SWI-Prolog for Win32 Jan Wielemaker 06/06/94 (Updated: 25/01/99) (Version 3.2.0) This distribution contains SWI-Prolog for Windows-'95-'98 and Windows-NT SWI-Prolog runs in a simple MS-Window providing traditional stream-based interaction or as a Win32 console application. Installation: ============= Run the self-extracting executable pl.exe and follow the instructions. The installation program prompts for the installation directory. If you have a previous version of SWI-Prolog, it will suggest to use the old installation directory. This will destroy your installed SWI-Prolog version. MSVCRT.DLL ========== There are many versions of this DLL, most of which are compatible, but some not. The SWI-Prolog installation makes a copy of the msvcrt.dll shipped with the compiler I use (MSVC 5.0) into the pl\bin directory. If there is no copy in the system directory, it will copy the same file there too. To improve sharing, you may wish to remove this file from pl\bin, forcing SWI-Prolog to use the system version. You can also move the version shipped with SWI-Prolog to your system directory, but this *might* break other applications. Further Installation -------------------- For normal Prolog operation, no further installation is required. When using the foreign language interface, one may wish to set the following environment variables: set SWI_HOME_DIR= set LIB=%LIB%;%SWI_HOME_DIR%\lib set PATH=%PATH%;%SWI_HOME_DIR%\bin set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%SWI_HOME_DIR%\include In Windows 95, environment variables are set in autoexec.bat (after which the system needs to be rebooted). In Windows-NT using the System properties from the Control-panel. Redoing the boot compilation ============================ The system normally loads the Prolog code from the file boot.prc If you changed anything to the Prolog sources in the boot directory or the system appears to have path-problems with system related files, it may be wise to redo the boot compilation. To do this, run mkboot.bat from the pl\bin directory, which executes: cd .. plwin.exe -O -o boot.prc -b boot/init.pl Version 3.2.0 Release Notes =========================== As of version 3.2.0, SWI-Prolog is compiled using MSVC 5.0 rather then 4.2. This appears to provide a significant performance boost. The sources include MSVC 5.0 workspace and project files, as well as the entire source-tree required. To rebuild the system, just load pl\src\pl.dsw and recompile it. The binaries will be placed in pl\bin and the libraries in pl\lib. Version 3.1.0 Release Notes =========================== Version 3.1.0 has modified the directory layout of the installation a bit. The import libraries *.LIB (only required for foreign-language extensions) are moved from the bin to the lib directory. plld.exe has been modified to deal with this modification. The initial startup file is now boot.prc in the main directory, rather than startup/startup. The format has changed radically, dealing with resources as defined with resource/3 and open_resource/3. Mailing list ============ There is a mailing for SWI-Prolog. You subscribe, send mail to prolog-request@swi.psy.uva.nl, using the subject `subscribe' and no text in the body. To send mail to the list, use the address prolog@swi.psy.uva.nl Documentation and further info ============================== Documentation is available in three formats: PDF (Adobes Portable Document Format), PostScript and HTML. The source is in LaTeX and included in the source distribution, available from the main ftp site. Main URL: http://swi.psy.uva.nl/usr/jan/SWI-Prolog.html Main FTP: ftp://swi.psy.uva.nl/pub/SWI-Prolog/ Doc FTP: ftp://swi.psy.uva.nl/pub/SWI-Prolog/refman/refman.pdf ftp://swi.psy.uva.nl/pub/SWI-Prolog/refman/refman.ps.tar.gz ftp://swi.psy.uva.nl/pub/SWI-Prolog/refman/HTMLmanual.tar.gz E-mail: prolog-request@swi.psy.uva.nl Copyright: ========== SWI-Prolog may be distributed freely for non-commercial use. See pl\LICENCE for a more complete description of your rights.