+--------------------------------------------------------+ | CCC OOO N N QQQ U U EEEEE SSSS TTTTT | | C C O O NN N Q Q U U E S T | | C O O N N N Q Q U U EEE SSS T | | C C O O N NN Q Q U U E S T | | CCC OOO N N QQ Q UUU EEEEE SSSS T | +--------------------------------------------------------+ DISTRIBUTION You should have recieved the following file: (where x.y is the current revision) conquest-x.y.src.tar.gz - gziped tar archive of the source distribution. Unzip/untar this in a nice, quiet, peaceful place. I use 'gzcat conquest-x.y.src.tar.gz |tar -xvf -'. See INSTALL for instructions on building and installing Conquest. See README for more information. See conquest.doc ((h)elp lesson from within Conquest) and conqnews.doc ((n)ews from within conquest) for instructions on how to play and what's changed. Currently, it's been built on: Unixware (any version) Solaris 2.6 with gcc 2.7.1 FreeBSD 2.2 100696-SNAP Linux 2.0.0 or greater LOCATION Conquest can be obtained (hopefully) via ftp from ftp.freebird.org and sunsite.unc.edu. More up-to-date info may be found at http://shell.rmi.net/~jon CONQUEST SYNOPSIS Here's an extract from the conquest.doc file: NAME Conquest - a multi-player real-time screen-oriented space war game SYNOPSIS conquest DESCRIPTION 1. OBJECT OF THE GAME. The object of the game is twofold. The short-range goal is to accumulate "kills" by shooting down enemy players. You get one kill point for each enemy ship shot down, plus some extra if the enemy had kills too. The major weapon used to shoot down ships is the photon torpedo. The long-range goal is to conquer the universe for your team by taking every planet. You take planets by killing off the enemy's armies via bombardment, and then beaming your team's armies down. When all the planets have been taken, the game ends, a new game begins, and the player who actually took the last planet gets his/her name up in lights. ... COPYRIGHT C O N Q U E S T (VAX/VMS Ratfor) Copyright (C)1983-1986 by Jef Poskanzer and Craig Leres Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright notice appear in all copies and in all supporting documentation. Jef Poskanzer and Craig Leres make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Unix/C specific porting and supporting code Copyright (C)1994-1999 by Jon Trulson under the same terms and conditions of the original copyright by Jef Poskanzer and Craig Leres. See the LICENSE file for current license info. Jon Trulson 2/10/99