PACKAGE NAME: gst-plugins-bad-0.10.3-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./libs PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 534 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2600 K PACKAGE MD5: af71c0cef6dc333cad94c8bd77d2a3e5 ./libs/gst-plugins-bad-0.10.3-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: Mesa >= 6.5.1,gstreamer >= 0.10.10,gst-plugins-base >= 0.10.10,glib2 >= 2.10.3,libxml2 >= 2.6.26,zlib >= 1.2.3,x11 >= 6.9.0,libmpcdec >= 1.2.2,bzip2 >= 1.0.3,SDL >= 1.2.11,libiconv >= 1.11,svgalib >= 1.4.3,liboil >= 0.3.10,libmusicbrainz >= 2.1.3,expat >= 1.95.8,cxxlibs >= 6.0.3,gcc >= 3.4.6,xvidcore >= 1.1.0beta2,faac >= 1.24,neon >= 0.25.5,openssl >= 0.9.8d PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gst-plugins-bad: gst-plugins-bad (GStreamer Bad Plug-ins) gst-plugins-bad: gst-plugins-bad: GStreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par gst-plugins-bad: compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but gst-plugins-bad: they're missing something - be it a good code review, some gst-plugins-bad: documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual gst-plugins-bad: wide use. gst-plugins-bad: gst-plugins-bad: gst-plugins-bad: GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1, February 1999 gst-plugins-bad: