# # autopart_type.py: Allows the user to choose how they want to partition # # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Jeremy Katz # import gtk import gobject import math from constants import * import gui from partition_ui_helpers_gui import * from pixmapRadioButtonGroup_gui import pixmapRadioButtonGroup from iw_gui import * from flags import flags from storage.deviceaction import * import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) def whichToShrink(storage, intf): def getActive(combo): act = combo.get_active_iter() return combo.get_model().get_value(act, 1) def comboCB(combo, shrinkSB): # partition to resize changed, let's update our spinbutton newSize = shrinkSB.get_value_as_int() part = getActive(combo) (reqlower, requpper) = getResizeMinMax(part) adj = shrinkSB.get_adjustment() adj.lower = max(1,reqlower) adj.upper = requpper adj.set_value(reqlower) (dxml, dialog) = gui.getGladeWidget("autopart.glade", "shrinkDialog") store = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) combo = dxml.get_widget("shrinkPartCombo") combo.set_model(store) crt = gtk.CellRendererText() combo.pack_start(crt, True) combo.set_attributes(crt, text = 0) combo.connect("changed", comboCB, dxml.get_widget("shrinkSB")) biggest = -1 for part in storage.partitions: if not part.exists: continue entry = None if part.resizable and part.format.resizable: entry = ("%s (%s, %d MB)" % (part.name, part.format.name, math.floor(part.format.size)), part) if entry: i = store.append(None) store[i] = entry combo.set_active_iter(i) if biggest == -1: biggest = i else: current = store.get_value(biggest, 1) if part.format.targetSize > current.format.targetSize: biggest = i if biggest > -1: combo.set_active_iter(biggest) if len(store) == 0: dialog.destroy() intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("No partitions are available to resize. Only " "physical partitions with specific filesystems " "can be resized."), type="warning", custom_icon="error") return (gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, []) gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.show_all() runResize = True while runResize: rc = dialog.run() if rc != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: dialog.destroy() return (rc, []) request = getActive(combo) sb = dxml.get_widget("shrinkSB") sb.update() newSize = sb.get_value_as_int() actions = [] try: actions.append(ActionResizeFormat(request, newSize)) except ValueError as e: intf.messageWindow(_("Resize FileSystem Error"), _("%(device)s: %(msg)s") % {'device': request.format.device, 'msg': e.message}, type="warning", custom_icon="error") continue try: actions.append(ActionResizeDevice(request, newSize)) except ValueError as e: intf.messageWindow(_("Resize Device Error"), _("%(name)s: %(msg)s") % {'name': request.name, 'msg': e.message}, type="warning", custom_icon="error") continue runResize = False dialog.destroy() return (rc, actions) class PartitionTypeWindow(InstallWindow): def __init__(self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__(self, ics) ics.setTitle("Automatic Partitioning") ics.setNextEnabled(True) def _isInteractiveKS(self): return self.anaconda.isKickstart and self.anaconda.id.ksdata.interactive.interactive def _partitioningSpecified(self): # see if any device create actions have been scheduled other than # reformatting disks create_actions = (a for a in self.storage.devicetree.findActions(type="create") if not (a.isFormat() and a.format.type == "disklabel")) return any(create_actions) def getNext(self): if self.storage.checkNoDisks(): raise gui.StayOnScreen # reset storage, this is only done when moving forward, not back # temporarily unset storage.clearPartType so that all devices will be # found during storage reset if not self._isInteractiveKS() or \ (self._isInteractiveKS() and not self._partitioningSpecified()): self.anaconda.id.storage.reset(examine_all=True) self.storage.clearPartChoice = self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() if self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "custom": self.dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", skip = 1) self.dispatch.skipStep("cleardiskssel", skip = 1) self.dispatch.skipStep("partition", skip = 0) self.dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", skip = 0) self.storage.clearPartType = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE else: if self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "shrink": (rc, actions) = whichToShrink(self.storage, self.intf) if rc == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: for action in actions: self.storage.devicetree.registerAction(action) else: raise gui.StayOnScreen # we're not going to delete any partitions in the resize case self.storage.clearPartType = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE elif self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "all": self.storage.clearPartType = CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL elif self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "replace": self.storage.clearPartType = CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX elif self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "freespace": self.storage.clearPartType = CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE self.dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", skip = 0) if self.encryptButton.get_active(): self.storage.encryptedAutoPart = True else: self.storage.encryptionPassphrase = "" self.storage.retrofitPassphrase = False self.storage.encryptedAutoPart = False if not self._isInteractiveKS() or \ (self._isInteractiveKS() and not self._partitioningSpecified()): self.storage.doAutoPart = True self.dispatch.skipStep("cleardiskssel", skip = 0) if self.reviewButton.get_active(): self.dispatch.skipStep("partition", skip = 0) self.dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", skip = 0) else: self.dispatch.skipStep("partition") self.dispatch.skipStep("bootloader") self.dispatch.skipStep("bootloaderadvanced") return None def getPrev(self): # Save the user's selection and restore system selection if self.storage.clearPartType is not None: self.anaconda.clearPartTypeSelection = self.storage.clearPartType self.storage.clearPartType = self.anaconda.clearPartTypeSystem def typeChanged(self, *args): if self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "custom": if not self.prevrev: self.prevrev = self.reviewButton.get_active() self.reviewButton.set_active(True) self.reviewButton.set_sensitive(False) self.encryptButton.set_sensitive(False) else: if self.prevrev: self.reviewButton.set_active(self.prevrev) self.prevrev = None self.reviewButton.set_sensitive(True) self.encryptButton.set_sensitive(True) def getScreen(self, anaconda): self.anaconda = anaconda self.storage = anaconda.id.storage self.intf = anaconda.intf self.dispatch = anaconda.dispatch if self.anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD: # Save system's partition type setting and restore user's self.anaconda.clearPartTypeSystem = self.storage.clearPartType if self.anaconda.clearPartTypeSelection is not None: self.storage.clearPartType = self.anaconda.clearPartTypeSelection (self.xml, vbox) = gui.getGladeWidget("autopart.glade", "parttypeTable") self.encryptButton = self.xml.get_widget("encryptButton") self.reviewButton = self.xml.get_widget("reviewButton") self.table = self.xml.get_widget("parttypeTable") self.prevrev = None self.reviewButton.set_active(not self.dispatch.stepInSkipList("partition")) self.encryptButton.set_active(self.storage.encryptedAutoPart) self.buttonGroup = pixmapRadioButtonGroup() self.buttonGroup.addEntry("all", _("Use All Space"), pixmap=gui.readImageFromFile("partscheme-all.png"), descr=_("Removes all partitions on the selected " "device(s). This includes partitions " "created by other operating systems.\n\n" "Tip: This option will remove " "data from the selected device(s). Make " "sure you have backups.")) self.buttonGroup.addEntry("replace", _("Replace Existing Linux System(s)"), pixmap=gui.readImageFromFile("partscheme-replace.png"), descr=_("Removes only Linux partitions (created from " "a previous Linux installation). This does " "not remove other partitions you may have " "on your storage device(s) (such as VFAT or " "FAT32).\n\n" "Tip: This option will remove " "data from the selected device(s). Make " "sure you have backups.")) self.buttonGroup.addEntry("shrink", _("Shrink Current System"), pixmap=gui.readImageFromFile("partscheme-shrink.png"), descr=_("Shrinks existing partitions to create free " "space for the default layout.")) self.buttonGroup.addEntry("freespace", _("Use Free Space"), pixmap=gui.readImageFromFile("partscheme-freespace.png"), descr=_("Retains your current data and partitions and " "uses only the unpartitioned space on the " "selected device(s), assuming you have enough " "free space available.")) self.buttonGroup.addEntry("custom", _("Create Custom Layout"), pixmap=gui.readImageFromFile("partscheme-custom.png"), descr=_("Manually create your own custom layout on " "the selected device(s) using our partitioning " "tool.")) self.buttonGroup.setToggleCallback(self.typeChanged) widget = self.buttonGroup.render() self.table.attach(widget, 0, 1, 1, 2) # if not set in ks, use UI default if self.storage.clearPartChoice: self.buttonGroup.setCurrent(self.storage.clearPartChoice) else: if self.storage.clearPartType is None or self.storage.clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX: self.buttonGroup.setCurrent("replace") elif self.storage.clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE: self.buttonGroup.setCurrent("freespace") elif self.storage.clearPartType == CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL: self.buttonGroup.setCurrent("all") if self.buttonGroup.getCurrent() == "custom": # make sure reviewButton is active and not sensitive if self.prevrev == None: self.prevrev = self.reviewButton.get_active() self.reviewButton.set_active(True) self.reviewButton.set_sensitive(False) self.encryptButton.set_sensitive(False) return vbox