PACKAGE NAME: wdm-tsunami-5.0.0-noarch-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 10 K PACKAGE MD5: 9578df4c5d5267c52f9df3a94b310490 ./x/wdm-tsunami-5.0.0-noarch-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: wdm >= 1.27_p2,xpenguins >= 2.2,xdesktopwaves >= 1.3,bash >= 3.0 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: wdm-tsunami: wdm-tsunami (simple tsunami "theme" for WDM) wdm-tsunami: wdm-tsunami: Please install xpenguins and xdesktopwaves too. wdm-tsunami: Created in condolence to the tsunami disaster, wdm-tsunami: South East Asia, 26 December, 2004. wdm-tsunami: wdm-tsunami: By Kocil, wdm-tsunami: wdm-tsunami: wdm-tsunami: