PACKAGE NAME: qdvdauthor-1.0.0-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x-apps PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2328 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 9330 K PACKAGE MD5: 25bd6c41b3208928a582dc951c96d6a9 ./x-apps/qdvdauthor-1.0.0-i586-1vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: aaa_elflibs >= 11.0.0-i486-9 | expat >= 1.95.8-i486-1,aaa_elflibs >= 11.0.0-i486-9 | freetype >= 2.1.9-i486-1,aaa_elflibs >= 11.0.0-i486-9 | gcc >= 3.4.6-i486-1,aaa_elflibs >= 11.0.0-i486-9 | libjpeg >= 6b-i386-4,aaa_elflibs >= 11.0.0-i486-9 | libpng >= 1.2.12-i486-2,aaa_elflibs >= 11.0.0-i486-9 | zlib >= 1.2.3-i486-1,cxxlibs >= 6.0.3-i486-1 | gcc-g++ >= 3.4.6-i486-1,fontconfig >= 2.2.3-i486-2,glibc >= 2.3.6-i486-6 | glibc-solibs >= 2.3.6-i486-6,libiconv >= 1.11-i586-4vl58,libmng >= 1.0.5-i486-1,qt >= 3.3.5-i586-4vl58,x11 >= 6.9.0-i486-11,xine-lib >= 1.1.2-i586-4vl58,dvdauthor >= 0.6.14,mjpegtools >= 1.8.0,mpgtx >= 1.3.1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: qdvdauthor: 'Q' DVDAuthor - DVD authoring app qdvdauthor: qdvdauthor: The goal of 'Q' DVD-Author is to provide a complete qdvdauthor: DVDAuthoring solution for Linux with the emphasis of qdvdauthor: ease of use and a complete set of functionality. qdvdauthor: qdvdauthor: Website: qdvdauthor: License: GNU General Public License, version 2