PACKAGE NAME: pekwm-0.1.6-i586-5vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x-apps PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 226 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 730 K PACKAGE MD5: 4f2935f0e998ea7bfc1a48fac6a80aee ./x-apps/pekwm-0.1.6-i586-5vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: x11 >= 6.9.0,freetype >= 2.1.9,fontconfig >= 2.2.3,libjpeg >= 6b,libpng >= 1.2.16,cxxlibs >= 6.0.3,gcc >= 3.4.6,expat >= 1.95.8,zlib >= 1.2.3,perl >= 5.8.8,Esetroot >= 20030422 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: pekwm: pekwm (Pek Window Manager) pekwm: pekwm: The Pek Window Manager is based on the aewm++ window manager, but it has pekwm: evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It has a much pekwm: expanded feature-set, including window grouping (similar to ion, pwm, or pekwm: fluxbox), autoproperties, xinerama, keygrabber that supports keychains, pekwm: and much more. pekwm: pekwm: AUTHOR: Claes Nasten pekwm: WEBSITE: pekwm: LICENSE: GNU General Public License, version 2