Begin3 Title: ALEC64, The ALE C64 Emulator Version: 1.13 (last version written) Entered-date: 01OCT96 Description: Commodore C64 Emulator for X Windowing System or Linux Console. Provides complete emulation of the hardware and builtin machine language monitor. Includes the full emulation of the 1541. I maintain or write for this project no longer. Keywords: Commodore CBM C64 emulation 6502 6510 SID VIC 1541 Author: Andreas Arens, Lutz Sammer and Edgar Törnig. Maintained-by: Lutz Sammer Primary-site: alec64-1.13.tar.gz (445k) Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: Needs X11 or svgalib and the original Commodore ROM images. Copying-policy: Copyright protected, Freely redistributal. End