// This is an InstallShield3 example script prototype Nsreg(); prototype INT nsreg32.VR_CreateRegistry(STRING, STRING, STRING); function Nsreg() STRING szRegKey, szLocalPath, szVer; begin UseDLL(SUPPORTDIR ^ "nsreg.dll"); // Netscape registry key path for the aim file to detect/sniff szRegKey = "/America Online/AIM/Program/AIM.EXE"; // Full path on the local drive, including filename, of the aim file to detect/sniff szLocalPath = "c:\\parogram files\\netscape\\communicator\\program\\aim\\aim.exe"; // Version to set the AIM file to. szVer = "2.0.997.0"; // Creates or opens an existing Netscape registry. // 1st param: must be the string "Communicator" // 2nd param: full path to the Communicator directory, not the Program directory, ie: // c:\program files\netscape\communicator // 3rd param: must be either an empty string or NULL VR_CreateRegistry("Communicator", szCommunicatorPath, ""); // Creates or updates a Netscape registry key. // 1st param: relative key path to put the AIM file. // The relative key path is relative to wherever the Communicator key path is. // The Communicator key path is predetermined when VR_CreateRegistry() is called. // 2nd param: full path on local drive, including filename, of the AIM file to detect/sniff. // 3rd param: the version to set the AIM file to. // 4th param: Since this registry key path is a file, instead of a directory, this parameter must be // set to FALSE. VR_Install(szRegKey, szLocalPath, szVer, FALSE); // Closes the opened Netscape registry. VR_Close(); UnUseDLL(SUPPORTDIR ^ "nsreg.dll"); end;