~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK NEDIT_VAX.BCKFBACKUP/INTER NEDIT.EXE,NC.EXE,README.,NEDIT.DOC NEDIT_VAX.BCK/SAVE/LOG DONNAR CUí6V6.1 _FNALH::  _DSA1203: V6.2 ~  )*[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1+,.</CU 4<:- 0123 KPWO=56nV67N689GCUHJz0D`0205S6x hNEDITV1.0nnS605-13, !-1N/=`  ?!! DECC$SHR_001Q! MTHRTL_001! LIBRTL_001$+CMA$TIS_SHR_001%!dDECW$XLIBSHR_001.!! DECW$TRANSPORT_COMMON_001 ! VAXCRTL_001(DECW$XTLIBSHRR5_001(DECW$XMLIBSHR12_001)DECW$DXMLIBSHR12_001)DECW$MRMLIBSHR12_001!  LBRSHR_0010Dd(p0Lh $Oz4`<k>l>T{"HoPx/ f    , X     U     8 h    8 j    ?vO<h*]N-^ BZP@YH=L=lT=`=l= z= =x==h=h====== >>0>H>X>h>L>L>>>>>h>>? ???0?\)?\4???J?\?p?|?? ? ?$?<?<?`?`?H?H@0@8@8(@4@@@U@j@x@@@@@@@@@XAXAtAt(A9AJALPAh`AhpA}AAAA$APA|A|AAAB(B8B\LBcBzBtBtB4B8TTT# File name database for NEdit Open Previous command *?(){}Z[TUUUUU@UUUZV{UUUJZYUUUJJYUUUʵiYUUU׼YUUU[ZUUUjSUUU)`BUjThThThThThTh?Th|ThThThRUUUTTUUUUUTUUUUUZVJRJZʵi׼Ӽ[kJkVTUdecc$library_include:{}}{())([]][<>><//""''``\\ϘϘ xȉ܉(8K`tϊ (:Ldxv<"Y!V%/03c0iX}ތP`Qx*8HPZahp{|x`pX8 \#.`P3<EdJYhhn{lp*8/>NtTapx(x|d8J\d`ddHNTG]l{<@DG F /C2?LE2lr|$.4@JPV`jtz! Preferences file for NEdit ! ! This file is overwritten by the "Save Defaults..." command in NEdit ! and serves only the interactively setable options presented in the NEdit ! "Preferences" menu. To modify other options, such as background colors ! and key bindings, use the .Xdefaults file in your home directory (or ! the X resource specification method appropriate to your system). The ! contents of this file can be moved into an X resource file, but since ! resources in this file override their corresponding X resources, either ! this file should be deleted or individual resource lines in the file ! should be deleted for the moved lines to take effect. Pi*+?()^|.$&\[]<>"'ntbrfav*+?()^|.$&\[]<>"'   XL d$h( |  X  (8@HVdv.<L`xH,X0P  .8HRht 0HPhp(@Xp~\"ntbrfav\"   CtrlosfBackSpace: delete_previous_word() osfBackSpace: delete_previous_character() Alt Shift CtrlosfDelete: cut_primary("rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfDelete: cut_primary("rect") Shift CtrlosfDelete: cut_primary() CtrlosfDelete: delete_to_end_of_line() ShiftosfDelete: cut_clipboard() osfDelete: delete_next_character() Alt Shift CtrlosfInsert: copy_primary("rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfInsert: copy_primary("rect") Shift CtrlosfInsert: copy_primary() ShiftosfInsert: paste_clipboard() CtrlosfInsert: copy_clipboard() Shift CtrlosfCut: cut_primary() osfCut: cut_clipboard() osfCopy: copy_clipboard() osfPaste: paste_clipboard() osfPrimaryPaste: copy_primary() Alt Shift CtrlosfBeginLine: beginning_of_file("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfBeginLine: beginning_of_file("extend" "rect") Alt ShiftosfBeginLine: beginning_of_line("extend", "rect") Meta ShiftosfBeginLine: beginning_of_line("extend", "rect") Shift CtrlosfBeginLine: beginning_of_file("extend") CtrlosfBeginLine: beginning_of_file() ShiftosfBeginLine: beginning_of_line("extend") osfBeginLine: beginning_of_line() Alt Shift CtrlosfEndLine: end_of_file("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfEndLine: end_of_file("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfEndLine: end_of_line("extend", "rect") Meta ShiftosfEndLine: end_of_line("extend", "rect") Shift CtrlosfEndLine: end_of_file("extend") CtrlosfEndLine: end_of_file() ShiftosfEndLine: end_of_line("extend") osfEndLine: end_of_line() Alt Shift CtrlosfLeft: backward_word("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfLeft: backward_word("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfLeft: key_select("left", "rect") Meta ShiftosfLeft: key_select("left", "rect") Shift CtrlosfLeft: backward_word("extend") CtrlosfLeft: backward_word() ShiftosfLeft: key_select("left") osfLeft: backward_character() Alt Shift CtrlosfRight: forward_word("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfRight: forward_word("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfRight: key_select("right", "rect") Meta ShiftosfRight: key_select("right", "rect") Shift CtrlosfRight: forward_word("extend") CtrlosfRight: forward_word() ShiftosfRight: key_select("right") osfRight: forward_character() Alt Shift CtrlosfUp: backward_paragraph("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfUp: backward_paragraph("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfUp: process_shift_up("rect") Meta ShiftosfUp: process_shift_up("rect") Shift CtrlosfUp: backward_paragraph("extend") CtrlosfUp: backward_paragraph() ShiftosfUp: process_shift_up() osfUp: process_up() Alt Shift CtrlosfDown: forward_paragraph("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfDown: forward_paragraph("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfDown: process_shift_down("rect") Meta ShiftosfDown: process_shift_down("rect") Shift CtrlosfDown: forward_paragraph("extend") CtrlosfDown: forward_paragraph() ShiftosfDown: process_shift_down() osfDown: process_down() Alt ShiftosfPageLeft: page_left("extend", "rect") Meta ShiftosfPageLeft: page_left("extend", "rect") ShiftosfPageLeft: page_left("extend") osfPageLeft: page_left() Alt ShiftosfPageRight: page_right("extend", "rect") Meta ShiftosfPageRight: page_right("extend", "rect") ShiftosfPageRight: page_right("extend") osfPageRight: page_right() Alt Shift CtrlosfPageUp: page_left("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfPageUp: page_left("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfPageUp: previous_page("extend", "rect") Meta ShiftosfPageUp: previous_page("extend", "rect") Shift CtrlosfPageUp: page_left("extend") CtrlosfPageUp: page_left() ShiftosfPageUp: previous_page("extend") osfPageUp: previous_page() Alt Shift CtrlosfPageDown: page_right("extend", "rect") Meta Shift CtrlosfPageDown: page_right("extend", "rect") Alt ShiftosfPageDown: next_page("extend", "rect") Meta ShiftosfPageDown: next_page("extend", "rect") Shift CtrlosfPageDown: page_right("extend") CtrlosfPageDown: page_right() ShiftosfPageDown: next_page("extend") osfPageDown: next_page() ShiftosfSelect: key_select() osfCancel: process_cancel() Ctrl~Alt~Metav: paste_clipboard() Ctrl~Alt~Metac: copy_clipboard() Ctrl~Alt~Metax: cut_clipboard() Ctrl~Alt~Metau: delete_to_start_of_line() CtrlReturn: newline_and_indent() ShiftReturn: newline_no_indent() Return: newline() CtrlTab: self_insert() Tab: process_tab() Alt Shift Ctrlspace: key_select("rect") Meta Shift Ctrlspace: key_select("rect") Shift Ctrl~Meta~Altspace: key_select() Ctrl~Meta~Altslash: select_all() Ctrl~Meta~Altbackslash: deselect_all() : self_insert() Alt Ctrl: move_destination() Meta Ctrl: move_destination() Shift Ctrl: extend_start("rect") Shift: extend_start() : grab_focus() Button1 Ctrl: extend_adjust("rect") Button1~Ctrl: extend_adjust() : extend_end() : secondary_or_drag_start() Shift Ctrl Button2: secondary_or_drag_adjust("rect", "copy", "overlay") Shift Button2: secondary_or_drag_adjust("copy") Ctrl Button2: secondary_or_drag_adjust("rect", "overlay") Button2: secondary_or_drag_adjust() Shift Ctrl: move_to_or_end_drag("copy", "overlay") Shift : move_to_or_end_drag("copy") Alt: exchange() Meta: exchange() Ctrl: copy_to_or_end_drag("overlay") : copy_to_or_end_drag() Ctrl~Meta~Alt: mouse_pan() Ctrl~Meta~Alt Button3: mouse_pan() : end_drag() : focusIn() : focusOut() `N`Nh5h5t8t899<<<<$>#$>40?M0?h<x<==== 8 8CCEE0E@TAHTAP\Cd\CxE<<LLpMpMMMpGpGI I0HO8PKP^OpOSSpTpTDVDVWW.Y?YP\h\L[L[(^(^P_P_Dg Dg 4k 4k" lm/ lm< \lM \l^ nq n o o x` x` b b c c te !te!o0!oD!pP!p\!qn!q!r!r!s!s!u!u!|v!|v!(x!(x!y"y"z "z,"Tz8"TzD"zS"zb"zm"zx"{"{"8{"{"`N"`N"TQ"TQ"M"M"KЉ:$$5:$p$# #j$$##'#$$8#>#O#$$`#h#|#$$###$$###$$###$$#$$$$$$ $$$,$.$;$$$H$J$X$$$f$k$t$$$}$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%$$%%#%$$,%2%=%$$H%J%U%1%$`%a%l%1%$w%x%%$$%%%$$%%%$$% &&$$ &$&0&$$<&>&L& $ $\&p& $ $&& $ $&& $ $&& $ $& ' $ $ SS׏  ,6ptx| w9{=>\ʧܬM MM8M؆[p^^`bdfhi k4l0n,p(r$t8vPvHx= $2) return i if (get_character(i+1) == "*") { for (i=i+1; ; i++) { if (i+1 >= $2) return -1 if (get_character(i) == "*" && get_character(i+1) == "/") { i++ break } } } else if (get_character(i+1) == "/") { for (i=i+1; i<$2; i++) { if (get_character(i) == "\n") { if (!$3) return i break } } } } else if (c == "#" && $3) { for (i=i+1; ; i++) { if (i >= $2) { if (get_character(i-1) == "\\") return -1 else break } if (get_character(i) == "\n" && get_character(i-1) != "\\") break } } else if (!(c == " " || c == "\t" || ($3 && c=="\n"))) return i } return $2 } # # Search backward for an anchor point: a line ending brace, or semicolon # or case statement, followed (ignoring blank lines and comments) by what we # assume is a properly indented line, a brace on a line by itself, or a case # statement. Returns the position of the first non-white, non comment # character on the line. returns -1 if an anchor position can't be found # before $cMaxSearchBackLines. # define cFindIndentAnchorPoint { nLines = 0 anchorPos = $1 for (i=$1-1; i>0; i--) { c = get_character(i) if (c == ";" || c == "{" || c == "}" || c == ":") { # Verify that it's line ending lineEnd = cSkipBlankSpace(i+1, $1, 0) if (lineEnd == -1 || \ (lineEnd != $text_length && get_character(lineEnd) != "\n")) continue # if it's a colon, it's only meaningful if "case" begins the line if (c == ":") { lineStart = startOfLine(i) caseStart = cSkipBlankSpace(lineStart, lineEnd, 0) if (get_range(caseStart, caseStart+4) != "case") continue delim = get_character(caseStart+4) if (delim!=" " && delim!="\t" && delim!="(" && delim!=":") continue isCase = 1 } else isCase = 0 # Move forward past blank lines and comment lines to find # non-blank, non-comment line-start anchorPos = cSkipBlankSpace(lineEnd, $1, 1) # Accept if it's before the requested position, otherwise # continue further back in the file and try again if (anchorPos != -1 && anchorPos < $1) break # A case statement by itself is an acceptable anchor if (isCase) return caseStart # A brace on a line by itself is an acceptable anchor, even # if it doesn't follow a semicolon or another brace if (c == "{" || c == "}") { for (j = i-1; ; j--) { if (j == 0) return i ch = get_character(j) if (ch == "\n") return i if (ch != "\t" && ch != " ") break } } } else if (c == "\n") if (++nLines > $cMaxSearchBackLines) return -1 } if (i <= 0) return -1 return anchorPos } # # adjust the indent on a line about to recive either a right or left brace # or pound (#) character ($2) following position $1 # define cBraceOrPound { # Find start of the line, and make sure there's nothing but white-space # before the character. If there's anything before it, do nothing for (i=$1-1; ; i--) { if (i < 0) { lineStart = 0 break } c = get_character(i) if (c == "\n") { lineStart = i + 1 break } if (c != " " && c != "\t") return } # If the character was a pound, drag it all the way to the left margin if ($2 == "#") { replace_range(lineStart, $1, "") return } # Find the position on which to base the indent indent = cFindSmartIndentDist($1 - 1, "noContinue") if (indent == -1) return # Adjust the indent if itΕ~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK )[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1<|>'s a right brace (left needs no adjustment) if ($2 == "}") { indent -= defaultIndent($cIndentDist) if (indent < 0) indent = 0 } # Replace the current indent with the new indent string insertStr = makeIndentString(indent) replace_range(lineStart, $1, insertStr) } # # Find Smart Indent Distance for a newline character inserted at $1, # or return -1 to give up. Adding the optional argument "noContinue" # will stop the routine from inserting line continuation indents # define cFindSmartIndentDist { # Find a known good indent to base the new indent upon anchorPos = cFindIndentAnchorPoint($1) if (anchorPos == -1) return -1 # Find the indentation of that line anchorIndent = measureIndent(anchorPos) # Look for special keywords which affect indent (for, if, else while, do) # and modify the continuation indent distance to the normal indent # distance when a completed statement of this type occupies the line. if ($n_args >= 2 && $2 == "noContinue") { continueIndent = 0 $allowSemi = 0 } else continueIndent = cCalcContinueIndent(anchorPos, $1) # Move forward from anchor point, ignoring comments and blank lines, # remembering the last non-white, non-comment character. If $1 is # in the middle of a comment, give up lastChar = get_character(anchorPos) if (anchorPos < $1) { for (i=anchorPos;;) { i = cSkipBlankSpace(i, $1, 1) if (i == -1) return -1 if (i >= $1) break lastChar = get_character(i++) } } # Return the new indent based on the type of the last character. # In a for stmt, however, last character may be a semicolon and not # signal the end of the statement if (lastChar == "{") return anchorIndent + defaultIndent($cIndentDist) else if (lastChar == "}") return anchorIndent else if (lastChar == ";") { if ($allowSemi) return anchorIndent + continueIndent else return anchorIndent } else if (lastChar == ":" && get_range(anchorPos, anchorPos+4) == "case") return anchorIndent + defaultIndent($cIndentDist) return anchorIndent + continueIndent } # # Calculate the continuation indent distance for statements not ending in # semicolons or braces. This is not necessarily $continueIndent. It may # be adjusted if the statement contains if, while, for, or else. # # As a side effect, also return $allowSemi to help distinguish statements # which might contain an embedded semicolon, which should not be interpreted # as an end of statement character. # define cCalcContinueIndent { anchorPos = $1 maxPos = $2 # Figure out if the anchor is on a keyword which changes indent. A special # case is made for elses nested in after braces anchorIsFor = 0 $allowSemi = 0 if (get_character(anchorPos) == "}") { for (i=anchorPos+1; i,f} ;  %&()*+,-/} ),};};  %&()*+,- /|};      (),|;      |( -          %&()*+,-/ ;{%&()*+,- / ;{%&()*+,- /|;  %&()*+,- /|;&() +,-|{;  &() +,- |;  &(),&(),;| ;|(-|   |(), ;() ,;&() , ;&(),( -; &(),&|() ,; ;&|(),(),(),;%&;*+-;/|%&)*+-/|%&*+-/|||| #3Eg $%*|57IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX[\]^_`a}BCIJII'(II?A>@IHG I+I*!I DIII 68cWX7&Kz%    x/TVT 3 /z9:>?-5gb-: 4B ZlMJY^="b-a(#?Dy$yEE>>Ey;EE>>>>yyGG<XGGEY dFUZUS{SQTRTF~' e2Uf}SQRT>%(3f5~A*B4g[\]^_`ad" "#V#)|2+,-./01$$))E )))))2)Eh) 2222222222= 2 ========%=) = %%% 2KLMNOPV%V V= <=$))) .)))))))))) 222........./22222222.222 ===////////0/I========/===%%%0000000010.0%%% 11111111,1/ 1,,,-,,, !"0I, ---3--- 41- 3333...444 43,#........4...///-$///////////0003IIIIIII&400000000000II111&&&;11111111&111,,,;;5;,,,,,,,,;,,,---55565E--------5---3336666$444733333333633384444444444477778588987:<8 !"96999:::<<<9UJ:SQR<T&&&7UJiSQRT8UJ&&&SQRT;;;9:;;;555I55555555I55566666666666666 !"7778887777777777788888888888999:::<<<99::999:::)<<<GHKLMNOP:;VCGHKLMNOPVbKLMNOPVj9?@DF9FFklmnopqrstuvwxyzFFFFFFF9F*menuBar.marginHeight: 1*pane.sashHeight: 11*pane.sashWidth: 11*text.selectionArrayCount: 3*fontList:-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-**XmList.fontList:-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-**XmText.fontList:-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-**XmTextField.fontList:-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-**background: #b3b3b3*foreground: black*statsLine.background: #b3b3b3*text.background: #e5e5e5*text.foreground: black*text.highlightBackground: red*text.highlightForeground: black*XmText*foreground: black*XmText*background: #cccccc*helpText.background: #cccccc*helpText.foreground: black*helpText.selectBackground: #b3b3b3*helpText.font: -adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-**XmText.translations: #override Ctrl~Alt~Metav: paste-clipboard() Ctrl~Alt~Metac: copy-clipboard() Ctrl~Alt~Metax: cut-clipboard() *XmList*foreground: black*XmList*background: #cccccc*XmTextField*background: #cccccc*XmTextField*foreground: black*fileMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*editMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*searchMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*preferencesMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*windowsMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*shellMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*macroMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*helpMenu.tearOffModel: XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED*fileMenu.mnemonic: F*fileMenu.new.accelerator: Ctrln*fileMenu.new.acceleratorText: Ctrl+N*fileMenu.open.accelerator: Ctrlo*fileMenu.open.acceleratorText: Ctrl+O*fileMenu.openSelected.accelerator: Ctrly*fileMenu.openSelected.acceleratorText: Ctrl+Y*fileMenu.close.accelerator: Ctrlw*fileMenu.close.acceleratorText: Ctrl+W*fileMenu.save.accelerator: Ctrls*fileMenu.save.acceleratorText: Ctrl+S*fileMenu.includeFile.accelerator: Ctrli*fileMenu.includeFile.acceleratorText: Ctrl+I*fileMenu.print.accelerator: Ctrlp*fileMenu.print.acceleratorText: Ctrl+P*fileMenu.exit.accelerator: Ctrlq*fileMenu.exit.acceleratorText: Ctrl+Q*editMenu.mnemonic: E*editMenu.undo.accelerator: Ctrlz*editMenu.undo.acceleratorText: Ctrl+Z*editMenu.redo.accelerator: Shift Ctrlz*editMenu.redo.acceleratorText: Shift+Ctrl+Z*editMenu.cut.accelerator: Ctrlx*editMenu.cut.acceleratorText: Ctrl+X*editMenu.copy.accelerator: Ctrlc*editMenu.copy.acceleratorText: Ctrl+C*editMenu.paste.accelerator: Ctrlv*editMenu.paste.acceleratorText: Ctrl+V*editMenu.pasteColumn.accelerator: Shift Ctrlv*editMenu.pasteColumn.acceleratorText: Ctrl+Shift+V*editMenu.delete.acceleratorText: Del*editMenu.selectAll.accelerator: Ctrla*editMenu.selectAll.acceleratorText: Ctrl+A*editMenu.shiftLeft.accelerator: Ctrl9*editMenu.shiftLeft.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+9*editMenu.shiftLeftShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrl9*editMenu.shiftRight.accelerator: Ctrl0*editMenu.shiftRight.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+0*editMenu.shiftRightShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrl0*editMenu.upperCase.accelerator: Ctrl6*editMenu.upperCase.acceleratorText: Ctrl+6*editMenu.lowerCase.accelerator: Shift Ctrl6*editMenu.lowerCase.acceleratorText: Shift+Ctrl+6*editMenu.fillParagraph.accelerator: Ctrlj*editMenu.fillParagraph.acceleratorText: Ctrl+J*editMenu.insertFormFeed.accelerator: Alt Ctrll*editMenu.insertFormFeed.acceleratorText: Alt+Ctrl+L*editMenu.insControlCode.accelerator: Alti*editMenu.insControlCode.acceleratorText: Alt+I*searchMenu.mnemonic: S*searchMenu.find.accelerator: Ctrlf*searchMenu.find.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+F*searchMenu.findShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrlf*searchMenu.findAgain.accelerator: Ctrlg*searchMenu.findAgain.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+G*searchMenu.findAgainShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrlg*searchMenu.findSelection.accelerator: Ctrlh*searchMenu.findSelection.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+H*searchMenu.findSelectionShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrlh*searchMenu.replace.accelerator: Ctrlr*searchMenu.replace.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+R*searchMenu.replaceShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrlr*searchMenu.replaceAgain.accelerator: Ctrlt*searchMenu.replaceAgain.acceleratorText: [Shift]Ctrl+T*searchMenu.replaceAgainShift.accelerator: Shift Ctrlt*searchMenu.gotoLineNumber.accelerator: Ctrll*searchMenu.gotoLineNumber.acceleratorText: Ctrl+L*searchMenu.gotoSelected.accelerator: Ctrle*searchMenu.gotoSelected.acceleratorText: Ctrl+E*searchMenu.mark.accelerator: Altm*searchMenu.mark.acceleratorText: Alt+M a-z*searchMenu.gotoMark.accelerator: Altg*searchMenu.gotoMark.acceleratorText: [Shift]Alt+G a-z*searchMenu.gotoMarkShift.accelerator: Shift Altg*searchMenu.match.accelerator: Ctrlm*searchMenu.match.acceleratorText: Ctrl+M*searchMenu.findDefinition.accelerator: Ctrld*searchMenu.findDefinition.acceleratorText: Ctrl+D*preferencesMenu.mnemonic: P*preferencesMenu.statisticsLine.accelerator: Alta*preferencesMenu.statisticsLine.acceleratorText: Alt+A*preferencesMenu.overtype.accelerator: Ctrlb*preferencesMenu.overtype.acceleratorText: Ctrl+B*shellMenu.mnemonic: l*shellMenu.filterSelection.accelerator: Altr*shellMenu.filterSelection.acceleratorText: Alt+R*shellMenu.executeCommand.accelerator: Altx*shellMenu.executeCommand.acceleratorText: Alt+X*shellMenu.executeCommandLine.accelerator: KP_Enter*shellMenu.executeCommandLine.acceleratorText: KP Enter*shellMenu.cancelShellCommand.accelerator: Ctrlperiod*shellMenu.cancelShellCommand.acceleratorText: Ctrl+.*macroMenu.mnemonic: c*macroMenu.learnKeystrokes.accelerator: Altk*macroMenu.learnKeystrokes.acceleratorText: Alt+K*macroMenu.finishLearn.accelerator: Altk*macroMenu.finishLearn.acceleratorText: Alt+K*macroMenu.cancelLearn.accelerator: Ctrlperiod*macroMenu.cancelLearn.acceleratorText: Ctrl+.*macroMenu.replayKeystrokes.accelerator: Ctrlk*macroMenu.replayKeystrokes.acceleratorText: Ctrl+K*macroMenu.repeat.accelerator: Ctrlcomma*macroMenu.repeat.acceleratorText: Ctrl+,*windowsMenu.mnemonic: W*windowsMenu.splitWindow.accelerator: Ctrl2*windowsMenu.splitWindow.acceleratorText: Ctrl+2*windowsMenu.closePane.accelerator: Ctrl1*windowsMenu.closePane.acceleratorText: Ctrl+1*helpMenu.mnemonic: HneditNEditNEdit: Can't open display neditNEdit-import-tagsNEdit: Unable to load tags file -do-read-create-line%dNEdit: argument to line should be a number %dNEdit: argument to + should be a number -server-importNEdit: Unrecognized option %s %s-do macro-do macroNEdit: %s requires an argument %sargument to -doΤ^k`)WVXnΤ^WЭRR~aKPT ЬPݠV1 URT KPSeP PPS|KPRvK`bJPݬϪώЬPݠUJTJV1CdЬRŠSTPφbݢ\UgJPσgЬPݠ5ЬRŠQPTQSݢ(TPŠCTZJVVPP^P`N\O\/)PQΨP`ߘN\ؘO\QQP<^ЬSݣ OP S1ÀϸϜݣNPUUbSROPQPT;NP|~R.PT$RPPϾ IRϼPTTiݬk]USSRTNP€όTH€τzTHHݬRRRP<^ЬSOPQPUmPNP|~S^PUTSRTNP€T@HP€T'H HݬϼPUUP^լ$߬ ?ݬ#PT1PݬGլ ݬM ~DЬR€GP#GPR%PT1PuPRTϨЬPݠ"PT15RPRcPT1PЬRSNP€ϜSF€ϔϊSFFЬR€FFNP~QR3PSRoRRSTTP|^ЬSNFÀCFT;T7FPRbϬϦFPU@FPR{F`bFPÀϖzݣV1aPUEЬP~2~~EЬRŠ&PTŠP`SPT$SCPP  SRS BdUSTVEeP 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,PZPRPRf{PUURRUUWWWPVersionGetting StartedFinding and Replacing TextSelecting TextCut and PasteAuto / Smart IndentTabs / Emulated TabsProgramming with NEditFinding Declarations (ctags)Using the MouseKeyboard ShortcutsShifting and FillingSyntax HighlightingCrash RecoveryPreferencesShell Commands/FiltersRegular ExpressionsNEdit Command LineServer Mode and ncCustomizing NEditX ResourcesKey BindingLearn/ReplayMacro LanguageMacro SubroutinesActions RoutinesHighlighting PatternsSmart Indent MacrosProblems/BugsMailing ListsDistribution PolicyTabs DialogNEdit Version 5.0.2 March 11, 1998 Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 Universities Research Association, Inc. All rights reserved. NEdit was written by Mark Edel, Joy Kyriakopulos, Arnulfo Zepeda-Navratil, Suresh Ravoor, Donna Reid, and Jeff Kallenbach, at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory*. The regular expression matching routines used in NEdit are adapted (with permission) from original code written by Henry Spencer at the University of Toronto. Syntax highlighting patterns were contributed by: Simon T. MacDonald, Maurice Leysens, Matt Majka, Alfred Smeenk, Alain Fargues, Christopher Conrad, Scott Markinson, Konrad Bernloehr, Ivan Herman, Patrice Venant, Christian Denat, Philippe Couton, Max Vohlken, and Markus Schwarzenberg. NEdit sources, executables, additional documentation, and contributed software are available from ftp.fnal.gov in the /pub/nedit directory. Send questions or comments to: nedit_support@fnal.gov. Mark Edel edel@fnal.gov Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O. Box 500 Batavia, IL 60148 * Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is operated by Universities Research Association, Inc., under contract DE-AC02-76CHO3000 with the U.S. Department of Energy.Welcome to NEdit! NEdit is a standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) style text editor for programs and plain-text files. Users of Macintosh and MS Windows based text editors should find NEdit a familiar and comfortable environment. NEdit provides all of the standard menu, dialog, editing, and mouse support, as well as all of the standard shortcuts to which the users of modern GUI based environments are accustomed. For users of older style Unix editors, welcome to the world of mouse-based editing! Help sections of interest to new users are listed under the "Basic Operation" heading in the top-level Help menu: Selecting Text Finding and Replacing Text Cut and Paste Using the Mouse Keyboard Shortcuts Shifting and Filling Programmers should also read the introductory section under the "Features for Programming" section: Programming with NEdit If you get into trouble, the Undo command in the Edit menu can reverse any modifications that you make. NEdit does not change the file you are editing until you tell it to Save. Editing an Existing File To open an existing file, choose Open... from the file menu. Select the file that you want to open in the pop-up dialog that appears and click on OK. You may open any number of files at the same time. Each file will appear in its own editor window. Using Open... rather than re-typing the NEdit command and running additional copies of NEdit, will give you quick access to all of the files you have open via the Windows menu, and ensure that you don't accidentally open the same file twice. NEdit has no "main" window. It remains running as long as at least one editor window is open. Creating a New File If you already have an empty (Untitled) window displayed, just begin typing in the window. To create a new Untitled window, choose New from the File menu. To give the file a name and save its contents to the disk, choose Save or Save As... from the File menu. Backup Files NEdit maintains periodic backups of the file you are editing so that you can recover the file in the event of a problem such as a system crash, network failure, or X server crash. These files are saved under the name ~filename (on Unix) or _filename (on VMS), where filename is the name of the file you were editing. If an NEdit process is killed, some of these backup files may remain in your directory. (To remove one of these files on Unix, you may have to prefix the ~ (tilde) character with a (backslash) to prevent the shell from interpreting it as a special character.) Shortcuts As you become more familiar with NEdit, substitute the control and function keys shown on the right side of the menus for pulling down menus with the mouse. Dialogs are also streamlined so you can enter information quickly and without using the mouse*. To move the keyboard focus around a dialog, use the tab and arrow keys. One of the buttons in a dialog is usually drawn with a thick, indented, outline. This button can be activated by pressing return or enter. The Cancel or Dismiss button can be activated by pressing escape. For example, to replace the string "thing" with "things" type: thingthings To open a file named "whole_earth.c", type: who (how much of the filename you need to type depends on the other files in the directory). See the section called Keyboard Shortcuts for more details. * Users who have set their keyboard focus mode to "pointer" should set "Popups Under Pointer" in the Default Settings menu to avoid the additional step of moving the mouse into the dialog.The Search menu contains a number of commands for finding and replacing text. The Find... and Replace... commands present dialogs for entering text for searching and replacing. These dialogs also allow you to choose whether you want the search to be sensitive to upper and lower case, or whether to use the standard Unix pattern matching characters (regular expressions). Searches begin at the current text insertion position. Find Again and Replace Again repeat the last find or replace command without prompting for search strings. To selectively replace text, use the two commands in combination: Find Again, then Replace Again if the highlighted string should be replaced, or Find Again again to go to the next string. Find Selection searches for the text contained in the current primary selection (see Selecting Text). The selected text does not have to be in the current editor window, it may even be in another program. For example, if the word dog appears somewhere in a window on your screen, and you want to find it in the file you are editing, select the word dog by dragging the mouse across it, switch to your NEdit window and choose Find Selection from the Search menu. Searching Backwards Holding down the shift key while choosing any of the search or replace commands from the menu (or using the keyboard shortcut), will search in the reverse direction. Users who have set the search direction using the buttons in the search dialog, may find it a bit confusing that Find Again and Replace Again don't continue in the same direction as the original search (for experienced users, consistency of the direction implied by the shift key is more important). Selective Replacement To replace only some occurrences of a string within a file, choose Replace... from the Search menu, enter the string to search for and the string to substitute, and finish by pressing the Find button. When the first occurrence is highlighted, use either Replace Again (^T) to replace it, or Find Again (^G) to move to the next occurrence without replacing it, and continue in such a manner through all occurrences of interest. To replace all occurrences of a string within some range of text, select the range (see Selecting Text), choose Replace... from the Search menu, type the string to search for and the string to substitute, and press the "R. in Selection" button in the dialog. Note that selecting text in the Replace... dialog will unselect the text in the window.NEdit has two general types of selections, primary (highlighted text), and secondary (underlined text). Selections can cover either a simple range of text between two points in the file, or they can cover a rectangular area of the file. Rectangular selections are only useful with non-proportional (fixed spacing) fonts. To select text for copying, deleting, or replacing, press the left mouse button with the pointer at one end of the text you want !~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK )[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1<|6to select, and drag it to the other end. The text will become highlighted. To select a whole word, double click (click twice quickly in succession). Double clicking and then dragging the mouse will select a number of words. Similarly, you can select a whole line or a number of lines by triple clicking or triple clicking and dragging. Quadruple clicking selects the whole file. After releasing the mouse button, you can still adjust a selection by holding down the shift key and dragging on either end of the selection. To delete the selected text, press delete or backspace. To replace it, begin typing. To select a rectangle or column of text, hold the Ctrl key while dragging the mouse. Rectangular selections can be used in any context that normal selections can be used, including cutting and pasting, filling, shifting, dragging, and searching. Operations on rectangular selections automatically fill in tabs and spaces to maintain alignment of text within and to the right of the selection. Note that the interpretation of rectangular selections by Fill Paragraph is slightly different from that of other commands, the section titled "Shifting and Filling" has details. The middle mouse button can be used to make an additional selection (called the secondary selection). As soon as the button is released, the contents of this selection will be copied to the insert position of the window where the mouse was last clicked (the destination window). This position is marked by a caret shaped cursor when the mouse is outside of the destination window. If there is a (primary) selection, adjacent to the cursor in the window, the new text will replace the selected text. Holding the shift key while making the secondary selection will move the text, deleting it at the site of the secondary selection, rather than copying it. Selected text can also be dragged to a new location in the file using the middle mouse button. Holding the shift key while dragging the text will copy the selected text, leaving the original text in place. Holding the control key will drag the text in overlay mode. Normally, dragging moves text by removing it from the selected position at the start of the drag, and inserting it at a new position relative to to the mouse. Dragging a block of text over existing characters, displaces the characters to the end of the selection. In overlay mode, characters which are occluded by blocks of text being dragged are simply removed. When dragging non-rectangular selections, overlay mode also converts the selection to rectangular form, allowing it to be dragged outside of the bounds of the existing text. The section "Using the Mouse" sumarizes the mouse commands for making primary and secondary selections. Primary selections can also be made via keyboard commands, see "Keyboard Shortcuts".The easiest way to copy and move text around in your file or between windows, is to use the clipboard, an imaginary area that temporarily stores text and data. The Cut command removes the selected text (see Selecting Text) from your file and places it in the clipboard. Once text is in the clipboard, the Paste command will copy it to the insert position in the current window. For example, to move some text from one place to another, select it by dragging the mouse over it, choose Cut to remove it, click the pointer to move the insert point where you want the text inserted, then choose Paste to insert it. Copy copies text to the clipboard without deleting it from your file. You can also use the clipboard to transfer text to and from other Motif programs and X programs which make proper use of the clipboard. There are many other methods for copying and moving text within NEdit windows and between NEdit and other programs. The most common such method is clicking the middle mouse button to copy the primary selection (to the clicked position). Copying the selection by clicking the middle mouse button in many cases is the only way to transfer data to and from many X programs. Holding the Shift key while clicking the middle mouse button moves the text, deleting it from its original position, rather than copying it. Other methods for transferring text include secondary selections, primary selection dragging, keyboard-based selection copying, and drag and drop. These are described in detail in the sections: Selecting Text, Using the Mouse, and Keyboard Shortcuts.Programmers who use structured languages usually require some form of automatic indent, so that they don't have to continually re-type the sequences of tabs and/or spaces needed to maintain lengthy running indents. Version 5.0 of NEdit is the first release of NEdit to offer "smart" indent, at least experimentally, in addition to the traditional automatic indent which simply lines up the cursor position with the previous line. Smart Indent Smart Indent in this release must still be considered somewhat experimental. Smart indent macros are only available by default for C and C++, and while these can easily be configured for different default indentation distances, they may not conform to everyone's exact C programming style. Smart indent is programmed in terms of macros in the NEdit macro language which can be entered in: Preferences -> Default Settings -> Indent -> Program Smart Indent. Hooks are provided for intervening at the point that a newline is entered, either via the user pressing the Enter key, or through auto-wrapping; and for arbitrary type-in to act on specific characters typed. To type a newline character without invoking smart-indent when operating in smart-indent mode, hold the Ctrl key while pressing the Return or Enter key. Auto-Indent With Indent set to Auto (the default), NEdit keeps a running indent. When you press the Return or Enter key, spaces and tabs are inserted to line up the insert point under the start of the previous line. Ctrl+Return in auto-indent mode acts like a normal return, With auto-indent turned off, Ctrl+Return does indentation. Block Indentation Adjustment The Shift Left and Shift Right commands as well as rectangular dragging can be used to adjust the indentation for several lines at once. To shift a block of text one character to the right, select the text, then choose Shift Right from the Edit menu. Note that the accelerator keys for these menu items are Ctrl+9 and Ctrl+0, which correspond to the right and left parenthesis on most keyboards. Remember them as adjusting the text in the direction pointed to by the parenthesis character. Holding the Shift key while selecting either Shift Left or Shift Right will shift the text by one tab stop (or by one emulated tab stop if tab emulation is turned on). The help section "Shifting and Filling" under "Basic Operation" has details.Changing the Tab Distance Tabs are important for programming in languages which use indentation to show nesting, as short-hand for producing white-space for leading indents. As a programmer, you have to decide how to use indentation, and how or whether tab characters map to your indentation scheme. Ideally, tab characters map directly to the amount of indent that you use to distinguish nesting levels in your code. Unfortunately, the Unix standard for interpretation of tab characters is eight characters (probably dating back to mechanical capabilities of the original teletype), which is usually too coarse for a single indent. Most text editors, NEdit included, allow you to change the interpretation of the tab character, and many programmers take advantage of this, and set their tabs to 3 or 4 characters to match their programming style. In NEdit you set the hardware tab distance in Preferences -> Tabs... for the current window, or Preferences -> Default Settings -> Tabs... (general), or Preferences -> Default Settings -> Language Modes... (language-specific) to change the defaults for future windows. Changing the meaning of the tab character makes programming much easier while you're in the editor, but can cause you headaches outside of the editor, because there is no way to pass along the tab setting as part of a plain-text file. All of the other tools which display, print, and otherwise process your source code have to be made aware of how the tabs are set, and must be able to handle the change. Non-standard tabs can also confuse other programmers, or make editing your code difficult for them if their text editors don't support changes in tab distance. Emulated Tabs An alternative to changing the interpretation of the tab character is tab emulation. In the Tabs... dialog(s), turning on Emulated Tabs causes the Tab key to insert the correct number of spaces and/or tabs to bring the cursor the next emulated tab stop, as if tabs were set at the emulated tab distance rather than the hardware tab distance. Backspacing immediately after entering an emulated tab will delete the fictitious tab as a unit, but as soon as you move the cursor away from the spot, NEdit will forget that the collection of spaces and tabs is a tab, and will treat it as separate characters. To enter a real tab character with "Emulate Tabs" turned on, use Ctrl+Tab. It is also possible to tell NEdit not to insert ANY tab characters at all in the course of processing emulated tabs, and in shifting and rectangular insertion/deletion operations, for programmers who worry about the misinterpretation of tab characters on other systems.Though general in appearance, NEdit has many features intended specifically for programmers. Major programming-related topics are listed in separate sections under the heading: "Features for Programming": Syntax Highlighting, Tabs and Tab Emulation, ctags support, and Automatic Indent. Minor topics related to programming are discussed below: Language Modes When nedit initially reads a file, it attempts to determine whether the file is in one of the computer languages that it knows about. Knowing what language a file is written in allows NEdit to assign highlight patterns and smart indent macros, and to set language specific preferences like word delimiters, tab emulation, and auto-indent. Language mode can be recognized from both the file name and from the first 200 characters of content. Language mode recognition and language-specific preferences are configured in: Preferences -> Default Settings -> Language Modes.... You can set the language mode manually for a window, by selecting it from the menu: Preferences -> Language Modes. Line Numbers To find a particular line in a source file by line number, choose Goto Line #... from the Search menu. You can also directly select the line number text in the compiler message in the terminal emulator window (xterm, decterm, winterm, etc.) where you ran the compiler, and choose Goto Selected from the Search menu. To find out the line number of a particular line in your file, turn on Statistics Line in the Preferences menu and position the insertion point anywhere on the line. The statistics line continuously updates the line number of the line containing the cursor. Matching Parentheses To help you inspect nested parentheses, brackets, braces, quotes, and other characters, NEdit has both an automatic parenthesis matching mode, and a Find Matching command. Automatic parenthesis matching is activated when you type, or move the insertion cursor after a parenthesis, bracket, or brace. It momentarily highlights the matching character if that character is visible in the window. To find a matching character anywhere in the file, select it or position the cursor after it, and choose Find Matching from the Search menu. If the character matches itself, such as a quote or slash, select the first character of the pair. NEdit will match {, (, [, <, ", ', `, /, and \. Opening Included Files The Open Selected command in the File menu understands the C preprocessor's #include syntax, so selecting an #include line and invoking Open Selected will generally find the file referred to, unless doing so depends on the settings of compiler switches or other information not available to NEdit. Interface to Programming Tools Integrated software development environments such as SGI's CaseVision and Centerline Software's Code Center, can be interfaced directly with NEdit via the client server interface. These tools allow you to click directly on compiler and runtime error messages and request NEdit to open files, and select lines of interest. The easiest method is usually to use the tool's interface for character-based editors like vi, to invoke nc, but programatic interfaces can also be derived using the source code for nc. There are also some simple compile/review, grep, ctree, and ctags browsers available in the NEdit contrib directory on ftp.fnal.gov.NEdit can process tags files generated using the Unix ctags command. Ctags creates index files correlating names of functions and declarations with their locations in C, Fortran, or Pascal source code files. (See the ctags manual page for more information). Ctags produces a file called "tags" which can be loaded by NEdit. Once loaded, the information in the tags file enables NEdit to go directly to the declaration of a highlighted function or data structure name with a single command. To load a tags file, select "Load Tags File" from the File menu and choose a tags file to load, or specify the name of the tags file on the NEdit command line: nedit -tags tags NEdit can also be set to load a tags file automatically when it starts up. Setting the X resource nedit.tagFile to the name of a tag file tells NEdit to look for that file at startup time (see Customizing NEdit). The file name can be either a complete path name, in which case NEdit will always load the same tags file, or a file name without a path or with a relative path, in which case NEdit will load it starting from the current directory. The second option allows you to have different tags files for different projects, each automatically loaded depending on the directory you're in when you start NEdit. Setting the name to "tags" is an obvious choice since this is the name that ctags uses. To find the definition of a function or data structure once a tags file is loaded, select the name anywhere it appears in your program (see Selecting Text) and choose "Find Definition" from the Search menu.Mouse-based editing is what NEdit is all about, and learning to use the more advanced features like secondary selections and primary selection dragging will be well worth your while. If you don't have time to learn everything, you can get by adequately with just the left mouse button: Clicking the left button moves the cursor. Dragging with the left button makes a selection. Holding the shift key while clicking extends the existing selection, or begins a selection between the cursor and the mouse. Double or triple clicking selects a whole word or a whole line. This section will make more sense if you also read the section called, "Selecting Text", which explains the terminology of selections, i.e. what is meant by primary, secondary, rectangular, etc. GENERAL General meaning of mouse buttons and modifier keys: Buttons Button 1 (left) Cursor position and primary selection Button 2 (middle) Secondary selections, and dragging and copying the primary selection Button 3 (right) Quick-access programmable menu and pan scrolling Modifier keys Shift On primary selections, (left mouse button): Extends selection to the mouse pointer On secondary and copy operations, (middle): Toggles between move and copy Ctrl Makes selection rectangular or insertion columnar Alt* (on release) Exchange primary and secondary selections. Left Mouse Button The left mouse button is used to position the cursor and to make primary selections Click Moves the cursor Double Click Selects a whole word Triple Click Selects a whole line Quad Click Selects the whole file Shift Click Adjusts (extends or shrinks) the selection, or if there is no existing selection, begins a new selection between the cursor and the mouse. Ctrl+Shift+ Adjusts (extends or shrinks) the Click selection rectangularly. Drag Selects text between where the mouse was pressed and where it was released. Ctrl+Drag Selects rectangle between where the mouse was pressed and where it was released. Right Mouse Button The right mouse button posts a programmable menu for frequently used commands. Click/Drag Pops up the background menu (programmed from Preferences -> Default Settings -> Customize Menus -> Window Background). Ctrl+Drag Pan scrolling. Scrolls the window both vertically and horizontally, as if you had grabbed it with your mouse. Middle Mouse Button The middle mouse button is for making secondary selections, and copying and dragging the primary selection Click Copies the primary selection to the clicked position. Shift+Click Moves the primary selection to the clicked position, deleting it from its original position. Drag 1) Outside of the primary selection: Begins a secondary selection. 2) Inside of the primary selection: Moves the selection by dragging. Ctrl+Drag 1) Outside of the primary selection: Begins a rectangular secondary selection. 2) Inside of the primary selection: Drags the selection in overlay mode (see below). When the mouse button is released after creating a secondary selection: No Modifiers If there is a primary selection, replaces it with the secondary selection. Otherwise, inserts the secondary selection at the cursor position. Shift Move the secondary selection, deleting it from its original position. If there is a primary selection, the move will replace the primary selection with the secondary selection. Otherwise, moves the secondary selection to to the cursor position. Alt* Exchange the primary and secondary selections. While moving the primary selection by dragging with the middle mouse button: Shift Leaves a copy of the original selection in place rather than removing it or blanking the area. Ctrl Changes from insert mode to overlay mode (see below). Escape Cancels drag in progress. Overlay Mode: Normally, dragging moves text by removing it from the selected position at the start of the drag, and inserting it at a new position relative to to the mouse. When you drag a block of text over existing characters, the existing characters are displaced to the end of the selection. In overlay mode, characters which are occluded by blocks of text being dragged are simply removed. When dragging non-rectangular selections, overlay mode also converts the selection to rectangular form, allowing it to be dragged outside of the bounds of the existing text. * The Alt key may be labeled Meta or Compose-Character on some keyboards. Some window managers, including default configurations of mwm, bind combinations of the Alt key and mouse buttons to window manager operations. In NEdit, Alt is only used on button release, so regardless of the window manager bindings for Alt-modified mouse buttons, you can still do the corresponding NEdit operation by using the Alt key AFTER the initial mouse press, so that Alt is held while you release the mouse button. If you find this difficult or annoying, you can re-configure most window managers to skip this binding, or you can re-configure NEdit to use a different key combination.Most of the keyboard shortcuts in NEdit are shown on the right hand sides of the pull-down menus. However, there are more which are not as obvious. These include; dialog button shortcuts; menu and dialog mnemonics; labeled keyboard keys, such as the arrows, page-up, page-down, and home; and optional Shift modifiers on accelerator keys, like [Shift]Ctrl+F. Menu Accelerators Pressing the key combinations shown on the right of the menu items is a shortcut for selecting the menu item with the mouse. Some items have the shift key enclosed in brackets, such as [Shift]Ctrl+F. This indicates that the shift key is optional. In search commands, including the shift key reverses the direction of the search. In Shift commands, it makes the command shift the selected text by a whole tab stop rather than by single characters. Menu Mnemonics Pressing the Alt key in combination with one of the underlined characters in the menu bar pulls down that menu. Once the menu is pulled down, typing the underlined characters in a menu item (without the Alt key) activates that item. With a menu pulled down, you can also use the arrow keys to select menu items, and the space or enter keys to activate them. Keyboard Shortcuts within Dialogs One button in a dialog is usually marked with a thick indented outline. Pressing the Return or Enter key activates this button. All dialogs have either a Cancel or Dismiss button. This button can be activated by pressing the Escape (or Esc) key. Pressing the tab key moves the keyboard focus to the next item in a dialog. Within an associated group of buttons, the arrow keys move the focus among the buttons. Shift+Tab moves backward through the items. Most items in dialogs have an underline under one character in their name. Pressing the Alt key along with this character, activates a button as if you had pressed it with the mouse, or moves the keyboard focus to the associated text field or list. You can select items from a list by using the arrow keys to move the selection and space to select. In file selection dialogs, you can type the beginning characters of the file name or directory in the list to select files Labeled Function Keys The labeled function keys on standard workstation and PC keyboards, like the arrows, and page-up and page-down, are active in NEdit, though not shown in the pull-down menus. Holding down the control key while pressing a named key extends the scope of the action that it performs. For example, Home normally moves the insert cursor the beginning of a line. Ctrl+Home moves it to the beginning of the file. Backspace deletes one character, Ctrl+Backspace deletes one word. Holding down the shift key while pressing a named key begins or extends a selection. Combining the shift and control keys combines their actions. For example, to select a word without using the mouse, position the cursor at the beginning of the word and press Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow. The Alt key modifies selection commands to make the selection rectangular. Under X and Motif, there are several levels of translation between keyboard keys and the actions they perform in a program. The "Customizing NEdit", and "X Resources" sections of the Help menu have more information on this subject. Because of all of this configurability, and since keyboards and standards for the meaning of some keys vary from machine to machine, the mappings may be changed from the defaults listed below. Modifier Keys (in general) Ctrl Extends the scope of the action that the key would otherwise perform. For example, Home normally moves the insert cursor the beginning of a line. Ctrl+Home moves it to the beginning of the file. Backspace deletes one character, Ctrl+ Backspace deletes one word. Shift Extends the selection to the cursor position. If there's no selection, begins one between the old and new cursor positions. Alt When modifying a selection, makes the selection rectangular. (For the effects of modifier keys on mouse button presses, see the section titled "Using the Mouse") All Keyboards Escape Cancels operation in progress: menu selection, drag, selection, etc. Also equivalent to cancel button in dialogs. Backspace Delete the character before the cursor Ctrl+BS Delete the word before the cursor Arrows Left Move the cursor to the left one character Ctrl+Left Move the cursor backward one word (Word delimiters are settable, see Customizing NEdit, and X Resources) Right Move the cursor to the right one character Ctrl+Right Move the cursor forward one word Up Move the cursor up one line Ctrl+Up Move the cursor up one paragraph. (Paragraphs are delimited by blank lines) Down Move the cursor down one line. Ctrl+Down Move the cursor down one paragraph. Ctrl+Return Return with automatic indent, regardless of the setting of Auto Indent. Shift+Return Return without automatic indent, regardless of the setting of Auto Indent. Ctrl+Tab Insert an ascii tab character, without processing emulated tabs. Alt+Ctrl+ Insert the control-code equivalent of a key Ctrl+/ Select everything (same as Select All menu item or ^A) Ctrl+\ Unselect Ctrl+U Delete to start of line PC Standard Keyboard Ctrl+Insert Copy the primary selection to the clipboard (same as Copy menu item or ^C) for compatibility with Motif standard key binding Shift+Ctrl+ Insert Copy the primary selection to the cursor location. Delete Delete the character before the cursor. (Can be configured to delete the character after the cursor, see Customizing NEdit, and X Resources) Ctrl+Delete Delete to end of line. Shift+Delete Cut, remove the currently selected text and place it in the clipboard. (same as Cut menu item or ^X) for compatibility with Motif standard key binding Shift+Ctrl+ Delete Cut the primary selection to the cursor location. Home Move the cursor to the beginning of the line Ctrl+Home Move the cursor to the beginning of the file End Move the cursor to the end of the line Ctrl+End Move the cursor to the end of the file PageUp Scroll and move the cursor up by one page. Ctrl+PageUp Scroll and move the cursor left by one page. PageDown Scroll and move the cursor down by one page. Ctrl+PageDown Scroll and move the cursor right by one page. F10 Make the menu bar active for keyboard input (Arrow Keys, Return, Escape, and the Space Bar) Specialty Keyboards On machines with different styles of keyboards, generally, text editing actions are properly matched to the labeled keys, such as Remove, Next-screen, etc.. If you prefer different key bindings, see the section titled "Key Binding" under the Customizing heading in the Help menu.Shifting and Filling Shift Left, Shift Right While shifting blocks of text is most important for programmers (See Features for Programming), it is also useful for other tasks, such as creating indented paragraphs. To shift a block of text one tab stop to the right, select the text, then choose Shift Right from the Edit menu. Note that the accelerator keys for these menu items are Ctrl+9 and Ctrl+0, which correspond to the right and left parenthesis on most keyboards. Remember them as adjusting the text in the direction pointed to by the parenthesis character. Holding the Shift key while selecting either Shift Left or Shift Right will shift the text by one character. It is also possible to shift blocks of text by selecting the text rectangularly, and dragging it left or right (and up or down as well). Using a rectangular selection also causes tabs within the selection to be recalculated and substituted, such that the non-whitespace characters remain stationary with respect to the selection. Filling Text filling using the Fill Paragraph command in the Edit menu is one of the most important concepts in NEdit. And it will be well worth your while to understand how to use it properly. In plain text files, unlike word-processor files, there is no way to tell which lines are continuations of other lines, and which lines are meant to be separate, because there is no distinction in meaning between newline characters which separate lines in a paragraph, and ones which separate paragraphs from other text. This makes it impossible for a text editor like NEdit to tell parts of the text which belong together as a paragraph from carefully arranged individual lines. In continuous wrap mode (Preferences -> Wrap -> Continuous), lines automatically wrap and unwrap themselves to line up properly at the right margin. In this mode, you simply omit the newlines within paragraphs and let NEdit make the line breaks as needed. Unfortunately, continuous wrap mode is not appropriate in the majority of situations, because files with extremely long lines are not common under Unix and may not be compatible with all tools, and because you can't achieve effects like indented sections, columns, or program comments, and still take advantage of the automatic wrapping. Without continuous wrapping, paragraph filling is not entirely automatic. Auto-Newline wrapping keeps paragraphs lined up as you type, but once entered, NEdit can no longer distinguish newlines which join wrapped text, and newlines which must be preserved. Therefore, editing in the middle of a paragraph will often leave the right margin messy and uneven. Since NEdit can't act automatically to keep your text lined up, you need to tell it explicitly where to operate, and that is what Fill Paragraph is for. It arranges lines to fill the space between two margins, wrapping the lines neatly at word boundaries. Normally, the left margin for filling is inferred from the text being filled. The first line of each paragraph is considered special, and its left indentation is maintained separately from the remaining lines (for leading indents, bullet points, numbered paragraphs, etc.). Otherwise, the left margin is determined by the furthest left non-whitespace character. The right margin is either the Wrap Margin, set in the preferences menu (by default, the right edge of the window), or can also be chosen on the fly by using a rectangular selection (see below). There are three ways to use Fill Paragraph. The simplest is, while you are typing text, and there is no selection, simply select Fill Paragraph (or type Ctrl+J), and NEdit will arrange the text in the paragraph adjacent to the cursor. A paragraph, in this case, means an area of text delimited by blank lines. The second way to use Fill Paragraph is with a selection. If you select a range of text and then chose Fill Paragraph, all of the text in the selection will be filled. Again, continuous text between blank lines is interpreted as paragraphs and filled individually, respecting leading indents and blank lines. The third, and most versitile, way to use Fill Paragraph is with a rectangular selection. Fill Paragraph treats rectangular selections differently from other commands. Instead of simply filling the text inside the rectangular selection, NEdit interprets the right edge of the selection as the requested wrap margin. Text to the left of the selection is not disturbed (the usual interpretation of a rectangular selection), but text to the right of the selection is included in the operation and is pulled in to the selected region. This method enables you to fill text to an arbitrary right margin, without going back and forth to the wrap-margin dialog, as well as to exclude text to the left of the selection such as comment bars or other text columns.Syntax Highlighting means using colors and fonts to help distinguish language elements i~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK )[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1<g|tn programming languages and other types of structured files. Programmers use syntax highlighting to understand code faster and better, and to spot many kinds of syntax errors more quickly. To use syntax highlighting in NEdit, select Highlight Syntax in the Preferences menu. If NEdit recognizes the computer language that you are using, and highlighting rules (patterns) are available for that language, it will highlight your text, and maintain the highlighting, automatically, as you type. If NEdit doesn't correctly recognize the type of the file you are editing, you can manually select a language mode from Language Modes in the Preferences menu. You can also program the method that NEdit uses to recognize language modes in Preferences -> Default Settings -> Language Modes.... If no highlighting patterns are available for the language that you want to use, you can create new patterns relatively quickly. The Help section "Highlighting Patterns" under "Customizing", has details. If you are satisfied with what NEdit is highlighting, but would like it to use different colors or fonts, you can change these by selecting Preferences -> Default Settings -> Syntax Highlighting -> Text Drawing Styles. Highlighting patterns are connected with font and color information through a common set of styles so that colorings defined for one language will be similar across others, and patterns within the same language which are meant to appear identical can be changed in the same place. To understand which styles are used to highlight the language you are interested in, you may need to look at "Patterns for Highlighting" section, as well. Syntax highlighting is CPU intensive, and under some circumstances can affect NEdit's responsiveness. If you have a particularly slow system, or work with very large files, you may not want to use it all of the time. Syntax highlighting introduces two kinds of delays. The first is an initial parsing delay, proportional to the size of the file. This delay is also incurred when pasting large sections of text, filtering text through shell commands, and other circumstances involving changes to large amounts of text. The second kind of delay happens when text which has not previously been visible is scrolled in to view. Depending on your system, and the highlight patterns you are using, this may or may not be noticeable. A typing delay is also possible, but unlikely if you are only using the built-in patterns.If a system crash, network failure, X server crash, or program error should happen while you are editing a file, you can still recover most of your work. NEdit maintains a backup file which it updates periodically (every 8 editing operations or 80 characters typed). This file is has the same name as the file that you are editing, but with the character "~" (tilde) on Unix or "_" (underscore) on VMS prefixed to the name. To recover a file after a crash, simply rename the file to remove the tilde or underscore character, replacing the older version of the file. (Because several of the Unix shells consider the tilde to be a special character, you may have to prefix the character with a "\" (backslash) when you move or delete an NEdit backup file.) Example, to recover the file called "help.c" on Unix type the command: mv \~help.c help.c On VMS, type: RENAME _HELP.C HELP.CThe Preferences menu allows you to set options for both the current editing window, and default values for newly created windows and future NEdit sessions. Options in the Preferences menu itself (not in the Default Settings sub-menu) take effect immediately and refer to the current window only. Options in the Default Settings sub-menu have no effect on the current window, but instead provide initial settings for future windows created using the New or Open commands. Preferences set in the Default Settings sub-menu can also be saved in a file that is automatically read by NEdit at startup time, by selecting Save Defaults. Preferences Menu Default Settings -- Menu of initial settings for future windows. Generally the same as the options in the main part of the menu, but apply as defaults for future windows created during this NEdit session. These settings can be saved using the Save Defaults command below, to be loaded automatically each time NEdit is started. Save Defaults -- Save the default options as set under Default Settings for future NEdit sessions. Statistics Line -- Show the full file name, line number, and length of the file being edited. Language Mode -- Tells NEdit what language (if any) to assume, for selecting language-specific features such as highlight patterns and smart indent macros, and setting language specific preferences like word delimiters, tab emulation, and auto-indent. See Features for Programming -> Programming With NEdit for more information. Auto Indent -- Setting Auto Indent "on" maintains a running indent (pressing the return key will line up the cursor with the indent level of the previous line). If smart indent macros are available for the current language mode, smart indent can be selected and NEdit will attempt to guess proper language indentation for each new line. See Help -> Features for Programming -> Automatic Indent for more information. Wrap -- Choose between two styles of automatic wrapping or none. Auto Newline wrap, wraps text at word boundaries when the cursor reaches the right margin, by replacing the space or tab at the last word boundary with a newline character. Continuous Wrap wraps long lines which extend past the right margin. Continuous Wrap mode is typically used to produce files where newlines are ommitted within paragraphs, to make text filling automatic (a kind of poor-man's word processor). Text of this style is common on Macs and PCs but is not necessarily supported very well under Unix (except in programs which deal with e-mail, for which it is often the format of choice). Wrap Margin -- Set margin for Auto Newline Wrap, Continuous Wrap, and Fill Paragraph. Lines may, be wrapped at the right margin of the window, or the margin can be set at a specific column. Tabs -- Set the tab distance (number of characters between tab stops) for tab characters, and control tab emulation and use of tab characters in padding and emulated tabs. Text Font... -- Change the font(s) used to display text (fonts for menus and dialogs must be set using X resources for the text area of the window). See below for more information. Highlight Syntax -- If NEdit recognizes the language being edited, and highlighting patterns are available for that language, use fonts and colors to enhance viewing of the file. (See Help -> Features for Programming -> Syntax Highlighting for more information. Make Backup Copy -- On Save, write a backup copy of the file as it existed before the Save command with the extension .bck (Unix only). Incremental Backup -- Periodically make a backup copy of the file being edited under the name ~filename on Unix or _filename on VMS (see Crash Recovery). Show Matching (..) -- Momentarily highlight matching parenthesis, brackets, and braces when one of these characters is typed, or when the insertion cursor is positioned after it. Overtype -- In overtype mode, new characters entered replace the characters in front of the insertion cursor, rather than being inserted before them. Read Only -- Lock the file against accidental modification. This temporarily prevents the file from being modified in this NEdit session. Note that this is diferent from setting the file protection. Preferences -> Default Settings Menu Options in the Preferences -> Default Settings menu have the same meaning as those in the top-level Preferences menu, except that they apply to future NEdit windows and future NEdit sessions if saved with the Save Defaults command. Additional options which appear in this menu are: Language Modes -- Define language recognition information (for determining language mode from file name or content) and set language specific preferences. Customize Menus -- Add/remove items from the Shell, Macro, and window background menus (see below). Searching -- Options for controlling the behavior of Find and Replace commands: Verbose - Presents search results in dialog form, asks before wrapping a search back around the beginning (or end) of the file. Keep Dialogs Up - Don't pop down Replace and Find boxes after searching. Default Search Style - Initial setting for search type in Find and Replace dialogs. Syntax Highlighting -- Program and configure enhanced text display for new or supported languages (See Features for Programming -> Syntax Highlighting). Initial Window Size -- Default size for new windows. Changing Font(s) The font used to display text in NEdit is set under Preferences -> Text Font (for the current window), or Preferences -> Default Settings Text Font (for future windows). These dialogs also allow you to set fonts for syntax highlighting. If you don't intend to use syntax highlighting, you can ignore most of the dialog, and just set the field labeled Primary Font. Unless you are absolutely certain about the types of files that you will be editing with NEdit, you should choose a fixed-spacing font. Many, if not most, plain-text files are written expecting to be viewed with fixed character spacing, and will look wrong with proportional spacing. NEdit's filling, wrapping, and rectangular operations will also work strangely if you choose a proportional font. Note that in the font browser (the dialog brought up by the Browse... button), the subset of fonts which are shown is narrowed depending on the characteristics already selected. It is therefore important to know that you can unselect characteristics from the lists by clicking on the selected items a second time. Fonts for syntax highlighting should ideally match the primary font in both height and spacing. A mismatch in spacing will result in similar distortions as choosing a proportional font: column alignment will sometimes look wrong, and rectangular operations, wrapping, and filling will behave strangely. A mismatch in height will cause windows to re-size themselves slightly when syntax highlighting is turned on or off, and increase the inter- line spacing of the text. Unfortunately, on some systems it is hard to find sets of fonts which match exactly in height. Customizing Menus You can add or change items in the Shell, Macro, and window background menus under Preferences -> Default Settings -> Customize Menus. When you choose one of these, you will see a dialog with a list of the current user-configurable items from the menu on the left. To change an existing item, select it from the list, and its properties will appear in the remaining fields of the dialog, where you may change them. Selecting the item "New" from the list allows you to enter new items in the menu. Hopefully most of the characteristics are self explanatory, but here are a few things to note: Accelerator keys are keyboard shortcuts which appear on the right hand side of the menus, and allow you avoid pulling down the menu and activate the command with a single keystroke. Enter accelerators by typing the keys exactly as you would to activate the command. Mnemonics are a single letter which should be part of the menu item name, which allow users to traverse and activate menu items by typing keys when the menu is pulled down. In the Shell Command field of the Shell Commands dialog, the % character expands to the name (including directory path) of the file in the window. To include a % character in the command, use %%. The Menu Entry field can contain special characters for constructing hierarchical sub-menus, and for making items which appear only in certain language modes. The right angle bracket character ">" creates a sub-menu. The name of the item itself should be the last element of the path formed from successive sub-menu names joined with ">". Menu panes are called in to existence simply by naming them as part of a Menu Entry name. To put several items in the same sub-menu, repeat the same hierarchical sequence for each. For example, in the Macro Commands dialog, two items with menu entries: a>b>c and a>b>d would create a single sub menu under the macro menu called "a", which would contain a single sub-menu, b, holding the actual items, c and d: +---++---++---+ |a >||b >||c | +---++---+|d | +---+ To qualify a menu entry with a language mode, simply add an at-sign "@" at the end of the menu command, followed (no space) by a language mode name. To make a menu item which appears in several language modes, append additional @s and language mode names. For example, an item with the menu entry: Make C Prototypes@C@C++ would appear only in C and C++ language modes, and: Make Class Template@C++ would appear only in C++ mode. Menu items with no qualification appear in all language modes. Sharing Customizations with Other NEdit Users If you have written macro or shell menu commands, highlight patterns, or smart-indent macros that you want to share with other NEdit users, you can make a file which they can load into their nedit environment. To load such a file, start nedit with the command: nedit -import In the new nedit session, verify that the imported patterns or macros do what you want, then select Preferences -> Save Defaults. Saving incorporates the changes into your own .nedit file, so the next time you run nedit, you will not have to import the distribution file. Loading a customization file is automated, but creating one is not. To produce a file to be imported by other users, you must make a copy of your own .nedit file, and edit it, by hand, to remove everything but the few items of interest to the recipient. Leave only the individual resource(s), and within those resources, only the particular macro, pattern, style, etc, that you wish to exchange. For example, to share a highlighting pattern set, you would include the patterns, any new styles you added, and language mode information only if the patterns are intended to support a new language rather than updating an existing one. For example: nedit.highlightPatterns:\ My Language:1:0{\n\ Comment:"#":"$"::Comment::\n\ Loop Header:"^[ \\t]*loop:":::Loop::\n\ } nedit.languageModes: My Language:.my:::::: nedit.styles: Loop:blue:Bold Resources are in the format of X resource files, but the format of text within multiple-item resources like highlight patterns, language modes, macros, styles, etc., are private to NEdit. Each resource is a string which ends at the first newline character not escaped with \, so you must be careful about how you treat ends of lines. While you can generally just cut and paste indented sections, if something which was originally in the middle of a resource string is now at the end, you must remove the \ line continuation character(s) so it will not join the next line into the resource. Conversely, if something which was originally at the end of a resource is now in the middle, you'll have to add continuation character(s) to make sure that the resource string is properly continued from beginning to end, and possibly newline character(s) (\n) to make sure that it is properly separated from the next item.The Shell menu (Unix versions only) allows you to execute Unix shell commands from within NEdit. You can add items to the menu to extend NEdit's command set or to incorporate custom automatic editing features using shell commands or editing languages like awk and sed. To add items to the menu, select Preferences -> Default Settings Customize Menus -> Shell Menu. NEdit comes pre-configured with a few useful Unix commands like spell and sort, but we encourage you to add your own custom extensions. Filter Selection... prompts you for a Unix command to use to process the currently selected text. The output from this command replaces the contents of the selection. Execute Command... prompts you for a Unix command and replaces the current selection with the output of the command. If there is no selection, it deposits the output at the current insertion point. Execute Command Line uses the position of the cursor in the window to indicate a line to execute as a shell command line. The cursor may be positioned anywhere on the line. This command allows you to use an NEdit window as an editable command window for saving output and saving commands for re-execution. The X resource called nedit.shell (See Customizing NEdit) determines which Unix shell is used to execute commands. The default value for this resource is /bin/csh.Regular expressions are available in the Find... and Replace... dialogs as a way to match inexact sequences of characters. Regular expression substitution can also be used to program automatic editing operations. For example, the following are search and replace strings to find occurrences of the subroutine get_x, reverse the first and second parameters, add a third parameter of NULL, and change the name to new_get_x": Search string: get_x\(([^ ,]*), ([^\)]*)\) Replace string: new_get_x(\2, \1, NULL) To use regular expressions, click on the Regular Expression button in the Find... or Replace... dialogs before doing a search or replacement. Regular Expression Syntax The components of a regular expression are: branches, pieces, atoms, and ranges. A regular expression consists of zero or more branches, separated by `|'. It matches anything that matches one of the branches. A branch is zero or more pieces, concatenated. It matches a match for the first, followed by a match for the second, etc. A piece is an atom possibly followed by `*', `+', or `?'. An atom followed by `*' matches a sequence of 0 or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by `+' matches a sequence of 1 or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by `?' matches a match of the atom, or the null string. An atom is a regular expression in parentheses (matching a match for the regular expression), a range (see below), `.' (matching any single character), `^' (matching the null string at the beginning of a line string), `$' (matching the null string at the end of a line), `<' or `>' (matching the null string at a word boundary), a `\' followed by a single character (matching that character), or a single character with no other significance (matching that character). \t, \n, \b, \r, and \f represent the characters tab newline, backspace, carriage return, and form feed. A range is a sequence of characters enclosed in `[]'. It normally matches any single character from the sequence. If the sequence begins with `^', it matches any single character not from the rest of the sequence. If two characters in the sequence are separated by `-', this is shorthand for the full list of ASCII characters between them (e.g. `[0-9]' matches any decimal digit). To include a literal `]' in the sequence, make it the first character (following a possible `^'). To include a literal `-', make it the first or last character. A backslash `\' followed by a single character includes that character, however backslashes are not necessary for most special characters, since inside a range, only the `]', `-', and '\' characters are treated specially. Substitution Wherever the substitution string contains the character `&', NEdit will substitute the the entire string that was matched in the Find operation. Up to nine sub-expressions of the match string can also be inserted into the replacement string, using `\' followed by a digit. \1 through \9 represent the strings that matched parenthesized expressions within the regular expression, numbered left-to-right in order of their opening parentheses. Preceding & or \1-9 with \U, \u, \L, or \l adjusts the case of the inserted text. \u and \l change only the first character, while \U and \L change the entire string to upper or lower case. \t, \n, \b, \r, and \f represent the characters tab newline, backspace, carriage return, and form feed in a substitution string represent the tab and newline characters as they do in match strings. Ambiguity If a regular expression could match two different parts of the text, it will match the one which begins earliest. If both begin in the same place but match different lengths, or match the same length in different ways, life gets messier, as follows. In general, the possibilities in a list of branches are considered in left-to-right order, the possibilities for `*', `+', and `?' are considered longest-first, nested constructs are considered from the outermost in, and concatenated constructs are considered leftmost-first. The match that will be chosen is the one that uses the earliest possibility in the first choice that has to be made. If there is more than one choice, the next will be made in the same manner (earliest possibility) subject to the decision on the first choice. And so forth. For example, `(ab|a)b*c' could match `abc' in one of two ways. The first choice is between `ab' and `a'; since `ab' is earlier, and does lead to a successful overall match, it is chosen. Since the `b' is already spoken for, the `b*' must match its last possibility-the empty string-since it must respect the earlier choice. In the particular case where no `|'s are present and there is only one `*', `+', or `?', the net effect is that the longest possible match will be chosen. So `ab*', presented with `xabbbby', will match `abbbb'. Note that if `ab*' is tried against `xabyabbbz', it will match `ab' just after `x', due to the begins-earliest rule. (In effect, the decision on where to start the match is the first choice to be made, hence subsequent choices must respect it even if this leads them to less-preferred alternatives.)Command Format: NEDIT [filespec[,...]] The following qualifiers are accepted: /read -- Open the file Read Only regardless of the actual file protection. /create -- Don't warn about file creation when a file doesn't exist. /line=n -- Go to line #n /server -- Designate this session as an NEdit server for processing commands from the nc program. nc can be used to interface NEdit to code development environments, mailers, etc., or just as a quick way to open files from the shell command line without starting a new NEdit session. /do=command -- Execute an NEdit action routine. on each file following the /do argument on the command line. /do is particularly useful from the nc program, where nc /do can remotely execute commands in an nedit /server session. /tags=file -- Load a file of directions for finding definitions of program subroutines and data objects. The file must be of the format gen- erated by the Unix ctags command. /wrap, /nowrap -- Wrap long lines at the right edge of the window rather than continuing them past it. (Continuous Wrap mode) /autowrap, /noautowrap -- Wrap long lines when the cursor reaches the right edge of the window by inserting newlines at word boundaries. (Auto Newline Wrap mode) /autoindent, noautoindent -- Maintain a running indent. /autosave, /noautosave -- Maintain a backup copy of the file being edited under the name ~filename (on Unix) or _filename (on VMS). /rows=n -- Default width in characters for an editing window. /columns=n -- Default height in characters for an editing window. /font=font (or /fn=font) -- Font for text being edited (Font for menus and dialogs can be set with -xrm "*fontList:font"). /display [host]:server[.screen] -- The name of the X server to use. host specifies the machine, server specifies the display server number, and screen specifies the screen number. host or screen can be omitted and default to the local machine, and screen 0. /geometry=geometry (or /g=geometry) -- The initial size and/or location of editor windows. The argument geometry has the form: [x][+|-][[+|-]] where and are the desired width and height of the window, and and are the distance from the edge of the screen to the window, + for top or left, - for bottom or right. /background=color (or /bg=color) -- Background color. (background color for text can be set separately with /xrm "nedit*text:background color"). /foreground=color (or /fg=color) -- Foreground color. (foreground color for text can be set separately with -xrm "nedit*text:foreground color"). /xrm=resourcestring -- Set the value of an X resource to override a default value (see Customizing NEdit). /svrname=name -- When starting nedit in server mode, name the server, such that it responds to requests only when nc is given a correspoding -svrname argument. By naming servers, you can run several simultaneously, and direct files and commands specifically to any one. /import=filename -- loads an additional preferences file on top of the existing defaults saved in your .nedit file. To incorporate macros, language modes, and highlight patterns and styles written by other users, run nedit with /import=, then re-save your .nedit file with Preferences -> Save Defaults. Unix-style command lines (but not file names) are also acceptable: nedit -rows 20 -wrap file1.c file2.c is equivalent to: nedit /rows=20/wrap file1.c, file2.cNEdit can be operated on its own, or as a two-part client/server application. Client/server mode is useful for integrating NEdit with software development environments, mailers, and other programs; or just as a quick way to open files from the shell command line without starting a new NEdit session. To run NEdit in server mode, type: nedit -server NEdit can also be started in server mode via the nc program when no servers are available. The nc (for NEdit Client) program, which is distributed along with nedit, sends commands to an nedit server to open files, select lines, or execute editor actions. It accepts a limited set of the nedit command line options: -read, -create, -line (or +n), -do, and a list of file names. Listing a file on the nc command line means, open it if it is not already open and bring the window to the front. -read and -create affect only newly opened files, but -line and -do can also be used on files which are already open (See "NEdit Command Line" for more information). In typical Unix style, arguments affect the files which follow them on the command line, for example: incorrect: nc file.c -line 25 correct: nc -line 25 file.c -read, -create, and -line affect all of the files which follow them on the command line. The -do macro is executed only once, on the next file on the line. -do without a file following it on the command line, executes the macro on the first available window (presumably when you give a -do command without a corresponding file or window, you intend it to do something independent of the window in which it happens execute). nc also accepts one command line option of its own, -noask (or -ask), which instructs it whether to automatically start a server if one is not available. This is also settable via the X resource, nc.autoStart (See X Resources). Sometimes it is useful to have more than one NEdit server running, for example to keep mail and programming work separate, or more importantly for working with tools like ClearCase which provide different views of the file system from different shells. The option, -svrname, to both nedit and nc, allow you to start, and communicate with, separate named servers. A named server responds only to requests with the corresponding -svrname argument. Communication between nc and nedit is through the X display. So as long as X windows is set up and working properly, nc will will work properly as well. nc uses the DISPLAY environment variable, the machine name and your user name to find the appropriate server, meaning, if you have several machines sharing a common file system, nc will not be able to find a server that is running on a machine with a different host name, even though it may be perfectly appropriate for editing a given file. The command which nc uses to start an nedit server is settable via the X resource nc.serverCommand, by default, "nedit -server".NEdit can be customized many different ways. The most important user-settable options are presented in the Preferences menu, including all options that users might need to change during an editing session. Options set in the Default Settings sub-menu of the Preferences menu can be preserved between sessions by selecting Save Defaults, which writes a file called .nedit in the user's home directory. See the section titled "Preferences" for more details. User defined commands can be added to NEdit's Shell, Macro, and window background menus. Dialogs for creating items in these menus can be found under Customize Menus in the Default Settings sub menu of the Preferences menu. For users who depend on NEdit every day and want to tune every excruciating detail, there are also X resources for tuning a vast number of such details, down to the color of each individual button. See the section "X Resources" for more information, as well as a list of selected resources. The most common reason customizing your X resources for NEdit, however, is key binding. While limited key binding can be done through Preferences settings (Preferences -> Default Settings -> Customize Menus), you can really only add keys this way, and each key must have a corresponding menu item. Any significant changes to key binding should be made via the Translations resource and menu accelerator resources. The sections titled "Key Binding" and "X Resources" have more information.NEdit has additional options to those provided in the Preferences menu which are set using X resources. Like most other X programs, NEdit can be customized to vastly unnecessary proportions, from initial window positions down to the font and shadow colors of each individual button (A complete discussion of how to do this is left to books on the X Windows System). Key binding (see "Key Binding" is one of the most useful of these resource settable options. X resources are usually specified in a file called .Xdefaults or .Xresources in your home directory (on VMS this is sys$login:decw$xdefaults.dat). On some systems, this file is read and its information attached to the X server (your screen) when you start X. On other systems, the .Xdefaults file is read each time you run an X program. When X resource values are attached to the X server, changes to the resource file are not available to application programs until you either run the xrdb program with the appropriate file as input, or re-stOޜa~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK )[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1<7|art the X server. The .nedit File The .nedit (saved preferences) file is in the same format as an X resource file, and its contents can be moved into your X resource file. One reason for doing so would be to attach server specific preferences, such as a default font to a particular X server. Another reason for moving preferences into the X resource file would be to keep preferences menu options and resource settable options together in one place. Though the files are the same format, additional resources should not be added to the .nedit file, they will not be read, and NEdit modifies this file by overwriting it completely. Note also that the contents of the .nedit file take precedence over the values of X resources. Using Save Defaults after moving the contents of your .nedit file to your .Xdefaults file will re-create the .nedit file, interfering with the options that you have moved. Selected X Resource Names The following are selected NEdit resource names and default values for NEdit options not settable via the Preferences menu (for preference resource names, see your .nedit file): nedit.tagFile: (not defined) -- The name of a file of the type produced by the Unix ctags command which NEdit will load at startup time (see Features for Programmers). The tag file provides a database from which NEdit can automatically open files containing the definition of a particular subroutine or data type. nedit.shell: /bin/csh -- (Unix systems only) The Unix shell (command interpreter) to use for executing commands from the Shell menu nedit.wordDelimiters: .,/\\`'!@#%^&*()-=+{}[]":;<>? -- The characters, in addition to blanks and tabs, which mark the boundaries between words for the move-by-word (Ctrl+Arrow) and select-word (double click) commands. Note that this default value may be overridden by the setting in Preferences -> Default Settings -> Language Modes.... nedit.remapDeleteKey: True -- Setting this resource to False restores the original Motif binding of the delete key to forward-delete. This binding causes problems when X servers with one delete/ backspace configuration are connected with X clients of the other. Users with a backspace key in the backspace/delete position and who use only machines with that style of keyboard can set this resource to False to get back the forward-delete function of the delete key. nedit.stdOpenDialog: False -- Setting this resource to True restores the standard Motif style of Open dialog. NEdit file open dialogs are missing a text field at the bottom of the dialog, where the file name can be entered as a string. The field is removed in NEdit to encourage users to type file names in the list, a non-standard, but much faster method for finding files. nedit.bgMenuButton: ~Shift~Ctrl~Meta~Alt -- Specification for mouse button / key combination to post the background menu (in the form of an X translation table event specification). The event specification should be as specific as possible, since it will override less specific translation table entries. nedit.maxPrevOpenFiles: 30 -- Number of files listed in the Open Previous sub-menu of the File menu. Setting this to zero disables the Open Previous menu item and maintenance of the .neditdb file. nedit.printCommand: (system specific) -- Command used by the print dialog to print a file, i.e. lp, lpr, etc.. The command must be capable of accepting input via stdin (standard input). nedit.printCopiesOption: (system specific) -- Option name used to specify multiple copies to the print command. If the option should be separated from its argument by a space, leave a trailing space. If blank, no "Number of Copies" item will appear in the print dialog. nedit.printQueueOption: (system specific) -- Option name used to specify a print queue to the print command. If the option should be separated from its argument by a space, leave a trailing space. If blank, no "Queue" item will appear in the print dialog. nedit.printNameOption: (system specific) -- Option name used to specify a job name to the print command. If the option should be separated from its argument by a space, leave a trailing space. If blank, no job or file name will be attached to the print job or banner page. nedit.printHostOption: (system specific) -- Option name used to specify a host name to the print command. If the option should be separated from its argument by a space, leave a trailing space. If blank, no "Host" item will appear in the print dialog. nedit.printDefaultQueue: (system specific) -- The name of the default print queue. Used only to display in the print dialog, and has no effect on printing. nedit.printDefaultHost: (system specific) -- The node name of the default print host. Used only to display in the print dialog, and has no effect on printing. nedit.multiClickTime: (system specific) -- Maximum time in milliseconds allowed between mouse clicks within double and triple click actions. nedit*scrollBarPlacement: BOTTOM_LEFT -- How scroll bars are placed in NEdit windows, as well as various lists and text fields in the program. Other choices are: BOTTOM_RIGHT, TOP_LEFT, or TOP_RIGHT. nedit*text.autoWrapPastedText: False -- When Auto- Newline Wrap is turned on, apply automatic wrapping (which normally only applies to typed text) to pasted text as well. nedit*text.heavyCursor: False -- For monitors with poor resolution or users who have difficulty seeing the cursor, makes the cursor in the text editing area of the window heavier and darker. nedit*text.foreground: black -- Foreground color of the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.background: white -- Background color of the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.selectForeground: black -- Foreground (text) color for selections in the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.selectBackground: gray80 -- Color for selections in the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.highlightForeground: white -- Foreground (text) color for highlights (parenthesis flashing) in the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.highlightBackground: red -- Color for highlights (parenthesis flashing) in the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.cursorForeground: black -- Color for text cursor in the text editing area of the NEdit window. nedit*text.blinkRate: 600 -- Blink rate of the text insertion cursor in milliseconds. Set to zero to stop blinking. nedit*text.Translations: -- Modifies key bindings (see below). nedit*foreground: black -- Default foreground color for menus, dialogs, scroll bars, etc.. nedit*background: gray70 -- Default background color for menus, dialogs, scroll bars, etc.. nedit*fontList: helvetica-bold-14 -- Default font for menus, dialogs, scroll bars, etc.. nc.autoStart: False -- Whether the nc program should automatically start an NEdit server (without prompting the user) if an appropriate server is not found. nc.serverCommand: nedit -server -- Command used by the nc program to start an NEdit server. Selected widget names (to which you may append .background .foreground, .fontList, etc., to change colors, fonts and other characteristics): nedit*statsLine -- Statistics line nedit*menuBar -- Top-of-window menu-bar nedit*textHorScrollBar -- Horizontal scroll bar nedit*textVertScrollBar -- Vertical scroll bar nedit*helpText -- Help window textThere are several ways to change key bindings in NEdit. The easiest way to add a new key binding in NEdit is to define a macro in Preferences -> Default Settings -> Customize Menus -> Macro Menu. However, if you want to change existing bindings or add a significant number of new key bindings you will need to do so via X resources. Before reading this section, you must understand how to set X resources (see the help section "X Resources"). Since setting X resources is tricky, it is also helpful when working on key-binding, to set some easier-to-verify resource at the same time, as a simple check that the NEdit program is actually seeing your changes. The appres program is also very helpful in checking that the resource settings that you make, actually reach the program for which they are intended in the correct form. Key Binding in General Keyboard commands are associated with editor action routines through two separate mechanisms in NEdit. Commands which appear in pull-down menus have individual resources designating a keyboard equivalent to the menu command, called an accelerator key. Commands which do not have an associated menu item are bound to keys via the X toolkit translation mechanism. The methods for changing these two kinds of bindings are quite different. Key Binding Via Translations The most general way to bind actions to keys in NEdit is to use the translation table associated with the text widget. To add a binding to Alt+Y to insert the string "Hi!", for example, add lines similar to the following to your X resource file: NEdit*text.Translations: #override \n\ Alty: insert_string("Hi!") \n The Help topic "Action Routines" lists the actions available to be bound. Translation tables map key and mouse presses, window operations, and other kinds of events, to actions. The syntax for translation tables is simplified here, and you. may need to refer to a book on the X window system for more detailed information. Note that accelerator resources (discussed below) override translations, and that most Ctrl+letter and Alt+letter combinations are already bound to an accelerator key. To use one of these combinations from a translation table, therefore, you must first un-bind the original menu accelerator. A resource for changing a translation table consists of a keyword; #override, #augment, or #replace; followed by lines (separated by newline characters) pairing events with actions. Events begin with modifiers, like Ctrl, Shift, or Alt, followed by the event type in <>. BtnDown, Btn1Down, Btn2Down, Btn1Up, Key, KeyUp are valid event types. For key presses, the event type is followed by the name of the key. You can specify a combination of events, such as a sequence of key presses, by separating them with commas. The other half of the event/action pair is a set of actions. These are separated from the event specification by a colon and from each other by spaces. Actions are names followed by parentheses, optionally containing one or more parameters separated by comas. Changing Menu Accelerator Keys The menu shortcut keys shown at the right of NEdit menu items can also be changed via X resources. Each menu item has two resources associated with it, accelerator, the event to trigger the menu item; and acceleratorText, the string shown in the menu. The form of the accelerator resource is the same as events for translation table entries discussed above, though multiple keys and other subtleties are not allowed. The resource name for a menu is the title in lower case, followed by "Menu", the resource name of menu item is the name in lower case, run together, with words separated by caps, and all punctuation removed. For example, to change Cut to Ctrl+X, you would add the following to your .Xdefaults file: nedit*editMenu.cut.accelerator: Ctrlx nedit*editMenu.cut.acceleratorText: Ctrl+X Accelerator keys with optional shift key modifiers, like Find..., have an additional accelerator resource with Shift appended to the name. For example: nedit*searchMenu.find.acceleratorText: [Shift]Alt+F nedit*searchMenu.find.accelerator: Altf nedit*searchMenu.findShift.accelerator: Shift AltfLearn/Replay Selecting Learn Keystrokes from the Macro menu puts NEdit in learn mode. In learn mode, keystrokes and menu commands are recorded, to be played back later, using the Replay Keystrokes command, or pasted into a macro in the Macro Commands dialog of the Default Settings menu in Preferences. Note that only keyboard and menu commands are recorded, not mouse clicks or mouse movements since these have no absolute point of reference, such as cursor or selection position. When you do a mouse-based operation in learn mode, NEdit will beep (repeatedly) to remind you that the operation was not recorded. Learn mode is also the quickest and easiest method for writing macros. The dialog for creating macro commands contains a button labeled "Paste Learn / Replay Macro", which will deposit the last sequence learned into the body of the macro. Repeating Actions and Learn/Replay Sequences You can repeat the last (keyboard-based) command, or learn/replay sequence with the Repeat... command in the Macro menu. To repeat an action, first do the action (i.e. insert a character, do a search, move the cursor), then select Repeat..., decide how or how many times you want it repeated, and click OK. For example, to move down 30 lines through a file, you could type: Ctrl+, 29 . To repeat a learn/replay sequence, first learn it, then select Repeat..., click on Learn/Replay and how you want it repeated, then click OK. If the commands you are repeating advance the cursor through the file, you can also repeat them within a range of characters, or from the current cursor position to the end of the file. To iterate over a range of characters, use the primary selection (drag the left mouse button over the text) to mark the range you want to operate on, and select "In Selection" in the Repeat dialog. When using In "Selection" or "To End" with a learned sequence, try to do cursor movement as the last step in the sequence, since testing of the cursor position is only done at the end of the sequence execution. If you do cursor movement first, for example searching for a particular word then doing a modification, the position of the cursor won't be checked until the sequence has potentially gone far beyond the end of your desired range. It's easy for a repeated command to get out of hand, and you can easily generate an infinite loop by using range iteration on a command which doesn't progress. To cancel a repeating command in progress, type Ctrl+. (period), or select Cancel Macro from the Macro menu.Macros can be called from Macro menu commands, window background menu commands, within the smart-indent framework, and from the .neditmacro file. Macro menu and window background menu commands are defined under Preferences -> Default Settings -> Customize Menus. Help on creating items in these menus can be found in the section, Help -> Customizing -> Preferences. The .neditmacro file is a file of macro commands and definitions which you can create in your home directory, and which NEdit will automatically load when it is first started. NEdit's macro language is a simple interpreter with integer arithmetic, dynamic strings, and C-style looping constructs (very similar to the procedural portion of the Unix awk program). From the macro language, you can call the same action routines which are bound to keyboard keys and menu items, as well additional subroutines for accessing and manipulating editor data, which are specific to the macro language (these are listed in the sections titled Macro Subroutines, and Actions). SYNTAX An NEdit macro language program consists of a list of statements, each terminated by a newline. Groups of statements which are executed together conditionally, such as the body of a loop, are surrounded by curly braces "{}". Blank lines and comments are also allowed. Comments begin with a "#" and end with a newline, and can appear either on a line by themselves, or at the end of a statement. Statements which are too long to fit on a single line may be split across several lines, by placing a backslash "\" character at the end of each line to be continued. DATA TYPES The NEdit macro language recognizes only two data types, dynamic character strings, and integer values. In general strings and integers can be used interchangeably. If a string represents an integer value, it can be used as an integer. Integers can be compared and concatenated with strings. Integer Constants Integers are non-fractional numbers in the range of -2147483647 to 2147483647. Integer constants must be in decimal. For example: a = -1 b = 1000 Character String Constants Character string constants are enclosed in double quotes. For example: a = "a string" dialog("Hi there!", "Dismiss") Strings may also include C-language style escape sequences: \\ Backslash \t Tab \f Form feed \" Double quote \b Backspace \a Alert \n Newline \r Carriage return \v Vertical tab For example, to send output to the terminal from which nedit was started, a newline character is neccessary because, like printf, t_print requires explicit newlines, and also buffers its output on a per-line basis: t_print("a = " a "\n") VARIABLES Variable names must begin either with a letter (local variables), or a $ (global variables). Beyond the first character, variables may also contain numbers and underscores `_'. Variables are called in to existence just by setting them (no explicit declarations are necessary). Local variables are limited in scope to the subroutine (or menu item definition) in which they appear. Global variables are accessible from all routines, and their values persist beyond the call which created them, until reset. Built-in Variables NEdit has a number of permanently defined variables, which are used to access global editor information and information about the the window in which the macro is executing. These are listed along with the built in functions in the section titled Macro Subroutines. FUNCTIONS and SUBROUTINES The syntax of a function or subroutine call is: function_name(arg1, arg2, ...) where arg1, arg2, etc. represent up to 9 argument values which are passed to the routine being called. A function or subroutine call can be on a line by itself, as above, or if it returns a value, can be invoked within a character or numeric expression: a = fn1(b, c) + fn2(d) dialog("fn3 says: " fn3()) Arguments are passed by value. This means that you can not return values via the argument list, only through the function value or indirectly through agreed-upon global variables. Built-in Functions NEdit has a wide range of built in functions which can be called from the macro language. These routines are divided into two classes, macro-language functions, and editor action routines. Editor action routines are more flexible, in that they may be called either from the macro language, or bound directly to keys via translation tables. They are also limited, however, in that they can not return values. Macro language routines can return values, but can not be bound to keys in translation tables. Nearly all of the built-in subroutines operate on an implied window, which is initially the window from which the macro was started. To manipulate the contents of other windows, use the focus_window subroutine to change the focus to the ones you wish to modify. focus_window can also be used to iterate over all of the currently open windows, using the special keyword names, "last" and "next". For backwards compatibility, hyphenated action routine names are allowed, and most of the existing action routines names which contain underscores have an equivalent version containing hyphens ('-') instead of underscores. Use of these names is discouraged. The macro parser resolves the ambiguity between '-' as the subtraction/negation operator, and - as part of an action routine name by assuming subtraction unless the symbol specifically matches an action routine name. User Defined Functions Users can define their own macro subroutines, using the define keyword: define subroutine_name { < body of subroutine > } Macro definitions can not appear within other definitions, or within macro menu item definitions (usually they are found in the .neditmacro file). The arguments with which a user-defined subroutine or function was invoked, are presented as $1, $2, ... , $9. The number of arguments can be read from $n_args. OPERATORS AND EXPRESSIONS Operators have the same meaning and precedence that they do in C, except for ^, which raises a number to a power (y^x means y to the x power), rather than bitwise exclusive OR. The table below lists operators in decreasing order of precedence. Operators Associativity () ^ right to left - ! ++ -- (unary) * / % left to right + - left to right > >= < <= == != left to right & left to right | left to right && left to right || left to right (concatenation) left to right = += -= *= /= %=, &= |= right to left The order in which operands are evaluated in an expression is undefined, except for && and ||, which like C, evaluate operands left to right, but stop when further evaluation would no longer change the result. Numerical Operators The numeric operators supported by the NEdit macro language are listed below: + addition - subtraction or negation * multiplication / division % modulo ^ power & bitwise and | bitwise or Increment (++) and decrement (--) operators can also be appended or prepended to variables within an expression. Prepended increment/decrement operators act before the variable is evaulated. Appended increment/decrement operators act after the variable is evaluated. Logical and Comparison Operators Logical operations produce a result of 0 (for false) or 1 (for true). In a logical operation, any non-zero value is recognized to mean true. The logical and comparison operators allowed in the NEdit macro language are listed below: && logical and || logical or ! not > greater < less >= greater or equal <= less or equal == equal (integers and/or strings) != not equal (integers and/or strings) Character String Operators The "operator" for concatenating two strings is the absence of an operator. Adjoining character strings with no operator in between means concatenation: d = a b "string" c t_print("the value of a is: " a) Comparison between character strings is done with the == and != operators, (as with integers). There are a number of useful built-in routines for working with character strings, which are listed in the section called Macro Subroutines. LOOPING AND CONDITIONALS NEdit supports looping constructs: for and while, and conditional statements: if and else, with essentially the same syntax as C: for (, ...; ; , ...) while () if () if () else , as in C, can be a single statement, or a list of statements enclosed in curly braces ({}). is an expression which must evaluate to true for the statements in to be executed. for loops may also contain initialization statements, , executed once at the beginning of the loop, and increment/decrement statements (or any arbitrary statement), which are executed at the end of the loop, before the condition is evaluated again. Examples: for (i=0; i<100; i++) j = i * 2 for (i=0, j=20; i<20; i++, j--) { k = i * j t_print(i, j, k) } while (k > 0) { k = k - 1 t_print(k) } for (;;) { if (i-- < 1) break } Loops may contain break and continue statements. A break statement causes an exit from the innermost loop, a continue statement transfers control to the end of the loop.Built in Variables $cursor -- Position of the cursor in the current window. $column -- Column number of the cursor position in the current window. $em_tab_dist -- If tab emulation is turned on in the Tabs... dialog of the Preferences menu, value is the distance between emulated tab stops. If tab emulation is turned off, value is -1. $file_name -- Name of the file being edited in the current window, stripped of directory component. $file_path -- Directory component of file being edited in the current window. $language_mode -- Name of language mode set in the current window. $line -- Line number of the cursor position in the current window. $modified -- True if the file in the current window has been modified and the modifications have not yet been saved. $selection_start, $selection_end -- Beginning and ending positions of the primary selection in the current window, or -1 if there is no text selected in the current window. $selection_left, $selection_right -- Left and right character offsets of the rectangular (primary) selection in the current window, or -1 if there is no selection or it is not rectangular. $tab_dist -- The distance between tab stops for a hardware tab character, as set in the Tabs... dialog of the Preferences menu. $text_length -- The length of the text in the current window. $use_tabs -- Whether the user is allowing the NEdit to insert tab characters to maintain spacing in tab emulation and rectangular dragging operations. (The setting of the "Use tab characters in padding and emulated tabs" button in the Tabs... dialog of the Preferences menu.) $wrap_margin -- The right margin in the current window for text wrapping and filling. Built-in Subroutines append_file(string, filename) -- Appends a string to a named file. Returns 1 on successful write, or 0 if unsuccessful. beep() -- Ring the bell clipboard_to_string() -- Returns the contents of the clipboard as a macro string. Returns empty string on error. dialog(message, btn_1_label, btn_2_label, ...) -- Pop up a dialog for querying and presenting information to the user. First argument is a string to show in the message area of the dialog. Up to nine additional optional arguments represent labels for buttons to appear along the bottom of the dialog. Returns the number of the button pressed (the first button is number 1), or 0 if the user closed the dialog via the window close box. focus_window(window_name) -- Sets the window on which subsequent macro commands operate. window_name can be either a fully qualified file name, or one of "last" for the last window created, or "next" for the next window in the chain from the currently focused window (the first window being the one returned from calling focus_window("last"). Returns the name of the newly-focused window, or an empty string if the requested window was not found. get_character(position) -- Returns the single character at the position indicated by the first argument to the routine from the current window. get_range(start, end) -- Returns the text between a starting and ending position from the current window. get_selection() -- Returns a string containing the text currently selected by the primary selection either from the current window (no keyword), or from anywhere on the screen (keyword "any"). length(string) -- Returns the length of a string max(n1, n2, ...) -- Returns the maximum value of all of its arguments min(n1, n2, ...) -- Returns the minimum value of all of its arguments read_file(filename) -- Reads the contents of a text file into a string. On success, returns 1 in $read_status, and the contents of the file as a string in the subroutine return value. On failure, returns the empty string "" and an 0 $read_status. replace_in_string(string, search_for, replace_with, [type]) -- Replaces all occurrences of a search string in a string with a replacement string. Arguments are 1: string to search in, 2: string to search for, 3: replacement string. Argument 4 is an optional search type, one of "literal", "case" or "regex". The default search type is "literal". Returns a new string with all of the replacements done, or an empty string ("") if no occurrences were found. replace_range(start, end, string) -- Replaces all of the text in the current window between two positions replace_selection(string) -- Replaces the primary-selection selected text in the current window. replace_substring(string, start, end, replace_with) -- Replacing a substring between two positions in a string within another string. search(search_for, start, [search_type, wrap, direction]) -- Searches silently in a window without dialogs, beeps, or changes to the selection. Arguments are: 1: string to search for, 2: starting position. Optional arguments may include the strings: "wrap" to make the search wrap around the beginning or end of the string, "backward" or "forward" to change the search direction ("forward" is the default), "literal", "case" or "regex" to change the search type (default is "literal"). Returns the starting position of the match, or -1 if nothing matched. also returns the ending position of the match in search_end search_string(string, search_for, start, [search_type, direction]) -- Built-in macro subroutine for searching a string. Arguments are 1: string to search in, 2: string to search for, 3: starting position. Optional arguments may include the strings: "wrap" to make the search wrap around the beginning or end of the string, "backward" or "forward" to change the search direction ("forward" is the default), "literal", "case" or "regex" to change the search type (default is "literal"). Returns the starting position of the match, or -1 if nothing matched. Also returns the ending position of the match in $search_end select(start, end) -- Selects (with the primary selection) text in the current buffer between a starting and ending position. select_rectangle(start, end, left, right) -- Selects a rectangular area of text between a starting and ending position, and confined horizontally to characters displayed between positions "left", and "right". set_cursor_pos(pos) -- Set the cursor position for the current window. shell_command(command, input_string) -- executes a shell command, feeding it input from input_string. On completion, output from the command is returned as the function value, and the command's exit status is returned in the global variable $shell_cmd_status. string_dialog(message, btn_1_label, btn_2_label, ...) -- Pop up a dialog for prompting the user to enter information. The first argument is a string to show in the message area of the dialog. Up to nine additional optional arguments represent labels for buttons to appear along the bottom of the dialog. Returns the string entered by the user as the function value, and number of the button pressed (the first button is number 1), in $string_dialog_button. If the user closes the dialog via the window close box, the function returns the empty string, and $string_dialog_button returns 0. string_to_clipboard(string) -- Copy the contents of a macro string to the clipboard. substring(string, start, end) -- Returns the portio gv!G~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK )[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1<~|n of a string between a starting and ending position. t_print(string1, string2, ...) -- Writes strings to the terminal (stdout) from which NEdit was started. tolower(string) -- Return an all lower-case version of string. toupper(string) -- Return an all upper-case version of string. write_file(string, filename) -- Writes a string (parameter 1) to a file named in parameter 2. Returns 1 on successful write, or 0 if unsuccessful.All of the editing capabilities of NEdit are represented as a special type of subroutine, called an action routine, which can be invoked from both macros and translation table entries (see "Binding Keys to Actions" in the X Resources section of the Help menu). Actions Representing Menu Commands: File Menu Search Menu --------------------- ----------------------- new() find() open() find_dialog() open_dialog() find_again() open_selected() find_selection() close() replace() save() replace_dialog() save_as() replace_all() save_as_dialog() replace_in_selection() revert_to_saved() replace_again() include_file() goto_line_number() include_file_dialog () goto_line_number_dialog() load_tags_file() goto_selected() load_tags_file_dialog() mark() load_macro_file() mark_dialog() load_macro_file_dialog() goto_mark() print() goto_mark_dialog() print_selection() match() exit() find_definition() split_window() close_pane() Edit Menu --------------------- Shell Menu undo() ----------------------- redo() filter_selection_dialog() delete() filter_selection() select_all() execute_command() shift_left() execute_command_dialog() shift_left_by_tab() execute_command_line() shift_right() shell_menu_command() shift_right_by_tab() uppercase() Macro Menu lowercase() ----------------------- fill_paragraph() macro_menu_command() control_code_dialog() repeat_macro() repeat_dialog() The actions representing menu commands are named the same as the menu item with punctuation removed, all lower case, and underscores replacing spaces. Without the _dialog suffix, commands which normally prompt the user for information, instead take the information from the routine's arguments (see below). To present a dialog and ask the user for input, rather than supplying it in via arguments, use the actions with the _dialog suffix. Menu Action Routine Arguments: Arguments are text strings enclosed in quotes. Below are the menu action routines which take arguments. Optional arguments are inclosed in []. open(filename) save_as(filename) include(filename) load_tags_file(filename) find_dialog([search_direction]) find(search_string [, search-direction], [search-type]) find_again([search-direction]) find_selection([search-direction]) replace_dialog([search-direction]) replace(search-string, replace-string, [, search-direction] [, search-type]) replace_in_selection(search-string, replace-string [, search-type]) replace_again([search-direction]) goto_line_number([line-number]) mark(mark-letter) goto_mark(mark-letter) filter_selection(shell-command) execute_command(shell-command) shell_menu_command(shell-menu-item-name) macro_menu_command(macro-menu-item-name) Some notes on argument types above: filename Path names are interpreted relative to the directory from which NEdit was started, wildcards and ~ are not expanded. search-direction Either "forward" or "backward" search-type Either "literal", "case", or "regex" mark-letter The mark command limits users to single letters. Inside of macros, numeric marks are allowed, which won't interfere with marks set by the user. (macro or shell) Name of the command exactly as -menu-item-name specified in the Shell Menu or Macro Menu dialogs Keyboard-Only Actions backward_character() Moves the cursor one character to the left. backward_paragraph() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph, or if the cursor is already at the beginning of a paragraph, moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph. Paragraphs are defined as regions of text delimited by one or more blank lines. backward_word() Moves the cursor to the beginning of a word, or, if the cursor is already at the beginning of a word, moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. Word delimiters are user-settable, and defined by the X resource wordDelimiters. beginning_of_file() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the file. beginning_of_line() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. beginning_of_selection() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the selection without disturbing the selection. copy_clipboard() Copies the current selection to the clipboard. copy_primary() Copies the primary selection to the cursor. copy_to() If a secondary selection exists, copies the secondary selection to the cursor. If no secondary selection exists, copies the primary selection to the pointer location. copy_to_or_end_drag() Completes either a secondary selection operation, or a primary drag. If the user is dragging the mouse to adjust a secondary selection, the selection is copied and either inserted at the cursor location, or, if pending-delete is on and a primary selection exists in the window, replaces the primary selection. If the user is dragging a block of text (primary selection), completes the drag operation and leaves the text at it's current location. cut_clipboard() Deletes the text in the primary selection and places it in the clipboard. cut_primary() Copies the primary selection to the cursor and deletes it at its original location. delete_selection() Deletes the contents of the primary selection. delete_next_character() If a primary selection exists, deletes its contents. Otherwise, deletes the character following the cursor. delete_previous_character() If a primary selection exists, deletes its contents. Otherwise, deletes the character before the cursor. delete_next_word() If a primary selection exists, deletes its contents. Otherwise, deletes the word following the cursor. delete_previous_word() If a primary selection exists, deletes its contents. Otherwise, deletes the word before the cursor. delete_to_start_of_line() If a primary selection exists, deletes its contents. Otherwise, deletes the characters between the cursor and the start of the line. delete_to_end_of_line() If a primary selection exists, deletes its contents. Otherwise, deletes the characters between the cursor and the end of the line. deselect_all() De-selects the primary selection. end_of_file() Moves the cursor to the end of the file. end_of_line() Moves the cursor to the end of the line. end_of_selection() Moves the cursor to the end of the selection without disturbing the selection. exchange() Exchange the primary and secondary selections. extend_adjust() Attached mouse-movement events to begin a selection between the cursor and the mouse, or extend the primary selection to the mouse position. extend_end() Completes a primary drag-selection operation. extend_start() Begins a selection between the cursor and the mouse. A drag-selection operation can be started with either extend_start or grab_focus. forward_character() Moves the cursor one character to the right. forward_paragraph() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph. Paragraphs are defined as regions of text delimited by one or more blank lines. forward_word() Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word. Word delimiters are user-settable, and defined by the X resource wordDelimiters. grab_focus() Moves the cursor to the mouse pointer location, and prepares for a possible drag-selection operation (bound to extend_adjust), or multi-click operation (a further grab_focus action). If a second invocation of grab focus follows immediately, it selects a whole word, or a third, a whole line. insert_string("string") If pending delete is on and the cursor is inside the selection, replaces the selection with "string". Otherwise, inserts "string" at the cursor location. key_select("direction") Moves the cursor one character in "direction" ("left", "right", "up", or "down") and extends the selection. Same as forward/backward-character("extend"), or process-up/down("extend"), for compatibility with previous versions. move-destination() Moves the cursor to the pointer location without disturbing the selection. (This is an unusual way of working. We left it in for compatibility with previous versions, but if you actually use this capability, please send us some mail, otherwise it is likely to disappear in the future. move_to() If a secondary selection exists, deletes the contents of the secondary selection and inserts it at the cursor, or if pending-delete is on and there is a primary selection, replaces the primary selection. If no secondary selection exists, moves the primary selection to the pointer location, deleting it from its original position. move_to_or_end_drag() Completes either a secondary selection operation, or a primary drag. If the user is dragging the mouse to adjust a secondary selection, the selection is deleted and either inserted at the cursor location, or, if pending-delete is on and a primary selection exists in the window, replaces the primary selection. If the user is dragging a block of text (primary selection), completes the drag operation and deletes the text from it's current location. newline() Inserts a newline character. If Auto Indent is on, lines up the indentation of the cursor with the current line. newline_and_indent() Inserts a newline character and lines up the indentation of the cursor with the current line, regardless of the setting of Auto Indent. newline_no_indent() Inserts a newline character, without automatic indentation, regardless of the setting of Auto Indent. next_page() Moves the cursor and scroll forward one page. page_left() Move the cursor and scroll left one page. page_right() Move the cursor and scroll right one page. paste_clipboard() Insert the contents of the clipboard at the cursor, or if pending delete is on, replace the primary selection with the contents of the clipboard. previous_page() Moves the cursor and scroll backward one page. process_bdrag() Same as secondary_or_drag_start for compatibility with previous versions. process_cancel() Cancels the current extend_adjust, secondary_adjust, or secondary_or_drag_adjust in progress. process_down() Moves the cursor down one line. process_return() Same as newline for compatibility with previous versions. process_shift_down() Same as process_down("extend") for compatibility with previous versions. process_shift_up() Same as process_up("extend") for compatibility with previous versions. process_tab() If tab emulation is turned on, inserts an emulated tab, otherwise inserts a tab character. process_up() Moves the cursor up one line. scroll_down(nLines) Scroll the display down (towards the end of the file) by nLines. scroll_up(nLines) Scroll the display up (towards the beginning of the file) by nLines. scroll_to_line(lineNum) Scroll to position line number lineNum at the top of the pane. The first line of a file is line 1. secondary_adjust() Attached mouse-movement events to extend the secondary selection to the mouse position. secondary_or_drag_adjust() Attached mouse-movement events to extend the secondary selection, or reposition the primary text being dragged. Takes two optional arguments, "copy", and "overlay". "copy" leaves a copy of the dragged text at the site at which the drag began. "overlay" does the drag in overlay mode, meaning the dragged text is laid on top of the existing text, obscuring and ultimately deleting it when the drag is complete. secondary_or_drag_start() To be attached to a mouse down event. Begins drag selecting a secondary selection, or dragging the contents of the primary selection, depending on whether the mouse is pressed inside of an existing primary selection. secondary_start() To be attached to a mouse down event. Begin drag selecting a secondary selection. select_all() Select the entire file. self_insert() To be attached to a key-press event, inserts the character equivalent of the key pressed. Arguments to Keyboard Action Routines In addition to the arguments listed in the call descriptions, any routine involving cursor movement can take the argument "extend", meaning, adjust the primary selection to the new cursor position. Routines which take the "extend" argument as well as mouse dragging operations for both primary and secondary selections can take the optional keyword "rect", meaning, make the selection rectangular.WRITING SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING PATTERNS Patterns are the mechanism by which syntax highlighting (see Syntax Highlighting under the heading of Features for Programming) is programmed in NEdit, that is, how it decides what to highlight in a given language. To create syntax highlighting patterns for a new language, or to modify existing patterns, select "Patterns for Highlighting" from "Syntax Highlighting" sub-section of the "Default Settings" sub-menu of the "Preferences" menu. First, a word of caution. As with regular expression matching in general, it is quite possible to write patterns which are so inefficient that they essentially lock up the editor as they recursively re-examine the entire contents of the file thousands of times. With the multiplicity of patterns, the possibility of a lock-up is significantly increased in syntax highlighting. When working on highlighting patterns, be sure to save your work frequently. NEdit's syntax highlighting is unusual in that it works in real-time (as you type), and yet is completely programmable using standard regular expression notation. Other syntax highlighting editors usually fall either into the category of fully programmable but unable to keep up in real-time, or real-time but limited programmability. The additional burden that NEdit places on pattern writers in order to achieve this speed/flexibility mix, is to force them to state self-imposed limitations on the amount of context that patterns may examine when re-parsing after a change. While the "Pattern Context Requirements" heading is near the end of this section, it is not optional, and must be understood before making any any serious effort at pattern writing. In its simplest form, a highlight pattern consists of a regular expression to match, along with a style representing the font an color for displaying any text which matches that expression. To bold the word, "highlight", wherever it appears the text, the regular expression simply would be the word "highlight". The style (selected from the menu under the heading of "Highlight Style") determines how the text will be drawn. To bold the text, either select an existing style, such as "Keyword", which bolds text, or create a new style and select it under Highlight Style. The full range of regular expression capabilities can be applied in such a pattern, with the single caveat that the expression must conclusively match or not match, within the pre-defined context distance (as discussed below under Pattern Context Requirements). To match longer ranges of text, particularly any constructs which exceed the requested context, you must use a pattern which highlights text between a starting and ending regular expression match. To do so, select "Highlight text between starting and ending REs" under "Matching", and enter both a starting and ending regular expression. For example, to highlight everything between double quotes, you would enter a double quote character in both the starting and ending regular expression fields. Patterns with both a beginning and ending expression span all characters between the two expressions, including newlines. Again, the limitation for automatic parsing to operate properly is that both expressions must match within the context distance stated for the pattern set. With the ability to span large distances, comes the responsibility to recover when things go wrong. Remember that syntax highlighting is called upon to parse incorrect or incomplete syntax as often as correct syntax. To stop a pattern short of matching its end expression, you can specify an error expression, which stops the pattern from gobbling up more than it should. For example, if the text between double quotes shouldn't contain newlines, the error expression might be "$". As with both starting and ending expressions, error expressions must also match within the requested context distance. Coloring Sub-Expressions It is also possible to color areas of text within a regular expression match. A pattern of this type associates a style with sub-expressions references of the parent pattern (as used in regular expression substitution patterns, see the NEdit Help menu item on Regular Expressions). Sub-expressions of both the starting and ending patterns may be colored. For example, if the parent pattern has a starting expression "\<", and end expression "\>", (for highlighting all of the text contained within angle brackets), a sub-pattern using "\0" in both the starting and ending expression fields could color the brackets differently from the intervening text. A quick shortcut to typing in pattern names in the Parent Pattern field is to use the middle mouse button to drag them from the Patterns list. Hierarchical Patterns A hierarchical sub-pattern, is identical to a top level pattern, but is invoked only between the beginning and ending expression matches of its parent pattern. Like the sub-expression coloring patterns discussed above, it is associated with a parent pattern using the Parent Pattern field in the pattern specification. Pattern names can be dragged from the pattern list with the middle mouse button to the Parent Pattern field. After the start expression of the parent pattern matches, the syntax highlighting parser searches for either the parent's end pattern or a matching sub-pattern. When a sub-pattern matches, control is not returned to the parent pattern until the entire sub-pattern has been parsed, regardless of whether the parent's end pattern appears in the text matched by the sub-pattern. The most common use for this capability is for coloring sub-structure of language constructs (smaller patterns embedded in larger patterns). Hierarchical patterns can also simplify parsing by having sub-patterns "hide" special syntax from parent patterns, such as special escape sequences or internal comments. There is no depth limit in nesting hierarchical sub-patterns, but beyond the third level of nesting, automatic re-parsing will sometimes have to re-parse more than the requested context distance to guaranty a correct parse (which can slow down the maximum rate at which the user can type if large sections of text are matched only by deeply nested patterns). While this is obviously not a complete hierarchical language parser it is still useful in many text coloring situations. As a pattern writer, your goal is not to completely cover the language syntax, but to generate colorings that are useful to the programmer. Simpler patterns are usually more efficient and also more robust when applied to incorrect code. Deferred (Pass-2) Parsing NEdit does pattern matching for syntax highlighting in two passes. The first pass is applied to the entire file when syntax highlighting is first turned on, and to new ranges of text when they are initially read or pasted in. The second pass is applied only as needed when text is exposed (scrolled in to view). If you have a particularly complex set of patterns, and parsing is beginning to add a noticeable delay to opening files or operations which change large regions of text, you can defer some of that parsing from startup time, to when it is actually needed for viewing the text. Deferred parsing can only be used with single expression patterns, or begin/end patterns which match entirely within the requested context distance. To defer the parsing of a pattern to when the text is exposed, click on the Pass-2 pattern type button in the highlight patterns dialog. Sometimes a pattern can't be deferred, not because of context requirements, but because it must run concurrently with pass-1 (non-deferred) patterns. If they didn't run concurrently, a pass-1 pattern might incorrectly match some of the characters which would normally be hidden inside of a sequence matched by the deferred pattern. For example, C has character constants enclosed in single quotes. These typically do not cross line boundaries, meaning they can be parsed entirely within the context distance of the C pattern set and should be good candidates for deferred parsing. However, they can't be deferred because they can contain sequences of characters which can trigger pass-one patterns. Specifically, the sequence, '\"', contains a double quote character, which would be matched by the string pattern and interpreted as introducing a string. Pattern Context Requirements The context requirements of a pattern set state how much additional text around any change must be examined to guaranty that the patterns will match what they are intended to match. Context requirements are a promise by NEdit to the pattern writer, that the regular expressions in his/her patterns will be matched against at least lines and characters, around any modified text. Combining line and character requirements guaranty that both will be met. Automatic re-parsing happens on EVERY KEYSTROKE, so the amount of context which must be examined is very critical to typing efficiency. The more complicated your patterns, the more critical the context becomes. To cover all of the keywords in a typical language, without affecting the maximum rate at which users can enter text, you may be limited to just a few lines and/or a few hundred characters of context. The default context distance is 1 line, with no minimum character requirement. There are several benefits to sticking with this default. One is simply that it is easy to understand and to comply with. Regular expression notation is designed around single line matching. To span lines in a regular expression, you must explicitly mention the newline character "\n", and matches which are restricted to a single line are virtually immune to lock-ups. Also, if you can code your patterns to work within a single line of context, without an additional character-range context requirement, the parser can take advantage the fact that patterns don't cross line boundaries, and nearly double its efficiency over a one-line and 1-character context requirement. (In a single line context, you are allowed to match newlines, but only as the first and/or last character.)Smart indent macros can be written for any language, but are usually more difficult to write than highlighting patterns. A good place to start, of course, is to look at the existing macros for C and C++. Smart indent macros for a language mode consist of standard NEdit macro language code attached to any or all of the following three activation conditions: 1) When smart indent is first turned on for a text window containing code of the language, 2) When a newline is typed and smart indent is expected, 3) after any character is typed. To attach macro code to any of these code "hooks", enter it in the appropriate section in the Preferences -> Default Settings -> Auto Indent -> Program Smart Indent dialog. Typically most of the code should go in the initialization section, because that is the appropriate place for subroutine definitions, and smart indent macros are complicated enough that you are not likely to want to write them as one monolithic run of code. You may also put code in the Common/Shared Initialization section (accessible through the button in the upper left corner of the dialog). Unfortunately, since the C/C++ macros also reside in the common/shared section, when you add code there, you run some risk of missing out on future upgrades to these macros, because your changes will override the built-in defaults. The newline macro is invoked after the user types a newline, but before the newline is entered in the buffer. It takes a single argument ($1) which is the position at which the newline will be inserted. It must return the number of characters of indentation the line should have, or -1. A return value of -1 means to do a standard auto-indent. You must supply a newline macro, but the code: "return -1" (auto-indent), or "return 0" (no indent) is sufficient. The type-in macro takes two arguments. $1 is the insert position, and $2 is the character just inserted, and does not return a value. You can do just about anything here, but keep in mind that this macro is executed for every keystroke typed, so if you try to get too fancy, you may degrade performance.SOLUTIONS TO COMMON PROBLEMS P: No files are shown in the "Files" list in the Open... dialog. S: When you use the "Filter" field, include the file specification or a complete directory specification, including the trailing "/" on Unix. (See Help in the Open... dialog). P: Keyboard shortcuts for menu items don't work. S: Be sure the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys are both unlocked. In Motif programs, these keys prevent the menu accelerators from working. P: Find Again and Replace Again don't continue in the same direction as the original Find or Replace. S: Find Again and Replace Again don't use the direction of the original search. The Shift key controls the direction: Ctrl+G means forward, Shift+Ctrl+G means backward. P: Preferences specified in the Preferences menu don't seem to get saved when I select Save Defaults. S: NEdit has two kinds of preferences: 1) per-window preferences, in the Preferences menu, and 2) default settings for preferences in newly created windows, in the Default Settings sub-menu of the Preferences menu. Per-window preferences are not saved by Save Defaults, only Default Settings. P: Columns and indentation don't line up. S: NEdit is using a proportional width font. Set the font to a fixed style (see Preferences). P: NEdit performs poorly on very large files. S: Turn off Incremental Backup. With Incremental Backup on, NEdit periodically writes a full copy of the file to disk. P: Commands added to the Shell Commands menu (Unix only) don't output anything until they are finished executing. S: If the command output is directed to a dialog, or the input is from a selection, output is collected together and held until the command completes. De-select both of the options and the output will be shown incrementally as the command executes. P: Dialogs don't automatically get keyboard focus when they pop up. S: Most X Window managers allow you to choose between two categories of keyboard focus models: pointer focus, and explicit focus. Pointer focus means that as you move the mouse around the screen, the window under the mouse automatically gets the keyboard focus. NEdit users who use this focus model should set "Popups Under Pointer" in the Default Settings sub menu of the preferences menu in NEdit. Users with the explicit focus model, in some cases, may have problems with certain dialogs, such as Find and Replace. In MWM this is caused by the mwm resource startupKeyFocus being set to False (generally a bad choice for explicit focus users). NCDwm users should use the focus model "click" instead of "explicit", again, unless you have set it that way to correct specific problems, this is the appropriate setting for most explicit focus users. P: The Delete key doesn't forward-delete. S: See the X Resources section on nedit.remapDeleteKey. P: NEdit crashes when I try to paste text in to a text field in a dialog (like Find or Replace) on my SunOS system. S: On many SunOS systems, you have to set up an nls directory before various inter-client communication features of Motif will function properly. There are instructions in README.sun in /pub/nedit/v4_0_1 on ftp.fnal.gov, as well as a tar file containg a complete nls directory: ftp://ftp.fnal.gov/pub/nedit/v4_0_2/individual/README.sun. This contains directions for setting up an nls directory, which is required by Motif for handling copy and paste to Motif text fields. KNOWN BUGS Below is the list of known bugs which affect NEdit. The bugs your copy of NEdit will exhibit depend on which system you are running and with which Motif libraries it was built. Note that there are now Motif 1.2 and/or 2.0 libraries available on ALL supported platforms, and as you can see below there are far fewer bugs in Motif 1.2, so it is in your best interest to upgrade your system. All Versions BUG: Operations between rectangular selections on overlapping lines do nothing. WORKAROUND: None. These operations are very complicated and rarely used. BUG: Cut and Paste menu items fail, or possibly crash, for very large (multi-megabyte) selections. WORKAROUND: Use selection copy (middle mouse button click) for transferring larger quantities of data. Cut and Paste save the copied text in server memory, which is usually limited. Motif 1.1 Versions BUG: The shortcut method for entering control characters (Alt+Ctrl+char) is not available. WORKAROUND: Use the Ins. Control Char command. BUG: Pop-up dialogs "jump" (appear briefly in a different location) when they are first invoked. WORKAROUND: Turn off "Popups Under Pointer" if this gives you a headache. IBM Versions built with Motif 1.1 BUG: The Command to set the font for the current window is not available. WORKAROUND: Use the Default Settings sub-menu to set the default font and then create a new window. BUG: NEdit can occasionally crash on window closing. WORKAROUND: Save files frequently, see Crash Recovery. VMS Versions BUGS: 1. Abbreviation of command line qualifiers is not allowed. 2. Error messages for mistakes on the command line don't make sense. WORKAROUND: NEdit does not parse its command line with the standard DCL command parser, instead, it superficially converts the command line to a Unix-style command line before processing it. Because information is lost, NEdit may not always be able to distinguish between items that are supposed to be qualifiers and those which are supposed to be files and arguments to the qualifiers. However, correct VMS command lines are always processed correctly, and only certain types of errors will appear to give strange results. BUG: Protection settings for new versions of files produced by NEdit over DECNET connections may revert to defaults. WORKAROUND: Check and reset protections when accessing files via DECNET. Send questions and comments to: nedit_support@fnal.gov.There are two separate mailing lists for NEdit users. nedit_discuss, as the name implies, is for open discussion among NEdit users. nedit_announces intended to be a very low volume mailing list for announcement of new versions, new executables, and significant contributed software. To subscribe to nedit_discuss, send a message containing the following line in the body of the message (not the subject) to mailserv@fnal.gov: subscribe nedit_discuss To subscribe to nedit_announce, send a separate message to q:I~ NEDIT_VAX.BCK )[DONNAR.NEDIT.NEDIT.VAX.NEDIT]NEDIT.EXE;1<|. mailserv@fnal.gov containing the line: subscribe nedit_announce To unsubscribe, send: unsubscribe nedit_discuss (or nedit_announce) After subscribing, you will receive copies of all of the email submitted to the list. You may submit mail to the discussion list by sending it to: nedit_discuss@fnal.gov Users are allowed to post to nedit_announce as well (just make sure that the content is appropriate).INFORMATION/LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR NEDIT. FermiTools Software Legal Information - November 1, 1996 COPYRIGHT STATUS: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) documents are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000. Therefore, the U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce these documents or software for U.S. Government purposes. All documents and software available from FNAL are protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws, and FNAL reserves all rights. Terms and Conditions When a User distributes or otherwise obtains a software package included in the Fermilab Software Tools Program, the user agrees to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Program below: Any redistribution of the software shall be accompanied by this INFORMATION/LICENSE AGREEMENT and the product's ORIGIN STATEMENT (below). The User shall acknowledge the origin of the software as set forth below: "This work was performed at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Universities Research Association, Inc., under contract DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U.S. Department of Energy." The user is asked to feed back problems, benefits, and/or suggestions about the software to the Fermilab Software Providers and/or FermiTools management. Any distribution of this software shall be at no charge. To obtain a license to commercialize any of the software programs available from Fermilab including this software, contact FNAL's Office of Research and Technology Applications, P.O. Box 500, MS-200, Batavia, IL 60510-0500. INDEMNIFICATION BY USER OF THIRD PARTY CLAIMS AND DISCLOSURE OF LIABILITY The User, his/her directors, officers, employees, and agents hereby release and waive all claims against Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) operator of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, its trustees, overseers, directors, officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, successors and assigns, for any and all liability and damages arising from the reproduction, use or other disposition of the software. The User shall indemnify URA and the U.S. Government for all damages, costs or expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from the utilization of the software, including, but not limited to, the making, using, selling or exporting of products, processes or services derived from the Software. The User agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend URA, its trustees, overseers, directors, officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, successors and assigns, against any and all liability, damage, loss, cost, charge, claim, demand, fee or expense of every nature and kind which may at any time hereafter, be sustained by URA by reason of claims of third parties arising out of alleged acts or omissions of the User in the reproduction, use or other disposition of the Software. The User agrees that URA, its trustees, overseers, directors, officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, successors and assigns shall not be liable under any claim, charge, or demand, whether in contract, tort, criminal law, or otherwise, for any and all loss, cost, charge, claim, demand, fee, expense, or damage of every nature and kind arising out of, connected with, resulting from or sustained as a result of the use of this software program. In no event shall URA be liable for special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, losses, costs, charges, claims, demands, fees or expenses of any nature or kind. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The software is provided on an "as is" basis only. URA makes no representations, express or implied. URA MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that the Software will not infringe any privately held patent, copyright, or trademark. The entire risk as to the results and the performance of this software is assumed by the User. DISCLAIMER OF ENDORSEMENT Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by tradename, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, U.S. Department of Energy or URA. The views and opinions of individuals expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, U.S. Department of Energy or URA and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. LIABILITIES OF THE GOVERNMENT This software is provided by URA, independent from its Prime Contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. URA is acting independently from the Government and in its own private capacity and is not acting on behalf of the U.S. Government, nor as its contractor nor its agent. Correspondingly, it is understood and agreed that the U.S. Government has no connection to this software and in no manner whatsoever shall be liable for nor assume any responsibility or obligation for any claim, cost, or damages arising out of or resulting from the use of this software. ORIGIN STATEMENT Authors Mark Edel, Joy Kyriakopulos, Arnulfo Zepeda-Navratil, Suresh Ravoor, Donna Reid, Jeff Kallenbach Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory MS 234 P.O.Box 500 Batavia, IL 60510 EMAIL: edel@fnal.gov Acknowledgements: Syntax highlighting patterns were contributed by: Simon T. MacDonald, Maurice Leysens, Matt Majka, Alfred Smeenk, Alain Fargues, Christopher Conrad, Scott Markinson, and Konrad Bernloehr. Regular expression code by Henry Spencer Nedit incorporates an altered version of Henry Spencer's regcomp and regexec code adapted for NEdit. Original copyright notice: Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto. Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from defects in it. 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by explicit claim or by omission. 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. End of INFORMATION/LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR NEDIT.The Tabs dialog controls both the operation of the Tab key, and the interpretation of tab characters within a file. The first field, Tab Spacing, controls how NEdit responds to tab characters in a file. On most Unix and VMS systems the conventional interpretation of a tab character is to advance the text position to the nearest multiple of eight characters (a tab spacing of 8). However, many programmers of C and other structured languages, when given the choice, prefer a tab spacing of 3 or 4 characters. Setting a three or four character hardware tab spacing is useful and convenient as long as your other software tools support it. Unfortunately, on Unix and VMS systems, system utilities, such as more, and printing software can't always properly display files with other than eight character tabs. Selecting "Emulate Tabs" will cause the Tab key to insert the correct number of spaces or tabs to reach the next tab stop, as if the tab spacing were set at the value in the "Emulated tab spacing" field. Backspacing immediately after entering an emulated tab will delete it as a unit, but as soon as you move the cursor away from the spot, NEdit will forget that the collection of spaces and tabs is a tab, and will treat it as separate characters. To enter a real tab character with "Emulate Tabs" turned on, use Ctrl+Tab. In generating emulated tabs, and in Shift Left, Paste Column, and some rectangular selection operations, NEdit inserts blank characters (spaces or tabs) to preserve the alignment of non-blank characters. The bottom toggle button in the Tabs dialog instructs NEdit whether to insert tab characters as padding in such situations. Turning this off, will keep NEdit from automatically inserting tabs. Some software developers prefer to keep their source code free of tabs to avoid its misinterpretation on systems with different tab character conventions.neditNEdithelpFormfindFind...findAgainFind AgainprintPrint...dismissDismissswhScrollBarvScrollBarhelpTextrowscolumnshScrollBarvScrollBarreadOnlycontinuousWrapautoShowInsertPosSearch for: (use up arrow key to recall previous)This SectionAll SectionsCancelString Not FoundDismiss ^%RSЬRB B5<RݬPB`^QVR~BhP,`~BlPЬSCf`R~BhP`~BlP`R~BhPü`~BlPCf`RRh`IPZZPZYiP[|~v[nUePR5!F~R[τiPQZ7QWgRTdsePR1}i]A~Ro[iPQZ[eQgRdePRI~93%P~ R[ϱiPQZ;QgRdϫePRa~K~wkR[7SiPXZݮxXgRdXdH[iPT TiPU d`T`ϺiPRRU϶<ϨϜTχiPCƀRUCƀT CƀlCƀP,Cƀd[8X9[X[Z¸ZݮZ5ZP ^MRSPS@PQ PPP QQSSCC^MRЬSPS@PQ PPP QQSSk OVϟCNPTT0 (@|~PTPPSCP ^LRSPS@PQ PPP QQSSSCsP ^LRSPS@PQ PPP QQSS3C€j߭`C€[pCbCݭPsP< ^!LTUЬSS PլS=SЬRRO?P߭߭R|~ݬ CĀ NPUSS U=լ լլ|~ݬݬ ݬݬsP`Jݬ&MCUCdЬRBBĀiCĀP)BCBĀCĀBBĀPS C>5CĀFiݭݭP6ݭCĀiݬ SЭЬLiteralCaseSenseRegExpNoneNewlineContinuousTrueFalseNoneAutoSmartTrueFalsemacroCommandsMacroCommandsComplete Word:Alt+D::: { # Tuning parameters ScanDistance = 200 # Search back to a word boundary to find the word to complete startScan = max(0, $cursor - ScanDistance) endScan = min($text_length, $cursor + ScanDistance) scanString = get_range(startScan, endScan) keyEnd = $cursor-startScan keyStart = search_string(scanString, "<", keyEnd, "backward", "regex") if (keyStart == -1) return keyString = "<" substring(scanString, keyStart, keyEnd) # search both forward and backward from the cursor position. Note that # using a regex search can lead to incorrect results if any of the special # regex characters is encountered, which is not considered a delimiter backwardSearchResult = search_string(scanString, keyString, keyStart-1, \ "backward", "regex") forwardSearchResult = search_string(scanString, keyString, keyEnd, "regex") if (backwardSearchResult == -1 && forwardSearchResult == -1) { beep() return } # if only one direction matched, use that, otherwise use the nearest if (backwardSearchResult == -1) matchStart = forwardSearchResult else if (forwardSearchResult == -1) matchStart = backwardSearchResult else { if (keyStart - backwardSearchResult <= forwardSearchResult - keyEnd) matchStart = backwardSearchResult else matchStart = forwardSearchResult } # find the complete word matchEnd = search_string(scanString, ">", matchStart, "regex") completedWord = substring(scanString, matchStart, matchEnd) # replace it in the window replace_range(startScan + keyStart, $cursor, completedWord) } Fill Sel. w/Char:::R: { if ($selection_start == -1) { beep() return } # Ask the user what character to fill with fillChar = string_dialog("Fill selection with what character?", "OK", "Cancel") if ($string_dialog_button == 2) return # Count the number of lines in the selection nLines = 0 for (i=$selection_start; i<$selection_end; i++) if (get_character(i) == "\n") nLines++ # Create the fill text rectangular = $selection_left != -1 line = "" fillText = "" if (rectangular) { for (i=0; i<$selection_right-$selection_left; i++) line = line fillChar for (i=0; i=0 && get_character(i)!="\n"; i--) startIndent++ for (i=0; i<$wrap_margin-startIndent; i++) fillText = fillText fillChar fillText = fillText "\n" for (i=0; i<$wrap_margin; i++) line = line fillChar for (i=0; i=$selection_start && get_character(i)!="\n"; \ i--) fillText = fillText fillChar } } # Replace the selection with the fill text replace_selection(fillText) } Quote Mail Reply:::: { if ($selection_start == -1) replace_all("^.*$", "\\> &", "regex") else replace_in_selection("^.*$", "\\> &", "regex") } Unquote Mail Reply:::: { if ($selection_start == -1) replace_all("(^\\> )(.*)$", "\\2", "regex") else replace_in_selection("(^\\> )(.*)$", "\\2", "regex") } C Comments>Comment Out Sel.@C@C++:::R: { selStart = $selection_start selEnd = $selection_end replace_range(selStart, selEnd, "/* " get_selection() " */") select(selStart, selEnd + 6) } C Comments>C Uncomment Sel.@C@C++:::R: { sel = get_selection() selStart = $selection_start selEnd = $selection_end commentStart = search_string(sel, "/*", 0) if (substring(sel, commentStart+2, commentStart+3) == " ") keepStart = commentStart + 3 else keepStart = commentStart + 2 keepEnd = search_string(sel, "*/", length(sel), "backward") commentEnd = keepEnd + 2 if (substring(sel, keepEnd - 1, keepEnd == " ")) keepEnd = keepEnd - 1 replace_range(selStart + commentStart, selStart + commentEnd, \ substring(sel, keepStart, keepEnd)) select(selStart, selEnd - (keepStart-commentStart) - \ (commentEnd - keepEnd)) } C Comments>+ C++ Comment@C++:::R: { replace_in_selection("^.*$", "// &", "regex") } C Comments>- C++ Comment@C++:::R: { replace_in_selection("(^[ \\t]*// ?)(.*)$", "\\2", "regex") } C Comments>+ C Bar Comment 1@C:::R: { if ($selection_left != -1) { dialog("Selection must not be rectangular") return } start = $selection_start end = $selection_end-1 origText = get_range($selection_start, $selection_end-1) newText = "/*\n" replace_in_string(get_range(start, end), \ "^", " * ", "regex") "\n */\n" replace_selection(newText) select(start, start + length(newText)) } C Comments>- C Bar Comment 1@C:::R: { selStart = $selection_start selEnd = $selection_end newText = get_range(selStart+3, selEnd-4) newText = replace_in_string(newText, "^ \\* ", "", "regex") replace_range(selStart, selEnd, newText) select(selStart, selStart + length(newText)) } Make C Prototypes@C@C++:::: { if ($selection_start == -1) { start = 0 end = $text_length } else { start = $selection_start end = $selection_end } string = get_range(start, end) nDefs = 0 searchPos = 0 prototypes = "" staticPrototypes = "" for (;;) { headerStart = search_string(string, \ "^[a-zA-Z]([^;#\"'{}=>?~" C++:.CC .HH .I::::::".,/\`'!|@#%^&*()-=+{}[]"":;<>?~" Java:.JAVA:::::: Ada:.ADA .AD .ADS .ADB .A:::::: Fortran:.F .F77 .FOR:::::: Pascal:.PAS .P .INT:::::: Yacc:.Y::::::".,/\`'!|@#%^&*()-=+{}[]"":;<>?~" Perl:.PL .PM .P5:"^[ \t]*#[ \t]*!.*perl"::::: Python:.PY:"^#!.*python":Auto:None::: Awk:.AWK:::::: Tcl:.TCL:::::: Makefile:MAKEFILE:::::: HTML:.HTML .HTM:::::: LaTeX:.TEX .STY .CLS .DTX .INS:::::: VHDL:.VHD .VHDL .VDL:::::: Verilog:.V:::::: X Resources:.XRESOURCES .XDEFAULTS .NEDIT:"^[!#].*([Aa]pp|[Xx]).*[Dd]efaults"::::: NEdit Macro:.NM .NEDITMACRO::::::stylesStylesPlain:black:Plain Comment:gray20:Italic Keyword:black:Bold Storage Type:brown:Bold String:darkGreen:Plain String1:SeaGreen:Plain String2:darkGreen:Bold Preprocessor:RoyalBlue4:Plain Preprocessor1:blue:Plain Character Const:darkGreen:Plain Numeric Const:darkGreen:Plain Identifier:brown:Plain Identifier1:RoyalBlue4:Plain Subroutine:brown:Plain Subroutine1:chocolate:Plain Ada Attributes:plum:Bold Flag:red:Bold Text Comment:SteelBlue4:Italic Text Key:VioletRed4:Bold Text Key1:VioletRed4:Plain Text Arg:RoyalBlue4:Bold Text Arg1:SteelBlue4:Bold Text Arg2:RoyalBlue4:Plain Text Escape:gray30:Bold LaTeX Math:darkGreen:PlainsmartIndentInitSmartIndentInitC:Default C++:Default Python:DefaultsmartIndentInitCommonSmartIndentInitCommonDefaultautoWrapAutoWrapNewlinewrapMarginWrapMargin0autoIndentAutoIndentAutoautoSaveAutoSaveTruesaveOldVersionSaveOldVersionFalseshowMatchingShowMatchingTruehighlightSyntaxHighlightSyntaxFalsesearchDialogsSearchDialogsFalseretainSearchDialogsRetainSearchDialogsFalserepositionDialogsRepositionDialogsTruestatisticsLineStatisticsLineFalsesearchMethodSearchMethodLiteraltextRowsTextRows24textColsTextCols80tabDistanceTabDistance8emulateTabsEmulateTabs0insertTabsInsertTabsTruetextFontTextFont-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*boldHighlightFontBoldHighlightFont-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*italicHighlightFontItalicHighlightFont-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*boldItalicHighlightFontBoldItalicHighlightFont-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*shellShell/bin/cshremapDeleteKeyRemapDeleteKeyTruestdOpenDialogStdOpenDialogFalsetagFileTagFilewordDelimitersWordDelimiters.,/\`'!|@#%^&*()-=+{}[]":;<>?serverNameserverNamemaxPrevOpenFilesMaxPrevOpenFiles30bgMenuButtonBGMenuButton~Shift~Ctrl~Meta~Alt-wrap.autoWrapContinuous-nowrap.autoWrapNone-autowrap.autoWrapNewline-noautowrap.autoWrapNone-autoindent.autoIndentAuto-noautoindent.autoIndentFalse-autosave.autoSaveTrue-noautosave.autoSaveFalse-rows.textRows-columns.textCols-tabs.tabDistance-font.textFont-fn.textFont-svrname.serverName.neditneditneditNEditDefault preferences will be saved in the .nedit file in your home directory. NEdit automatically loads this file each time it is started.Default preferences will be saved in the .nedit file in your home directory. SAVING WILL INCORPORATE SETTINGS FROM FILE: %sOKCancel.neditUnable to save preferences in SYS$LOGIN:.NEDITDismissneditNEditDefault Preferences have changed. Save changes to .nedit file?Default Preferences have changed. SAVING CHANGES WILL INCORPORATE ADDITIONAL SETTINGS FROM FILE: %sSaveDon't SaveCancelcustomSizeInitial Window SizeformtopLabelEnter desired size in rows and columns of characters:rowsxLabelxcolsnumber of rowsnumber of columnscustomSizeTabsformtabDistTexttabDistLabelTab spacing (for hardware tab characters)emTabTextemTabLabelEmulated tab spacingemTabToggleEmulate tabsuseTabsToggleUse tab characters in padding and emulated tabsemulateTabstab spacingTab spacing out of rangeDismissemulated tab spacingEmulated tab spacing out of rangeDismissemulateTabsemulateTabswrapMarginWrap MarginformwrapWindowToggleWrap and Fill at width of windowwrapTextwrapMarginLabelMargin for Wrap and FillwrapMarginwrap MarginWrap margin out of rangeDismisswrapMarginwrapMarginLanguage ModesLanguage ModesneditNEditeditLanguageModestopLabelTo modify the properties of an existing language mode, select the name from the list on the left. To add a new language, select "New" from the list.nameLblNamenameextLblFile extensions (separate w/ space)extrecogLblRecognition regular expression (applied to first 200 characters of file to determine type from content)recogokOKapplyApplydismissDismissoverrideFrameoverrideFormoverrideLblOverride DefaultsoverrideFormdelimitLblWord delimitersdelimittabFormtabLblAlternative hardware tab spacingdelimitdelimitemTabLblAlternative emulated tab spacingindentBoxdefaultIndentDefault indent stylenoIndentNo automatic indentautoIndentAuto-indentsmartIndentSmart-indentwrapBoxdefaultWrapDefault wrap stylenoWrapNo wrappingnewlineWrapAuto newline wrapcontWrapContinuous wrapstretchFormlistThis language mode has syntax highlighting patterns defined. 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