Title: john- Description: John the Ripper Brute Force Password Cracker Version: Author: Solar Designer + more (detailed in included CREDITS file) Original-site: http://www.openwall.com/john Copying-policy: GPL v2. Parts of code are published under different licenses. Details in included LICENSE file ----------------------------------------------------- Extension by: Winter Knight Comments: Because optimization is important for a brute force cracker, three version of john are included in this extension. john-linux-x86-any, john-linux-x86-mmx, and john-linux-x86-64. These files can be run using their respective filenames, or you can link filename 'john' to your platform specific executable. _ No Makefile has been included with this extension, because it is included with the original source, found at the original site, and does not change during compilation. I compiled john using 'make clean PLATFORM', then renamed the 'john' executable to reflect the platform that it is compiled for. _ Change-log: Current: 2006/06/03 - Added symbolic link john, which links by default to john-linux-x86-any. Also renamed to tar.gz, as john only needs to write to its own directory. 2006/05/14 - First version