Short: portable ST/PT player (source form) Type: mus/play Uploader: Author: This is a fully-fledged protracker/soundtracker module player that is mostly portable. It now runs succesfully on the AMIGA, silicon graphics, sparc, linux... This version includes support for the AMIGA and a man page. There is no amiga binary downloadable yet. You will have to find a C compiler. This is an interim release, it is currently BETA on the amiga, and full-fledged on unix machines. Your amiga may crash while using this program. You've been warned ! This version includes numerous improvements over the previous versions released on the net: more reliable, new machines, new features. There should be a tracker-sun-bin, a tracker-solaris-bin, and tracker-amiga-bin available for those unfortunate enough not to have a compiler (in the near future). ---------------- tracker-4.3-linux.tar.gz ------- The tracker-4.3-linux.tar.gz is exactly the same version than the official tracker-4_3.lzh distribution. There are just some fixes in the Makefile. Hannu