params <- list(EVAL = TRUE) ## ----setup, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------------------------- library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(purrr) library(broom) library(gganimate) library(cowplot) library(multiverse) ## ----chunk-setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, eval = if (isTRUE(exists("params"))) params$EVAL else FALSE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4 ) ## ----data--------------------------------------------------------------------- data("durante") data.raw.study2 <- durante |> mutate( Abortion = abs(7 - Abortion) + 1, StemCell = abs(7 - StemCell) + 1, Marijuana = abs(7 - Marijuana) + 1, RichTax = abs(7 - RichTax) + 1, StLiving = abs(7 - StLiving) + 1, Profit = abs(7 - Profit) + 1, FiscConsComp = FreeMarket + PrivSocialSec + RichTax + StLiving + Profit, SocConsComp = Marriage + RestrictAbortion + Abortion + StemCell + Marijuana ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data.raw.study2 |> head(10) ## ----single_analysis---------------------------------------------------------- one_universe = data.raw.study2 |> mutate( ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast ) |> mutate( NextMenstrualOnset = StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength ) |> mutate( CycleDay = 28 - (NextMenstrualOnset - DateTesting), CycleDay = ifelse(WorkerID == 15, 11, ifelse(WorkerID == 16, 18, CycleDay)), CycleDay = ifelse(CycleDay > 1 & CycleDay < 28, CycleDay, ifelse(CycleDay < 1, 1, 28)) ) |> mutate( Relationship = factor(ifelse(Relationship==1 | Relationship==2, "Single", "Relationship")) ) |> filter( ComputedCycleLength > 25 & ComputedCycleLength < 35) |> filter( Sure1 > 6 | Sure2 > 6 ) |> mutate( Fertility = factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 7 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", "medium")) ) ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- one_universe |> select( NextMenstrualOnset, Relationship, Sure1, Sure2, Fertility, everything() ) |> head(10) ## ----fig.align = 'center'----------------------------------------------------- one_universe |> ggplot(aes(x = Relationship, y = Rel1 + Rel2 + Rel3, color = Fertility)) + stat_summary(position = position_dodge(width = .1), = "mean_se") + theme_minimal() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M <- multiverse() ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # df <- data.raw.study2 |> # mutate(ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast) |> # mutate(NextMenstrualOnset = StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # NextMenstrualOnset = branch(menstrual_calculation, # "mc_option1" ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength, # "mc_option2" ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ReportedCycleLength, # "mc_option3" ~ StartDateNext # ) ## ----add_to_multiverse-------------------------------------------------------- # here we just create the variable `df` in the multiverse inside(M, df <- data.raw.study2) # here, we perform two `mutate` operations in the multiverse. # although they could have been chained, this illustrates # how multiple variables can be declared together using the `{}` inside(M, { df <- df |> mutate( ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast ) df <- df |> mutate( NextMenstrualOnset = branch(menstrual_calculation, "mc_option1" ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength, "mc_option2" ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ReportedCycleLength, "mc_option3" ~ StartDateNext) ) }) ## ----parameter_list----------------------------------------------------------- parameters(M) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(M) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- code(M) ## ----generate_code------------------------------------------------------------ M$df ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inside(M, { df <- df |> mutate(RelationshipStatus = branch( relationship_status, "rs_option1" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1 | Relationship==2, 'Single', 'Relationship')), "rs_option2" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1, 'Single', 'Relationship')), "rs_option3" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1, 'Single', ifelse(Relationship==3 | Relationship==4, 'Relationship', NA))) ) ) |> mutate( CycleDay = 28 - (NextMenstrualOnset - DateTesting), CycleDay = ifelse(WorkerID == 15, 11, ifelse(WorkerID == 16, 18, CycleDay)), CycleDay = ifelse(CycleDay > 1 & CycleDay < 28, CycleDay, ifelse(CycleDay < 1, 1, 28)) ) |> filter( branch(cycle_length, "cl_option1" ~ TRUE, "cl_option2" ~ ComputedCycleLength > 25 & ComputedCycleLength < 35, "cl_option3" ~ ReportedCycleLength > 25 & ReportedCycleLength < 35 )) |> filter( branch(certainty, "cer_option1" ~ TRUE, "cer_option2" ~ Sure1 > 6 | Sure2 > 6 )) |> mutate( Fertility = branch( fertile, "fer_option1" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 7 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", "medium")) ), "fer_option2" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 6 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 27, "low", "medium")) ), "fer_option3" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 9 & CycleDay <= 17, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 18 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", "medium")) ), "fer_option4" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 8 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", "low") ), "fer_option5" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 8 & CycleDay <= 17, "high", "low") ) )) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- code(M) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(M) |> head() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(M) |> nrow() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M$df |> head() ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # df <- data.raw.study2 |> # mutate( ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast ) |> # mutate(NextMenstrualOnset = branch(menstrual_calculation, # "mc_option1" ~ (StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength) %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option3"), # "mc_option2" ~ (StartDateofLastPeriod + ReportedCycleLength) %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option2"), # "mc_option3" ~ StartDateNext) # ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M = multiverse() inside(M, { df <- data.raw.study2 |> mutate( ComputedCycleLength = StartDateofLastPeriod - StartDateofPeriodBeforeLast ) |> dplyr::filter( branch(cycle_length, "cl_option1" ~ TRUE, "cl_option2" ~ ComputedCycleLength > 25 & ComputedCycleLength < 35, "cl_option3" ~ ReportedCycleLength > 25 & ReportedCycleLength < 35 )) |> dplyr::filter( branch(certainty, "cer_option1" ~ TRUE, "cer_option2" ~ Sure1 > 6 | Sure2 > 6 )) |> mutate(NextMenstrualOnset = branch(menstrual_calculation, "mc_option1" %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option3") ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ComputedCycleLength, "mc_option2" %when% (cycle_length != "cl_option2") ~ StartDateofLastPeriod + ReportedCycleLength, "mc_option3" ~ StartDateNext) ) |> mutate( CycleDay = 28 - (NextMenstrualOnset - DateTesting), CycleDay = ifelse(WorkerID == 15, 11, ifelse(WorkerID == 16, 18, CycleDay)), CycleDay = ifelse(CycleDay > 1 & CycleDay < 28, CycleDay, ifelse(CycleDay < 1, 1, 28)) ) |> mutate( Fertility = branch( fertile, "fer_option1" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 7 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", NA)) ), "fer_option2" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 6 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 17 & CycleDay <= 27, "low", NA)) ), "fer_option3" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 9 & CycleDay <= 17, "high", ifelse(CycleDay >= 18 & CycleDay <= 25, "low", NA)) ), "fer_option4" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 8 & CycleDay <= 14, "high", "low") ), "fer_option5" ~ factor( ifelse(CycleDay >= 8 & CycleDay <= 17, "high", "low") ) )) |> mutate(RelationshipStatus = branch(relationship_status, "rs_option1" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1 | Relationship==2, 'Single', 'Relationship')), "rs_option2" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1, 'Single', 'Relationship')), "rs_option3" ~ factor(ifelse(Relationship==1, 'Single', ifelse(Relationship==3 | Relationship==4, 'Relationship', NA))) ) ) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(M) |> nrow() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inside(M, { df <- df |> mutate( RelComp = round((Rel1 + Rel2 + Rel3)/3, 2)) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inside(M, { fit_RelComp <- lm( RelComp ~ Fertility * RelationshipStatus, data = df ) }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inside(M, { summary_RelComp <- fit_RelComp |> broom::tidy( = TRUE ) }) execute_multiverse(M) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(M) |> extract_variables(summary_RelComp) |> unnest( cols = c(summary_RelComp) ) |> head( 10 ) ## ----message = FALSE, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # p <- expand(M) |> # extract_variables(summary_RelComp) |> # unnest( cols = c(summary_RelComp) ) |> # mutate( term = recode( term, # "RelationshipStatusSingle" = "Single", # "Fertilitylow:RelationshipStatusSingle" = "Single:Fertility_low" # ) ) |> # filter( term != "(Intercept)" ) |> # ggplot() + # geom_vline( xintercept = 0, colour = '#979797' ) + # geom_point( aes(x = estimate, y = term)) + # geom_errorbarh( aes(xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high, y = term), height = 0) + # theme_minimal() + # transition_manual( .universe ) # # animate(p, nframes = 210, fps = 4, res = 72)