Begin3 Title: NNTP Proxy Version: 0.1.5 Entered-date: 03MAY97 Description: This proxies NNTP connections with support for auto-login. In other words, it converts type 201 (no posting) to 200 (ok posting) and authenticates for those servers that responce '481 Authentication required'. This is neccissary to use tin, trn, gnus, etc unmodified with servers, with Netscape style security enhancements. It may also be used to connect your intranet to an internet server. Keywords: NNTP to NNRP proxy, tin, trn, gnus. Author: Dr Bill C Riemers Maintained-by: Dr Bill C Riemers Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: Linux, HPUX, easily portable... Copying-policy: Less restrictive than GPL. End