PACKAGE NAME: blas-3.1.1-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./libs PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 54 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 380 K PACKAGE MD5: 8cd50ee83d94956efb0fd69d2ab3b14b ./libs/blas-3.1.1-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: glibc >= 2.3.6-i486-6 | glibc-solibs >= 2.3.6-i486-6 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: blas: BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) blas: blas: The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) are routines that blas: provide standard building blocks for performing basic vector blas: and matrix operations. The Level 1 BLAS perform scalar, vector blas: and vector-vector operations, the Level 2 BLAS perform blas: matrix-vector operations, and the Level 3 BLAS perform blas: matrix-matrix operations. blas: blas: Website: blas: License: Read: /usr/doc/blas-3.1.1/COPYING