PACKAGE NAME: rhpl-0.212-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/administration PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 147 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 970 K PACKAGE MD5: 21a3db485dcdcdc2a2b9f5a9bed7c23e ./packages/administration/rhpl-0.212-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: aaa_base >= 12.1.0-noarch-2 | glibc-solibs >= 2.7-i486-10,python >= 2.5.2-i486-1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: rhpl: rhpl (RedHat Python Library) rhpl: rhpl: This package contains the RedHat Python Library, which is a set of rhpl: generic python modules shared among many Red Hat tools, including rhpl: network setup, printer routines, and other useful bindings. rhpl: rhpl: rhpl: rhpl: rhpl: rhpl: