PACKAGE NAME: gtksourceview-1.8.5-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./gnome PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 381 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 3390 K PACKAGE MD5: e80866eea96792b2ca8578a9fc73153a ./gnome/gtksourceview-1.8.5-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+2 >= 2.10.11,atk >= 1.18.0,pango >= 1.16.1,cairo >= 1.4.0,libgnomeprint >= 2.12.1,zlib >= 1.2.3,libart_lgpl >= 2.3.17,libxml2 >= 2.6.27,glib2 >= 2.12.10,x11 >= 6.9.0,fontconfig >= 2.2.3,freetype >= 2.1.9,glitz >= 0.5.6,libpng >= 1.2.16,libiconv >= 1.11,expat >= 1.95.8 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gtksourceview: GTKSourceView gtksourceview: gtksourceview: GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard gtksourceview: gtk+ 2.x text widget. It improves the gtk+ text widget by gtksourceview: implementing syntax highlighting and other features typical gtksourceview: of a source editor. gtksourceview: gtksourceview: Website: gtksourceview: License: GNU General Public License, version 2