radicale3-httpd-3.3.1-1.el8$>G,າPw{ (9E>?7?7d  8hl     : <DNXx  q (8i9i:i>50G58H5@I5HX5LY5T\5l]5t^5b5d6e6f6l6t7u7v77H7L7t7z7Cradicale3-httpd3.3.11.el8httpd config for Radicalehttpd example config for Radicale (Python39).gCbuildvm-a64-04.iad2.fedoraproject.orggFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPL-3.0-or-laterFedora ProjectUnspecifiedhttps://radicale.orglinuxnoarch# nothing related included so far in radicale.fc #echo "SELinux fixfiles for: radicale3-httpd" #/usr/sbin/fixfiles -R radicale3-httpd restore >/dev/null ^gCjNgCoe8ed957e062f73d34370367c71495f69103e4dac41c753aac165df39bc42a38868643ea6d1c542b72c679afeea4da3de10b160c0bc03a142de33b5dc37097195rootrootrootrootradicale-3.3.1-1.el8.src.rpmconfig(radicale3-httpd)radicale3-httpd    /bin/shconfig(radicale3-httpd)httpdpython39-mod_wsgiradicale3rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.3.1-1.el83.3.1-1.el83.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-1radicale-httpdradicale2-httpd3. @f5fr@f\^fBf4f/e,d.@d@d:d@cb?b~H@a aC@a@aɪ`B@____i@_i@_i@_h_h_gD@_gD@_!d^^@^2@^ @^]]c]Z@]:@] #\U@[\[I[(@[[WZ@Z}@Z }Y@YYX@Y@Y@Y@YV@YyYu@YWYV=@YV=@YOY*Y @Y @XXWXJW@Wv[@Wm Wj}Wi,@Wi,@V=@VVj@VA@V;DVVBU@U|@U(Ua@U&iU"u@TgTSSSuSǺSP@S_@RRR|@RM\@RQ@QQکPeter Bieringer - 3.3.1-1Peter Bieringer - 3.3.0-1Peter Bieringer - 3.2.3-2Peter Bieringer - 3.2.2-1Peter Bieringer - 3.2.1-1Peter Bieringer - 3.2.0-4Peter Bieringer - 3.2.0-1Peter Bieringer - 3.1.9-2Peter Bieringer - 3.1.9-1Peter Bieringer - 3.1.8-54Peter Bieringer - 3.1.8-53Peter Bieringer - 3.1.8-51Peter Bieringer - 3.1.8-38Peter Bieringer - 3.1.7-37Maxwell G - 3.1.7-31Peter Bieringer - 3.1.7-30Peter Bieringer - 3.1.3-27Peter Bieringer - 3.1.2-26Peter Bieringer - 3.1.1-24Peter Bieringer - 3.1.0-23Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-17Simon Neininger - 3.0.6-15Simon Neininger - 3.0.6-14Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-13Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-10Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-9Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-8Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-7Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-6Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-5Peter Bieringer - 3.0.6-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.12-3Miro Hrončok - 2.1.12-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.12-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.11-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.11-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.11-1Miro Hrončok - 2.1.10-7Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.10-6Miro Hrončok - 2.1.10-5Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.10-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.10-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.10-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.10-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.9-5Miro Hrončok - 2.1.9-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.9-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.9-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.9-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.8-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.8-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.8-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.8-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.7-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.6-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.6-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.5-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.1.2-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.2-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.1-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.0-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.0-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.1.0-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.0.0-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.0.0rc2-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 2.0.0rc2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.1-11Miro Hrončok - 1.1.1-10Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-9Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.1-8Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-7Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-6Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-5Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.1-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1.1-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.1-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.0.1-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.0.1-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.0.1-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 1.0-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.10-7Tomas Radej - 0.10-6Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.10-5Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.10-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.10-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.10-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.10-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.9-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.9-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-11Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-10Fedora Release Engineering - 0.8-9Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-8Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-7Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-6Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-5Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-4Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-3Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-2Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.8-1Juan Orti Alcaine - 0.7.1-1- Add sebool for hook (supports RHBZ#1928899) - Update to 3.3.1- Update to 3.3.0 - EL8: update bundled defusedxml to 2.8.1 (align with EL9) - EL8: update bundled passlib to 1.7.4 (align with EL9)- EL8: update bundled vobject to 0.9.8- Update to 3.2.2 - Obsolete radicale-config-storage-hooks-SELinux-note.patch by inject inside spec file - Obsolete radicale-httpd by contrib config from upstream - Fix group+permissions of /etc/radicale/rights - Create an empty file /etc/radicale/users with proper permissions- Update to 3.2.1- EL8: blacklist "pika" (required for 'rabbitmq' hook) - EL8: fix require-exclude for bundled dateutil- Update to 3.2.0 - EL8: update bundled vobject to 0.9.7 - EL8: update to Python 3.9 (requires update with option --allowerasing) - EL8: reenable bundled dateutil (required by Python 3.9)- SELinux/radicale.te: new boolean and policy for radicale_use_fusefs- Update to 3.1.9 - Remove obsolete patches - Add support for intermediate build using gitcommit- Readjust setup.py after applying patch to proper version (#2229519)- Update patch release/upstream to d7ce2f0b (2023-04-22) - Add radicale-3.1.8-fix-main-component-PR-1252.patch - Partially align spec file with Fedora variant- Move bundled required modules to USER_SITE directory - Disable bundled dateutil (EPEL provides now 2.8.2) - Remove cases for radicale major version 1 and 2 - Move binaries to libexec and create a wrapper script - Align systemd unit file with f38 - Fix __requires_exclude and fix/add "Requires" entries- Replace PR-1271 and PR-1276 with patch against upstream 6ae831a3 - Extend SELinux policy to allow native journald logging - Update to 3.1.8- Add radicale-disable-timestamp-if-started-by-systemd-PR-1276.patch - Fix still unsolved SELinux issues (#2156633) - Add radicale-fix-move-behind-proxy-PR-1271.patch- Rebuild to fix bug in epel-rpm-macros' Python dependency generator- Update to 3.1.7 (#2077126)- Update to 3.1.3 (#2047522)- Update to 3.1.2 (#2043986)- Version 3.1.1 - Fix URLs to major version upgrade notes - Replace NEWS.md by CHANGELOG.md- Version 3.1.0 - SELinux policy: add notes in subpackage description and default config file that storage hooks are not supported so far (RHBZ#1928899) - add required init_nnp_daemon_domain to radicale.te (1.0.9): (RHBZ#2020942)- Move SELinux into dedicated subpackage and add as suggestion to main package (RHBZ#1934895)- EPEL-8: Don't generate Provides / Requires for bundled dependencies (RHBZ#1911887)- Do not generate Provides for python-dateutil, vobject, defusedxml, passlib- Only SELinux relabel log directory if existing - Remove no longer required/supported log directory from SELinux file context- Disable -D in systemd unit file for major version 3 - Toggle loglevel to info by default - No longer package /var/log/radicale and the logrotate config for major version 3 (logs only to stdout/stderr now) - Replace /var/run with _rundir (additional leftovers found)- Add additional test with an example collection- Bundle vobject, dateutil 2.8.1, defusedxml 0.6.0, passlib 1.7.2 for EL8 - Bundle setuptools_scm 1.17.0 to be able to bundle dateutil - Fixes/extensions for EL8 support- Do not use fixfiles in subpackages which have nothing related defined so far - Enable -D in systemd unit file for major version 3 - Add 'check' section and related build requirements- Remove additional failsafe checks to prevent manual upgrade from major version 2 (no longer needed) - Revert use of radicale_package name (no no longer needed) - Fix hidden SELinux post-install/post-uninstall issues - Fix attributes for wsgi/fcgi - Fix not working pre/post with new major version in package- Include major version in package name - Adjust systemd unit file for major version 3- Version 3.0.6 (obsoletes fcgi and logging config file) - Add additional failsafe checks to prevent manual upgrade from major version 2 - Replace /var/run with _rundir- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.9- Version 2.1.12- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild- Fix hardlink path on epel- Version 2.1.11- Rebuilt for Python 3.8.0rc1 (#1748018)- Use autogenerated python dependencies- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild- hardlink moved to /usr/bin- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild- Version 2.1.10- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Add versioned dependencies- Recommends: python3-bcrypt, python3-passlib- Version 2.1.9- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- SELinux rule to allow connection to POP port- Run in daemon mode so it creates the PID file- Version 2.1.8- Version 2.1.7- Upload 2.1.6 sources- Version 2.1.6- Version 2.1.5- Version 2.1.4- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- Version 2.1.2- Version 2.1.1- Update SELinux policy- Remove PrivateDevices=true (RHBZ#1452328)- Version 2.1.0- Version 2.0.0- Run in foreground- Version 2.0.0rc2 - Drop python2 support- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Allow radicale_t to execute bin_t in SELinux policy RHBZ#1393569- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages- Additional systemd hardening- Correctly label the files- Add /var/run/radicale directory- Update dependencies- Create python2 subpackage- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Update to 1.1.1 (#1296746)- Version 1.1- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/python3.5- Fix radicale-httpd for python3- Unify spec for Fedora and epel7- Version 1.0.1- Version 1.0 - Merge SELinux subpackage into the main package- Drop old _selinux_policy_version hack - Require radicale-selinux- Updated dep on policycoreutils-python-utils- Switch to python3- Use license macro- Add patch1 to fix rhbz#1206813- Add radicale_var_run_t to SELinux policy 1.0.3- Version 0.10- Hide error when re-adding SELinux port label.- Version 0.9 - Automatically restart service if it dies. - Update systemwide patch- Handle PID file.- Add network-online.target dependency. Bug #1119818- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Add PrivateDevices to unit file- SELinux policy 1.0.2- SELinux policy 1.0.1 fix bug #1035925- Hardcode _selinux_policy_version in F20 because of #999584- Update httpd config file and add SELinux policy. Bug #1014408- Move .wsgi and .fcgi to main package- BuildRequire python2-devel- Update to version 0.8 - Merge Till Maas's spec file. Bug #922276- Initial packaging/bin/sh3.3.1-1.el83.3.1-1.el8radicale.confradicale.wsgi/etc/httpd/conf.d//usr/share/radicale/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectiondrpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPython script, ASCII text executablehttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/radicaleutf-871383094ad6e14d3057d2c8ac697c7f6f8e29d0e9b015a2a96905d3a5a2290c4?7zXZ !#,.{ ]"k%{b &Q%]k<`zEZIGD[A0ez43Q%!@ԙ GA"l i(jƳ+ 1D,g|~#z[aMZ[(M*K+ݜm了P޺AJ\g^Tprh^*l~q*rO|V%*] K;tԮ@nm?9RFHd9t ? x ' Zj-iI4i,NxS=nu t?MFBeFT#J)%׸~b=wuФ~QbƵ2~P|ֈ%$й [%Lm<=_ 'F\X({P3O2[׃Oxyye>S;z*7,esZca¬{wDYC.&QGx4s@WQ!|2x Jz5#,o}!qsef'%/y|Ǔw.7Ǥsonqiznì%oI~$dF`wyGʙ7 (© 3c._ &^+ƨ`)fsV~)MFNB :,blC0|O%52@~ZoY5~W ``3p}!.!`&*V߷#RVKv<́V]fY|\plǠSCO<2N"|Z;k{j!.5в@Y-; 'íf@iๅ~En? ux5`JRSZ#0AT F1̭OSM~qFk>2.Lr)Sx *av߀i):V/x;kxTz*QCZĔ Z[eB97!SI$2j «B鷢q9XQ\Β+W !_y fo%`#79~>D/3zCNSV:Z˩2z'J^#f5`W{ymv[o > !ۚQ2)|b Re(+*n5U`gHCDB&5KnwQQfzpΌf jQ&E08 b'kr s5 ğ듪;$I\nԏ= c~ZkOYʳVJeW/YM]LĪR 8 H%K+Uxȕ`MtwQQc5c&!(.3N}2ΧV;0Hޅrw. Ijz #yu_N}az{B)gM {|GJ?vyZͥ$B&Y`-/N5r zyfS}D =i8L!>Ю{<:t<K[kڵnjD2RF/;5]98xi8W/9NH>P&ğpbZW!`` x|q2+|eiYsn0[ b|Ck )nմl&륤1#$GGާ͇2j봙 Tt_N ъ)h R @V*m\$IH=┕9LF$ג W&3D6z`G5o:65Ůa\,[hER+8eMۤ*i EŬi,wbaKvx+cA*"a*}{ ?HG )N!D@FgՉxy0y@5:86 }<8a[] o;nxwAl0pr1?"5ǧ@ϔeU!^wHu‰dw?ݾ1P]#[̛n&Kb9SQZGA`d\, YZ