PACKAGE NAME: Linux-PAM- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./libs PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 406 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2330 K PACKAGE MD5: c3cca7fb8991a0cc2980edf9720d1960 ./libs/Linux-PAM- PACKAGE REQUIRED: db3 >= 3.3.11 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: Linux-PAM: linux pam (Plugable Authentication Modules) Linux-PAM: Linux-PAM: Pluggable authentication modules or PAM are a mechanism to Linux-PAM: integrate multiple low-level authentication schemes into a Linux-PAM: high-level API, which allows for programs that rely on Linux-PAM: authentication to be written independently of the underlying Linux-PAM: authentication scheme. Linux-PAM: Linux-PAM: Website: Linux-PAM: License: GNU General Public License