PACKAGE NAME: abiword-2.8.6-x86_64-1vl70.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./xap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 4673 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 23250 K PACKAGE MD5: e1b1e8f69e77e0d1c7582158d6787cf3 ./xap/abiword-2.8.6-x86_64-1vl70.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: aiksaurus >= 1.2.1,aspell >= 0.60.5,boost >= 1.40.0,enchant >= 1.4.2,fribidi >= 0.10.9,glib2 >= 2.22.2,goffice >= 0.8.0,gtk+2 >= 2.18.3,gtkmathview >= 0.8.0,gucharmap >= 2.28.1,libpng >= 1.4.0,libsoup >= 2.28.1,libwpd >= 0.8.14,libwpg >= 0.1.3,libwmf >=,link-grammar >= 4.6.4,loudmouth >= 1.4.2,mathml-fonts >= 1.0,ots >= 0.5.0,tidy >= 20091027,wv >= 1.2.7 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: abiword|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| abiword: abiword (The AbiWord word processor) abiword: abiword: AbiWord is a cross-platform Open Source word processor. The goal is abiword: to make AbiWord full-featured, and remain lean. abiword: abiword: abiword: abiword: abiword: Packager: on 14-Feb-2011 abiword: abiword: