module core.internal.abort; /* * Use instead of assert(0, msg), since this does not print a message for -release compiled * code, and druntime is -release compiled. */ void abort(scope string msg, scope string filename = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) @nogc nothrow @safe { import core.stdc.stdlib: c_abort = abort; // use available OS system calls to print the message to stderr version (Posix) { import core.sys.posix.unistd: write; static void writeStr(scope const(char)[][] m...) @nogc nothrow @trusted { foreach (s; m) write(2, s.ptr, s.length); } } else version (Windows) { import : GetStdHandle, STD_ERROR_HANDLE, WriteFile, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; auto h = (() @trusted => GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE))(); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // attempt best we can to print the message /* Note that msg is scope. * assert() calls _d_assert_msg() calls onAssertErrorMsg() calls _assertHandler() but * msg parameter isn't scope and can escape. * Give up and use our own immutable message instead. */ assert(0, "Cannot get stderr handle for message"); } void writeStr(scope const(char)[][] m...) @nogc nothrow @trusted { foreach (s; m) { assert(s.length <= uint.max); WriteFile(h, s.ptr, cast(uint)s.length, null, null); } } } else static assert(0, "Unsupported OS"); import core.internal.string; UnsignedStringBuf strbuff = void; // write an appropriate message, then abort the program writeStr("Aborting from ", filename, "(", line.unsignedToTempString(strbuff), ") ", msg); c_abort(); }