Installing AMP on the SME Server
Caveats: Setting up asterisk and AMP on a SME server should only be done, in my opinion, on a SME server running as a private server (Server-only mode). The main reason for this is that the setup below modifies the user 'www' so that user has a real shell. Normally www has /bin/false as a shell but in order to have asterisk and amp play nice with apache you need to give www a shell. This is an obvious security issue and having a SME server connected to the internet with the user www modified in this way is a real security risk.
This is a modified version of the AMP install guide
You should download and read it too. I have left out some steps from that document that were not needed for an install on a SME server.
STEP 1: On your SME 6.x server, find, download and install the following rpms: (in this order)
These files are needed for compiling asterisk.
wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget
STEP 2: Download and install Ghostscript ( for fax to email...) rpms (install order is important)
wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget wget
(Remember order is important)
rpm -ivh XFree86-libs-4.2.0-8.i386.rpm rpm -ivh Omni-0.5.1-3.i386.rpm rpm -ivh XFree86-font-utils-4.2.0-8.i386.rpm rpm -ivh XFree86-xfs-4.2.0-8.i386.rpm rpm -ivh chkfontpath-1.9.5-2.i386.rpm rpm -ivh ttfonts-1.0-9.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh VFlib2-2.25.6-4.i386.rpm rpm -ivh urw-fonts-2.0-17.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh --nodeps ghostscript-fonts-5.50-3.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh ghostscript-6.52-8.i386.rpm
STEP 3: Go to, find, download and install these Perl modules (install order is important)
Do the usual perl Makefile.PL; make install process
Net-Telnet-3.03.tar.gz IPC-Signal-1.00.tar.gz Proc-WaitStat-1.00.tar.gz mime-construct-1.8.tar.gz
STEP 4: Download and install asterisk-perl
wget tar zxf asterisk-perl-0.08.tar.gz cd asterisk-perl-0.08; perl Makefile.PL; make install
STEP 5: Download and install the mpg123 (Music on Hold)
wget tar zxf mpg123-0.59r.tar.gz; cd mpg123-0.59r; make linux; make install
cd /usr/src wget tar zxf AMP-1.10.006.tar.gz
STEP 7: Get Asterisk from the CVS repository
Issue these commands as root on your SME server.
export cvs login The password is anoncvs cvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel asterisk asterisk-addons cd zaptel; make && make install
STEP 8: Download Opencall DSP software
Issue these commands as root on your SME server...
wget tar zxf spandsp-0.0.2pre4.tar.gz; cd spandsp-0.0.2
Before compiling this code note that there is a problem with it for one of two reasons. The first may be the fact that SME server is using gcc 2.96. The other reason I got from the website where the author said something "the T.31 is the class 1 FAX modem spec and that code is not complete". So, in src/ remove references to t31.c and build the library.
Now you should be able to compile the opencall spandsp code issuing the following as root...
./configure && make && make install
STEP 9: This patches Asterisk to use some of the dsp software from
As root run these commands...
cd /usr/src/asterisk/apps wget wget wget patch < apps_makefile.patch
STEP 10: Create a group and nonroot user for building asterisk.
Run these commands as root.
groupadd asterisk useradd -c "asterisk PBX" -d /var/lib/asterisk -u 5060 -g asterisk asterisk
STEP 11: Compiling asterisk
First edit /usr/src/asterisk/Makefile such that ( line 122):
Then as root run...
make clean && make && make install
STEP 12: Setting up MySQL for CDR (Call Detail Reports)
As root run these commands...
mysqladmin create asteriskcdrdb mysql
In the mysql application execute the following...
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asteriskcdrdb.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'amp109'; \q mysql asteriskcdrdb < / usr/src/AMP/SQL/cdr_mysql_table.sql
STEP 13: Build/Compile cdr_mysql module for Asterisk
As root run the following...
cd /usr/src/asterisk-addons/ make clean && make && make install
STEP 14: Setup MySQL for AMP web interface
As root run the following...
mysqladmin create asterisk mysql asterisk < / usr/src/AMP/SQL/newinstall.sql mysql asterisk
In the mysql application execute this...
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'amp109';
Quit mysql with...
STEP 15: Create a custom template for the httpd.conf file
If it doesn't already exist, create the dir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf vi /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/99AMPAccess
Add the following to the 99AMPAccess file...
# AMP Alias /amp /var/www/html/amp <Directory /var/www/html/amp> order deny,allow deny from all allow from all AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on php_flag track_vars on </Directory> # AMP cgi Alias /amp/cgi-bin /var/www/html/amp/cgi-bin <Directory /var/www/html/amp/cgi-bin> Options ExecCGI AllowOverride None order deny,allow deny from all allow from all </Directory> Alias /amp/admin /var/www/html/amp/admin <Directory /var/www/html/amp/admin> order deny,allow deny from all allow from all AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on php_flag track_vars on </Directory> Alias /amp/panel /var/www/html/amp/panel <Directory /var/www/html/amp/panel> order deny,allow deny from all allow from all AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on php_flag track_vars on </Directory> # AMP end
Next run the following two commands as root to integrate your customization into the apache config files...
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/e-smith/events/actions/restart-httpd-graceful
STEP 16: Create custom template for /etc/php.ini file
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/php.ini/50PathsDirectories /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini/50PathsDirectories vi /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini/50PathsDirectories Change the include_path parameter to this... include_path = ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear"
Now execute the following commands as root...
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/php.ini /etc/e-smith/events/actions/restart-httpd-graceful
STEP 17: Modify the user www in /etc/passwd
vi /etc/passwd
Change the user www so that it has a bash login shell Change the following line
www:x:100:101:e-smith web server:/home/e-smith:/bin/false
So that is looks like...
www:x:100:101:e-smith web server:/home/e-smith:/bin/bash
STEP 18: Modify and Apply the AMP/Asterisk configuration files
This is were we make a number of changes to make AMP fit nicely into a SME server.
As root run these commands...
cd /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf find . -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; cd /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/html mkdir amp mv admin amp.png _asterisk index.html mainstyle.css panel amp
Modify the file
vi /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/html/amp/admin/
$sip_conf = "/var/www/html/panel/op_buttons_additional.cfg";
$sip_conf = "/var/www/html/amp/panel/op_buttons_additional.cfg";
Modify the file /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/cgi-bin/vmail.cgi
vi /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/cgi-bin/vmail.cgi
$astpath = "/_asterisk";
$astpath = "/amp/_asterisk";
Modify the file /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/html/amp/panel/op_server.cfg.template changing flash_dir parameter to...
Modify the file /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/html/amp/admin/vm_conf.php Changing the $vmconf variable to...
$vmconf = '/var/www/html/amp/admin/voicemail.conf';
Modify the file /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/www/html/amp/admin/cdr/lib/defines.php.template changing WEBROOT and FSROOT to
define ("WEBROOT", ""); define ("FSROOT", "/var/www/html/amp/admin/cdr/");
(Note you would put the correct IP address for your computer (i.e. likely not
cd /usr/src/AMP vi
While in vi execute a global search and replace...
Then quit vi
Next modify the file
change the following lines...
su - asterisk -c "/var/www/html/admin/" su - asterisk -c "/var/www/html/admin/"
So that they look like this...
su - asterisk -c "/var/www/html/amp/admin/" su - asterisk -c "/var/www/html/amp/admin/"
Now we can run the
STEP 19: Modify the asterisk and AMP files to suit your machine...
cd /etc/asterisk mv vi /etc/asterisk/
Change to suit your setup... Change the email body, variables: VM_NAME, VM_DUR, VM_MSGNUM, VM_MAILBOX, VM_CALLERID, VM_DATE
cp voicemail.conf.template voicemail.conf mv zapata.conf.template zapata.conf cd /var/www/html/amp/admin/cdr/lib/ mv defines.php.template defines.php cd /var/www/html/amp/panel/ mv op_server.cfg.template op_server.cfg vi /var/www/html/amp/panel/op_server.cfg web_hostname= ; must be the same hostname or ip address used
Next modify lines 28+ of to reflect the number of zap channels you have. If you have 1 channel, you should remove [Zap/2], [Zap/3] and [Zap/4].
vi /var/www/html/amp/admin/
And now run the chown script again.
cd /usr/src/AMP/ ./
STEP 20: Edit /etc/zaptel.conf to reflect installed Digium telephony card(s).
A significant portion of the default file is commented out and is not included in the output below. Only the parameters/values relevant to a X100P are included below:
# kewlstart for X100P fxsks=1 # loadzone = us defaultzone = us
Only the parameters/values relevant to a 1 FXO TDM400P configuration are included below (assumes port 3 on the card contains the FXO module):
# kewlstart for 1 port TDM400P (fxo uses fxs signalling) fxsks=3 # loadzone = us defaultzone = us
STEP 21: Run ztcfg -v
As root run...
ztcfg -v
STEP 22: Configure zapata module Edit /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf to reflect installed Digium telephony card(s).
Only the parameters/values relevant to a X100P configuration are included below:
[channels] language=en ; ; X100P plugged into PSTN ; context=from-pstn signalling=fxs_ks faxdetect=incoming usecallerid=yes echocancel=yes echocancelwhenbridged=no ;echotraining=yes echotraining=800 group=0 channel=1
STEP 23: Automatic starting.
You can add the following to /etc/rc.d/rc.local to have amp/asterisk and your digium cards start at boot.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local echo ADDING WCFXO /sbin/modprobe wcfxo /usr/sbin/amportal start
Miscellaneous Stuff:
Asterisk doesn't seem to create a directoy AMP expects...
mkdir /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom chown asterisk.shared /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/
That's it. You should have a workable Asterisk/AMP system.
Please let me know if this information is inaccurate. Better yet, modify it yourself. It's a Wiki.