## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- library(bslib) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----leftUi-code, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # library(shiny) # library(shinyWidgets) # library(shinydashboard) # library(shinydashboardPlus) # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader( # leftUi = tagList( # dropdownButton( # label = "Controls", # icon = icon("sliders-h"), # status = "primary", # circle = FALSE, # sliderInput( # inputId = "n", # label = "Number of observations", # min = 10, max = 100, value = 30 # ), # prettyToggle( # inputId = "na", # label_on = "NAs kept", # label_off = "NAs removed", # icon_on = icon("check"), # icon_off = icon("trash") # ) # ), # dropdownMenu( # type = "messages", # badgeStatus = "success", # messageItem(from = "Support Team", message = "This is the content of a message.", time = "5 mins"), # messageItem(from = "Support Team", message = "This is the content of another message.", time = "2 hours"), # messageItem(from = "New User", message = "Can I get some help?", time = "Today") # ) # ) # ), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), # body = dashboardBody( # setShadow(class = "dropdown-menu") # ), # title = "DashboardPage" # ), # server = function(input, output) { } # ) ## ----dropdownBlock-code, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader( # leftUi = tagList( # dropdownBlock( # id = "mydropdown", # title = "Dropdown 1", # icon = "sliders-h", # sliderInput( # inputId = "n", # label = "Number of observations", # min = 10, max = 100, value = 30 # ), # prettyToggle( # inputId = "na", # label_on = "NAs kept", # label_off = "NAs removed", # icon_on = icon("check"), # icon_off = icon("trash") # ) # ), # dropdownBlock( # id = "mydropdown2", # title = "Dropdown 2", # icon = "sliders-h", # prettySwitch( # inputId = "switch4", # label = "Fill switch with status:", # fill = TRUE, # status = "primary" # ), # prettyCheckboxGroup( # inputId = "checkgroup2", # label = "Click me!", # thick = TRUE, # choices = c("Click me !", "Me !", "Or me !"), # animation = "pulse", # status = "info" # ) # ) # ) # ), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), # body = dashboardBody( # setShadow(class = "dropdown-menu") # ), # title = "DashboardPage" # ), # server = function(input, output) { } # ) ## ----eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- card( shiny::tags$iframe( class = "html-fill-item", src = "https://shinylive.io/r/app/#h=0&code=NobwRAdghgtgpmAXGKAHVA6ASmANGAYwHsIAXOMpMAGwEsAjAJykYE8AKAZwAtaJWAlAB0IdJiw48+rACZQe9IixnDRDZmy69+chUsYyACtQCunVSKn8AgunYiABA5O0HAXge7ui5YagBzOHsIJyduOCgZOEZ3T3lvfRkACQioxnYzaIB5E1JUXPswTMYhMAEBXEdQzloo+hZYrx8DAGVauHr0iqqnRRlWRvjmmQAhIn72bpDQ0lpSajhY0oBVTmjPRiJUGSIAdwhSqqmnNcYAN3WPADMTCAJZknY+fNJcByJcl4EHEB6PvNyABJig4ADwAWgcjAoaVW0XYv2mTiaiTh6R6oQc0HgSzAABFaGdIg4AHJEABW0EY-lKbwxoVoMACiw8pW4pDynEQAHpuZEYHxqOQMLQiNzSOF4JxudYZAKIAAZAAqAFFuTJaJxSNzGf5ucUAEzggCMADYAAwADzN5ow5NQNLwDnpTlm8xZzrAVlkQ0SxjMtJdDk4JnoboWuOsuW4RBKTqDVyIRHIMQ8qEKSvCDkTyeitIcBGo8k4uPIltI4IIFBTpWOmKcV1MtSwe2C9dCKOUaIAkuQYG3205drUJbFTZUke3OEQCLQoNQRrlSI8g6FuNCrrj2ZyeerNqhFJaMMQYIHJ+3aMQQh5LyuwDJ94fa6uHKpB6+J+-OwYe32B4PhxkUcPHHF9p1nedFw5Fdz3rdc4E3VkwG3VAuV5fw5m4UNjyIU88BfBxb2vQir0KDCJVDZ9YNCN9B1o+t6JonoAF9aOYxwBDAZiAF0gA", height = "800", width = "100%", style = "border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.175); border-radius: .375rem;", allowfullscreen = "", allow = "autoplay", `data-external` = "1" ), full_screen = TRUE, style = "margin: 0 auto; float: none;" ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library(shiny) # library(shinydashboard) # library(shinydashboardPlus) # # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader(userOutput("user")), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), # body = dashboardBody(), # title = "User dropdown" # ), # server = function(input, output) { # output$user <- renderUser({ # dashboardUser( # name = "Divad Nojnarg", # image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user2-160x160.jpg", # title = "shinydashboardPlus", # subtitle = "Author", # footer = p("The footer", class = "text-center"), # fluidRow( # dashboardUserItem( # width = 6, # socialButton( # href = "https://dropbox.com", # icon = icon("dropbox") # ) # ), # dashboardUserItem( # width = 6, # socialButton( # href = "https://github.com", # icon = icon("github") # ) # ) # ) # ) # }) # } # )