PACKAGE NAME: xfce4-verve-plugin-0.3.5-i586-2vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./xfce PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 30 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 150 K PACKAGE MD5: d5554fa0ecd49fa16185ef266eb01250 ./xfce/xfce4-verve-plugin-0.3.5-i586-2vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: dbus >= 0.62,xfce >=,glib2 >= 2.10.3,startup-notification >= 0.8,x11 >= 6.9.0,gtk+2 >= 2.8.20,atk >= 1.10.3,pango >= 1.12.4,cairo >= 1.0.4,libpng >= 1.2.12,fontconfig >= 2.2.3,expat >= 1.95.8,freetype >= 2.1.9,zlib >= 1.2.3,pcre >= 6.7 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xfce4-verve-plugin: Verve panel plugin (XFCE4 command line panel plugin) xfce4-verve-plugin: xfce4-verve-plugin: The Verve panel plugin is a comfortable command line plugin for the xfce4-verve-plugin: Xfce panel. It supports several nice features, such as: Command xfce4-verve-plugin: history, Auto-completion, Open URLs and eMail addresses, Focus xfce4-verve-plugin: grabbing via D-BUS, Custom input field width. xfce4-verve-plugin: xfce4-verve-plugin: Jannis Pohlmann xfce4-verve-plugin: xfce4-verve-plugin: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991