PACKAGE NAME: aspell-uz-0.6_0-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./libs PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 527 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1970 K PACKAGE MD5: d0e04c7c0147bf7b1811042bb949ab25 ./libs/aspell-uz-0.6_0-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: aspell >= 0.60.4-i486-1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: aspell-uz: aspell-uz (GNU Aspell 0.60 Uzbek (Ўзбекча) Dictionary Package) aspell-uz: aspell-uz: Version 0.6-0 aspell-uz: 2006-09-17. aspell-uz: Original Word List By:. aspell-uz: Mashrab Kuvatov (Машраб Қуватов) . aspell-uz: Copyright Terms: GPL (see the file Copyright for the exact terms). aspell-uz: Wordlist URL: aspell-uz: Source Verson: 0.6. aspell-uz: This word list is considered accurate but incomplete.. aspell-uz: .