Begin3 Title: scl+sssl Version: 0.01 Entered-date: 18JUN2000 Description: The small crypto library is a collection of C++ classes for public and private key cryptography. One way hash algorithms, pseudo random number generators and other stuff are included as well. Below are specified some of the most significant algorithms (in chaotic order): Diffie-Hellman, Unified Diffie-Hellman, Menezes-Qu-Vanstone, ElGamal, RSA, DSA, Rabin, Rabin-Williams, Nyberg-Rueppel, Blum-Goldwasser, ANSI X9.17 Appendix C, StRandom, Blum-Blum-Shub, Rijndael, Twofish, MARS, LOKI-97, Serpent, RC6, RC5, RC2, DES, Triple DES, IDEA, SAFER, FEAL, GOST, 3-Way, Blowfish, Diamond2, Square, TEA, CAST, SHARK, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPE-MD, SHA-1, HAVAL, Tiger, MDC. The small secure socket library uses the above methods to ensure data encryption over ordinary TCP channel. This is a hybrid system with protocol negotiation and key exchange when a new connection is accepted by the TCP server. The library is easy to use and acts as a wrapper over the ordinary socket functions. Utilities for key generation and library tests are included in the package. Keywords: scl sssl cryptography symmetric asymmetric digest hash PRNG TCP wrapper security socket encryption library Author: (Alexander Feldman) Maintained-by: Primary-site: /pub/linux/scl+sssl 334K scl+sssl-0.01.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/linux/system/security 334K scl+sssl-0.01.tar.gz Original-site: Platforms: Linux, FreeBSD, Win32 Copying-policy: GNU End