--- meta: Producers: $0: /home/pause/.plenv/versions/5.36.0/bin/rrr-aggregate File::Rsync::Mirror::Recentfile: 0.0.9 time: '1720898462.25742' aggregator: - 6h - 1d - 1W - 1M - 1Q - 1Y - Z canonize: naive_path_normalize comment: These files are part of the CPAN mirroring concept, described in File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent dirtymark: '1389168062.25724006' filenameroot: RECENT interval: 1h merged: epoch: '1720898462.16764' into_interval: 6h time: '1720898462.25735' minmax: max: '1720898462.16764' min: '1720896738.13801' mtime: '1720898462' protocol: 1 serializer_suffix: .yaml recent: - epoch: '1720898462.16764' path: 02STAMP type: new - epoch: '1720898282.18947' path: p6binaries.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1720898282.16107' path: p6provides.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1720898281.81628' path: p6dists.json.gz type: new - epoch: '1720897141.73716' path: id/J/JG/JGNI/Locale-CLDR-v0.45.0-TRIAL3.tar.gz type: delete - epoch: '1720897141.73391' path: 08pumpkings.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1720897141.72407' path: 02authors.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1720897141.66367' path: 01mailrc.txt.gz type: new - epoch: '1720897141.57807' path: 00whois.xml type: new - epoch: '1720897141.56874' path: 00whois.html type: new - epoch: '1720896756.88858' path: id/R/RR/RRWO/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896756.83611' path: id/R/RR/RRA/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896754.69488' path: id/P/PE/PERLANCAR/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896752.10489' path: id/P/PA/PATJOL/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896750.79518' path: id/M/MR/MRUEDA/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896746.84992' path: id/M/MI/MIRK/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896745.265' path: id/L/LN/LNATION/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896744.59131' path: id/L/LE/LEONT/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896740.38355' path: id/G/GS/GSB/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896739.77945' path: id/G/GE/GENE/CHECKSUMS type: new - epoch: '1720896738.13801' path: id/D/DK/DKECHAG/CHECKSUMS type: new