Index of /public/ftp/pub/linux/utils/compress

../                      Parent directory
!INDEX.html              Long index format
PeaZip-1.7-2.i586.rpm    cross platform archiver
TkZip-1.1.3.tar.gz       X front end for various archiving and compression utils
TkZip-1.1.4.tar.gz       X front end for various archiving and compression utils
Xgzip1.1.tar.gz          X interface to gzip, using the V library
arc521.tar.Z             Undoes .arc files
batmp3.gz                encodes multiple mp3's with one command via l3enc
bzip-0.21.ELF.tgz        block-sorting file compressor
compress.tar.Z           Standard Unix compress utility
compress.z               gzipped binary of compress              compress files from a directory on multiple diskettes and uncompress them
disrpm                   easy 2k shell script to unpack *.rpm and *.deb archives, using standard unix utilities: od (or hexdump), sed, dd, gzip, cpio
exepak-1.1.tar.gz        EXEPAK executable file compressor for Linux
freeze-2.5.0.tar.gz      The latest sources for "freeze"
gexe.tgz                 csh script allowing compressed executables
gnomerar-0.4.1.tar.gz    GnomeRAR if a frontend for RAR archiver
gsm-1.0-linux.tar.gz     gsm (toast) audio compression [linux bins]
gsm-1.0-solaris.tar.gz   gsm (toast) audio compression [solaris bins]
gsm-1.0.tar.gz           gsm (toast) audio compression [src]
guiTAR-0.1.4.tar.gz      a TAR extraction tool
guitar-0.0.3.tar.gz      guiTAR is a TAR extraction tool
gzip-1.2.4.bin.ELF.tar.gz GNU gzip compression binaries [elf]
gzip-1.2.4.msdos.exe.gz  msdos exectuable of gzip
gzip-1.2.4L.tar.gz       gzip 1.2.4 compiled for linux
gzip-pentium-elf.gz      Pentium-optimized gzip in ELF format
gzip.sys5.bin            system V (ELF) gzip binary
ha0999p-linux.tar.gz     archiver using arithmetic/Markov coder
iavazip11_linux.tar      Tool to make working with archives easier
lbrate-1.1.tar.gz        lbrate extracts/decompresses files from the CP/M LBR format
lha-1.00.tar.Z           lharc - undoes .lha files
lzop-1.00.tar.gz         X front end for various archiving and compression utils
lzop-1.01.tar.gz         real-time compressor similiar to gzip
macutils.tar.gz          used to unpack and translate Mac files
mscompress-0.3.tar.bz2   Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
ncompress-4.2.4.tar.Z    Another version of the standard compress
nomarch-1.4.tar.gz       nomarch extracts files from the old `.arc' archive format
nulib324.tar.gz          shrinkit compatible compression utility
pax-2.1.tar.gz           POSIX Portabile Archive/Interchange File Format utility
pdv-1.5.1.tar.gz         Payload Delivery Vehicle (PDV) provides a mechanism for delivering a package as a single executable file
peazip-1.11.bin.LINUX.GTK2.i586-1.rpm PeaZip is a cross platform, desktop neutral archiver utility. Full support: 7Z, 7Z-sfx, ARC/WRC, BZ2/TBZ2, GZ/TGZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, split, TAR, UPX, ZIP. Open, browse, extract, test: ACE, ARJ, CAB, CHM, COMPOUND (MSI, DOC, XLS, PPT), CPIO, ISO, Java (JAR, EAR, WAR), Linux (DEB, PET/PUP, RPM, SLP), LHA/LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAK/PK3/PK4, RAR, WIM, XPI, Z/TZ. Other features: split/join files, wipe files (secure deletion), byte to byte compare files, checksum/hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords/keyfiles. PeaZip allows to: browse archives (with multiple inclusion and exclusion filters), extract multiple archives at once, save archive's layout, save job definition as command line (to be inspected, or used in scripts), save job log.
peazip_1.11.bin.LINUX.GTK2.i586-1.deb Keywords: compression, archiving, backup, tar, rar, 7z, gui, utilityPeaZip is a cross platform, desktop neutral archiver utility. Full support: 7Z, 7Z-sfx, ARC/WRC, BZ2/TBZ2, GZ/TGZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, split, TAR, UPX, ZIP. Open, browse, extract, test: ACE, ARJ, CAB, CHM, COMPOUND (MSI, DOC, XLS, PPT), CPIO, ISO, Java (JAR, EAR, WAR), Linux (DEB, PET/PUP, RPM, SLP), LHA/LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAK/PK3/PK4, RAR, WIM, XPI, Z/TZ. Other features: split/join files, wipe files (secure deletion), byte to byte compare files, checksum/hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords/keyfiles. PeaZip allows to: browse archives (with multiple inclusion and exclusion filters), extract multiple archives at once, save archive's layout, save job definition as command line (to be inspected, or used in scripts), save job log.
peazip_portable-1.8.bin.LINUX.GTK1.i586-2.tar.gz cross platform archiver
pklin251.exe             enables you to view and extract from TAR, GZIP, UUencode, XXencode, MIME, and BinHex file formats etc
star-1.2.tar.gz          fastest & most POSIX compliant tar implementation for UNIX
tarunarchiveroot.gz      a script for unarchiving with tar and making root the owner of the files
tcx-linux.tar.gz         Transparently [un]compresses executables [src]
tktar-0.1a.tgz           A tcl/tk front end for tar and unzip
tzip-1.12-1.i386.rpm     block-sorting data compressor [RPM]
tzip-1.12-1.src.rpm      block-sorting data compressor [SRPM]
tzx100.tgz               creates self-expanding compressed executables
unace-1.2b.tar.gz        view/extract archives created with the ACE archiver
unarj-2.63a.tar.gz       extracting, testing and viewing the contents of archives created with the ARJ archiver
unrar-2.71.tar.gz        extract, test and view RAR archives
unz530x.tar.gz           free unarchiver compatible with PKZIP archives
unzip-5.31.tar.gz        Unix port of DOS unzip utility
uudeall.tgz              processes a file containing many uuencoded files
xtar-4.4.6.tar.gz        An X interface to process tar/tgz files.
xzip-0.7.8.tgz           An X interface to process tar/tgz/gz/zip/bz2 files.
zip21x-elf.tar.gz        free archiver compatible with PKZIP archives
zipdisplay.gz            makes it easy to find and display files from inside of zip archives
zoo-2.10-3.alpha.rpm     Makes/unmakes .zoo files [alpha]
zoo-2.10-3.src.rpm       Makes/unmakes .zoo files [src]
zoo-2.10.linux.diff.gz   Makes/unmakes .zoo files (diffs)

Last updated by using keeper 1.55 on 2008-02-04 18:29:44 UCT