PACKAGE NAME: sylpheed-2.0.1-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x-apps PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 873 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4220 K PACKAGE MD5: 4aaccc1d4778b384c90765347509d152 ./x-apps/sylpheed-2.0.1-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+2 >= 2.6,atk >= 1.9,pango >= 1.8,glib2 >= 2.6,openssl >= 0.9,openssl-solibs >= 0.9,x11 >= 6.8,zlib >= 1.2,expat >= 1.95 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: sylpheed-claws PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: sylpheed: Sylpheed-claw (Light E-mail and News client) sylpheed: sylpheed: Sylpheed is an e-mail client and news reader based on GTK+ GUI sylpheed: toolkit. It supports POP3, IMAP4rev1, SMTP, NNTP, SSL/TLSv1, IPv6. sylpheed: The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail sylpheed: clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express, Becky!, and Datula. sylpheed: sylpheed: Website: sylpheed: License: GNU GPL sylpheed: Authors: Hiroyuki Yamamoto sylpheed: Hoa viet Dinh sylpheed: Match Grun sylpheed: et.all.