PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.2 Release Notes The major functional changes in v 2.0.0-2.0.2 are the addition of standard errors and additional plotting engines. This release adds support for plotting engines dygraphs, plotly, gridExtra, ggplot2, and googleVis to all charting functions that are able to support those engines via the use of a new plot.engine argument. This work was predominantly completed by Ziheng 'Zenith' Zhou and Justin Shea as part of Google Summer of Code 2019. This functionality is working, but consider it experimental for now, it may change in the future as we receive feedback and patches from users. This release additionally adds support for multiple methods of standard error calculations derived from the robust statistics work of R. Douglas Martin. The code was primarily written by Anthony-Alexander Cristidis during Google Summer of Code 2018 and following, and is mostly included by reference to packages RobStatTM and RPESE if the user desires to utilize the standard errors functionality. changed test infrastructure to tinytest from testthat after unreproducible traceback results on only some Windows platforms in testthat. Note that some examples are disabled on Windows because of runtime issues with the Rtools4 'experimental' toolchain. Users may still run this code, of course. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.5 Release Notes The major functional change in v1.5 is in the higher moment code. Dries Cornilly of Belgium contributed sparse matrix code in GSoC 2017 to make calculation of higher moments and comonments much faster and more robust. Additionally, PerformanceAnalytics has been updated to use the new plot.xts, which should signficiantly decrease the amount of maintenance required, and increase the flexibility in plotting. Thanks to Eric Hung for that GSoC work. PerformanceAnalytics moved to github in 2016 after the release of v1.4 Most of the commits leading up to release are the result of continued tightening and drift in CRAN standards, most should not have user-visible results. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.4 Release Notes We've completely re-written Return.portfolio to make more of the internals available for those who have the need to disassemble the various components of the portfolio return. Return.portfolio and Return.rebalancing are now the same function, with Return.portfolio being preferred for new code. This release also adds some functionality from Bacon, and makes visible some functions that were previously internal to the package. We've moved to using roxygen2 to generate the NAMESPACE file, which required touching basically every single generated .Rd file. We're also altering our version numbering system. We'll be using a "major.cran-release.r-forge-rev" form to make it easier for us to track where reported issues may have been introduced. Major releases will continue to indicate that significant changes to the interfaces of the functions were made. This is our 4th CRAN release after 1.0, so the minor number moves to 4. The trailing number will reflect the revision number from R-Forge's svn associated with the tagged CRAN (or subsequent) release. Most of the commits leading up to release are the result of continued tightening and drift in CRAN standards, most should not have user-visible results. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.1 Release Notes Another release almost exclusively based on R core changes ahead of R 3.0.0. Most of the commits leading up to release are the result of continued tightening and drift in CRAN standards, most should not have user-visible results. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics Release Notes (sent to CRAN 2012-03-29) This release is aimed almost exclusively at support for multiple changes made to deal with R core changes, especially in the areas of multi-column support for sd() and mean(). User functionality should be unchanged. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics roxygen note (2011-10-02): We're converting the documentation to use roxygen2. If you find any errors or omissions from previous documentation, please notify us. We will shift to roxygen documentation with package v1.1 PerformanceAnalytics Release Notes A change to the behavior of as.xts removed functionality relied on by PerformanceAnalytics in checkData. Thanks to debugging help from Jeff Ryan and a one-line patch, everything should work as expected back through current and older xts versions. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.0.3 Release Notes (sent to CRAN 2010-08-04) This is an incremental bugfix and improvement release on the v1.0.x cycle. We would like to acknowledge feedback and suggestions from Giuseppe Milicia and Murali Menon which have resulted in changes or improvements to several functions in this release, mostly to eliminate problems with edge cases or specific failure modes. Style functions have been removed in this release and moved to the new project FactorAnalytics with Eric Zivot on R-Forge. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.0.2 Release Notes (released to CRAN 2010-04-08) This release is an incremental improvement on v1.0.x We've continued to make functions more friendly for use in parallel execution and optimization environments. Several bugfixes have been applied to edge case problems, details are in the full ChangeLog provided with the package. We've added several new ways of calling functions that can take moments rather than returns to allow for more robust or other improved methods of calculating moments. Added patches to graphics provided by Dominik Locher. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.0.1 Release Notes (tagged 2010-01-07, not released to CRAN) This release is predominantly a minor bugfix release. We've reduced the number of warning() calls throughout the code to better allow for execution in a highly parallel environment. We've fixed bugs related to assuming compounding/geometric returns in all functions that could be affected by such assumptions. Bugs related to handling matrices pointed out by Dr. Stefan Albrecht have been removed. ... and the usual minor things that get changed and updated in the general course of maintenance. PerformanceAnalytics 1.0.0 Release Notes (released to CRAN 2009-10-27) This release marks a major milestone for PerformanceAnalytics. After several years and acquiring users worldwide, we feel things are stable enough to mark this release 1.0.0. Hopefully this will decrease the number of changes made to the interfaces and functionality of the package in the future, and let us work on other things. Probably the most new functionality in this release has gone into VaR, ES and modified VaR and ES. Thanks to some excellent code and research contributions from Kris Boudt of K.U. Leuven, we've added substantially to the capabilities in this release. The new 'VaR' and 'ES' functions allow a wide variety of methods for calculation, and even methods for calculating risk contribution given portfolio weights. This is great stuff, and we're deeply greatful for Kris' contribution. During the past year, we've modified almost every function in the package. There were two things we wanted to accomplish: move to xts for time series functions internally, and improve the speed and convenience of the functions. The move to xts has improved the package immensely. Not only have the time axes of the graphics improved, but calculations and charts now handle different data periodicities automatically. Calculations are noticably faster, too. Users of fPortfolio and other Rmetrics packages can use timeSeries objects with PA functions seamlessly. Thanks to xts' reclass function, if you input a timeSeries object into a PA function that calculates a time series result (such as Drawdowns), that result is delivered as a timeSeries classed object. All of the functions in PA now support multi-column returns objects. Drop a data set in, and the calculations are done for each column. For example: > > data(managers) > > SharpeRatio.annualized(managers[,1:8]) HAM1 HAM2 HAM3 HAM4 HAM5 HAM6 1.6033616 1.3240442 1.1488361 0.6169326 0.1933374 1.8380958 EDHEC.LS.EQ SP500.TR 1.6414220 0.6448502 In any re-write like this, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that there have been changes to parameter names along the way. The most substantial of these is anywhere we used 'rf' for the risk free rate, we now use Rf. We've made the changes to be more consistent and make the code easier to maintain, and we appreciate your patience. PerformanceAnalytics v0.9.7 Release Notes (released to CRAN 2008-10-12) New Functionality: This release adds 39 new public functions, an example dataset, and utilizes R's namespace capability. We have also decreased the number of "Requires" packages to just "zoo", moving the rest to "Suggests" and loading them only when needed, with a warning or error (as appropriate) if they are not available. This should lower both loading time and the memory footprint of using PerformanceAnalytics. Risk functionality We have extended the risk metrics provided by Performanceanalytics to include multivariate portfolio measures of Gaussian and Cornish fisher VaR and Expected Shortfall. Functions: * GES.MM * GVaR.MM * mES.MM * mVaR.MM Modified Sharpe Ratios Earlier versions of PerformanceAnalytics contained the modified Sharpe Ration based on the Cornish fisher expansion. we have added additional modified Sharpe ratios to calculate portfolio ratios for both Gaussian and modified Cornish Fisher Var and Expected Shortfall of the multivariate portfolio distribution. Functions: * SR.GES.MM * SR.GVaR.MM * SR.mES.MM * SR.mVaR.MM * SR.StdDev.MM TODO: need to wrap the SharpeRatio function to take a "method" argument and return one or all. Style Analysis We are happy to announce that style analysis, long a goal of this package, has made significant progress in this release, with the addition of four new functions. These functions calculate style weights using an asset class style model as described in detail in Sharpe (1992). The use of quadratic programming to determine a fund's exposures to the changes in returns of major asset classes is usually referred to as "style analysis". Functions: * chart.RollingStyle calculates and displays those weights in rolling windows through time. * chart.Style calculates and displays style weights calculated over a single period. * manages the calculation of the factor weights by method * style.QPfit calculates the specific constraint case that requires quadratic programming Charts We've added three new graph functions in this release: chart.VaRSensitivity Creates a chart of Value-at-Risk estimates by confidence interval for multiple methods. Possibly useful for comparing a calculated VaR method to the historical VaR. chart.SnailTrail A scatter chart that shows how rolling calculations of annualized return and annualized standard deviation have proceeded through time. The color of lines and dots on the chart diminishes with respect to time. May be helpful for showing the trend of the return/risk characteristics of the fund over time. chart.StackedBar This creates a stacked column chart with time on the horizontal axis and values in categories. This kind of chart is commonly used for showing portfolio 'weights' through time, although the function will plot any values by category. This is a primitive function and is expected to improve. Moments of a distribution We have added several functions to calculate standardized moments and multivariate moments of an asset or multivariate portfolio distribution. When working with multivariate series, the joint distribution of the returns is to be preferred over the simple univariate distribution of the resulting return vector of a portfolio. Once the multivariate moments are available, it is possible to compute the comoments, comoment matrices, and beta or systematic comoments. skewness kurtosis skewness.MM kurtosis.MM We've ported and reimplemented skewness and kurtosis from Rmetrics to allow for additional data classes as well as multivariate series. StdDev.MM multivariate_mean Return.centered M3.MM M4.MM We've additionally implemented the multivariate moment calculations for the first two portfolio moments (mean and standard deviation) as well as the third and forth mathematical moments. CoVariance CoKurtosis CoSkewness Calculates the covariance, coskewness. or cokurtosis of one asset with relation to another (scalar measure) utilizing the standardized central mathematical moments of the distribution. CoKurtosisMatrix CoSkewnessMatrix Calculates the N x N2 co-moment matrix of assets to one another, can be utilized in a portfolio context. This is a complete reimplementation of the prior functions in PerformanceAnalytics to calculate moments, and has been validated by our research work as superior to the prior implementation. centeredmoment centeredcomoment Used internally by PerformanceAnalytics to calculate centered moments for a multivariate distribution as well as the standardized moments of a portfolio distribution. They are exposed here for users who wish to use them directly BetaCoVariance BetaCoSkewness BetaCoKurtosis Calculates the systematic or beta comoment of two assets or an asset versus a portfolio. used to assess diversification potential in a portfolio, or in multivariate multimoment portfolio optimization. Significant Changes to existing functions: chart.BarVaR * Incorporates 'Return.clean' methods for using cleaning methods when charting forecasted VaR values. * Handles multiple columns OR multiple VaR calculation methods * Can show cleaned returns overlaid on original data * Added horizontal line to show exceedences to most recent risk estimate Co-moments and Beta/Systematic Co-moments have been completely reimplemented, and are discussed above.