sparse filesReset the access times of files after reading themOperation modifiers valid for copy-in and copy-pass modes:Retain previous file modification times when creating filesCreate leading directories where neededDo not change the ownership of the filesReplace all files unconditionallyCopyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GNU cpio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU cpio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU cpio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA --no-preserve-owner cannot be used with --ownerInvalid value for --warning option: %sArchive format multiply defined--owner cannot be used with --no-preserve-ownerinvalid archive format `%s'; valid formats are: crc newc odc bin ustar tar (all-caps also recognized)Both -I and -F are used in copy-in modeYou must specify one of -oipt options. Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information. -F can be used only with --create or --extractArchive format is not specified in copy-pass mode (use --format option)--append is used but no archive file name is given (use -F or -O optionsBoth -O and -F are used in copy-out modeG              < -       *            *    9,                                                                                                                                          WHqbSx G>) invalid header: checksum errorCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCaFile %s was modified while being copiedFile %s grew, %ld new bytes not copiedFound end of tape. Load next tape and press RETURN. internal error: tape descriptor changed from %d to %dFound end of tape. To continue, type device/file name when ready. Read error at byte %ld in file %s, padding with zerosFile %s shrunk by %ld bytes, padding with zerosvirtual memory exhausted%s%d%spremature end of fileread errorwrite errorcannot seek on output%ucannot make directory `%s'`%s' exists but is not a directoryinvalid userinvalid groupcan not omit both user and groupcannot get the login group of a numeric UID/usr/libexec/rmtO%s %d -lCannot execute remote shellC R%lu W%lu L%s %d I%d %s dup-argsdup-args-noteshort-opt-collong-opt-coldoc-opt-colopt-doc-colheader-colusage-indentrmargin, [-%c %s] [-%c[%s]] [--%s[=%s]] [--%s=%s] [--%s] [-%s]argp-help.chol! ((opts)->flags & 0x4)entries && short_optionsUnknown system errorUsage:%s %s [OPTION...] or: ARGP_HELP_FMTReport bugs to %s. --%s[=%s]=%s[%s] Garbage in ARGP_HELP_FMT: %sdm{  make_holhol_appendhol->entries && hol->short_optionshol->num_entries <= ((size_t) -1) / sizeof (struct hol_entry)num_entries <= ((size_t) -1) / sizeof (struct hol_entry)Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.%.*s: Unknown ARGP_HELP_FMT parameterTry `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information. %.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter requires a valuelibcprogram-nameSet the program nameHANGSECS3600-%c: %s%s: Too many arguments ???--%s: %s06V(@?s!6;(PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognized!?Hang for SECS seconds (default 3600)(PROGRAM ERROR) No version known!?POSIXLY_CORRECT%s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument ;(x(  @GNU `cpio' copies files to and from archives Examples: # Copy files named in name-list to the archive cpio -o < name-list [> archive] # Extract files from the archive cpio -i [< archive] # Copy files named in name-list to destination-directory cpio -p destination-directory < name-list 5 o iHpJ t| d)F`nxXnHnBn ncVnCƿ<nMͿpnԿfnnn8n\n vnWnE,H1GwrW,rb`wsS @,At6O`6 lP0I` #LR4Da|XmbPd(bcPbu|b?   6 (>CL  O@?zR| 8PAB E<h AB E\TAB E0 Ȕ h Y Б0o0ooJ&6FVfvƕ֕&6FVfvƖ֖&6FVfvƗ֗&6FVfvƘ֘&6FVfvƙ֙&6FVfvƚ֚GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3GCC: (GNU) 3.4.3.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.bss.comment 44HH !hhX' 0/ Y7oJJDo00pS 0\ Б eȔ`kq:w:& a$a ||i|ijjjjlT lPo