PACKAGE NAME: usbview-1.0-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x-apps PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 133 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 570 K PACKAGE MD5: 6bf1a8d002fe42e9c2b65d9ea67788e4 ./x-apps/usbview-1.0-i586-4vl58.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: gtk+ >= 1.2,glib >= 1.2,x11 >= 6.8 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: usbview: USBView (USB device viewer) usbview: usbview: USBView is a small GTK application to show what the usbview: device tree of the USB bus looks like. It shows a usbview: graphical representation of the devices that are usbview: currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB usbview: bus. It also displays information on each individual usbview: device on the bus. usbview: usbview: Website: usbview: License: GNU GPL usbview: Author: Greg Kroah-Hartman, usbview: