# @configure_input@ ARCH = unix POLL = poll ASYGLVERSION = @ASYGLVERSION@ GCVERSION = @GCVERSION@ GC = gc-$(GCVERSION) LIBATOMIC = libatomic_ops-@ATOMICVERSION@ GCOPTIONS = @GCOPTIONS@ GCLIB = @GCLIB@ GCPPLIB = @GCPPLIB@ GCLIBS = $(GCPPLIB) $(GCLIB) LFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBS = $(LFLAGS) @PTHREAD_LIBS@ @GLEW@ @LIBS@ $(GCLIBS) @LSPLIBS@ CXX_STANDARD = @CXX_STANDARD@ DOSLIBS = $(LIBS) -ltermcap -lwolfssl -lgdi32 -lwinmm -s -static EXTLIB_BUILD_ROOT = @EXTLIB_BUILD_ROOT@ CMAKE ?= cmake PERL ?= perl PYTHON ?= python3 BISON ?= bison PYRCC ?= pyrcc5 PYUIC ?= pyuic5 # Libraries needed to make asymptote.so. # We have to remove OpenGL, threading, GC, etc from this. SHAREDLIBS = $(filter-out -lglut -GL -pthread $(GCLIBS), $(LIBS)) vpath %.cc prc vpath %.cc thirdparty_impl/tinyexr_impl/src vpath %.ui GUI/windows vpath %.py GUI/pyUIClass vpath %.py GUI CAMP = camperror path drawpath drawlabel picture psfile texfile util settings \ guide flatguide knot drawfill path3 drawpath3 drawsurface \ beziercurve bezierpatch pen pipestream RUNTIME_FILES = runtime runbacktrace runpicture runlabel runhistory runarray \ runfile runsystem runpair runtriple runpath runpath3d runstring \ runmath # Files to be scanned for pre-translated symbols defined by SYM(name). SYMBOL_FILES = $(RUNTIME_FILES) types builtin gsl PRC = PRCbitStream oPRCFile PRCdouble writePRC TINYEXR_FILES = tinyexr_impl COREFILES = $(CAMP) $(SYMBOL_FILES) $(PRC) $(TINYEXR_FILES) \ env genv stm dec errormsg \ callable name symbol entry exp newexp stack exithandlers camp.tab lex.yy \ access virtualfieldaccess absyn record interact fileio \ fftw++asy parallel simpson coder coenv impdatum locate asyparser program application \ varinit fundec refaccess envcompleter asyprocess constructor array memory \ Delaunay predicates glrender tr shaders jsfile v3dfile \ EXRFiles GLTextures lspserv symbolmaps win32helpers win32pipestream \ win32xdr xstream FILES = $(COREFILES) main SYMBOLSH = opsymbols.h allsymbols.h $(SYMBOL_FILES:=.symbols.h) UIFILES = $(wildcard GUI/windows/*.ui) PYFILES = GUI/xasyqtui GUI/xasyicons GUI/xasyversion GENERATEDENUMS=v3dtypes v3dheadertypes ASYGENERATEDENUMS=$(addprefix base/,$(GENERATEDENUMS:=.asy)) PYGENERATEDENUMS=$(GENERATEDENUMS:=.py) DIST = camp.tab.h camp.tab.cc lex.yy.cc runtime.cc keywords.h \ asy-keywords.el $(RUNTIME_FILES:=.cc) asy.list \ $(SYMBOLSH) $(GENERATEDENUMS:=.h) $(ASYGENERATEDENUMS) $(PYFILES) NAME = asy XNAME = x$(NAME) CLEAN = camp.output base/version.asy doc/version.texi \ GUI/xasyVersion.py $(XNAME) doc/asy-latex.pdf $(SYMBOLSH) \ version.txt EXTRA = asy-mode.el asy-init.el asy.vim asy_filetype.vim asy-kate.sh \ asymptote.py reload.js nopapersize.ps EXEXTRA = piicon.png 100d.pdb1 *.views *.dat *.bib DOCEXTRA = *.asy *.csv *.dat latexusage.tex externalprc.tex pixel.pdf KEYWORDS = base $(ASYMPTOTE_SITEDIR) LATEXFILES = asymptote.sty asycolors.sty latexmkrc CONTEXTFILES = colo-asy.tex ASY = ./asy -dir base -config "" -render=0 DEFS = @DEFS@ @OPTIONS@ @PTHREAD_CFLAGS@ -DFFTWPP_SINGLE_THREAD -Wall CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ OPTS = $(DEFS) @CPPFLAGS@ @CXXFLAGS@ $(CFLAGS) \ -Ibackports/optional/include \ -Iprc/include GLEWOPTS = $(DEFS) @CPPFLAGS@ $(CFLAGS) -DGLEW_NO_GLU -DGLEW_BUILD -O1 -fPIC # Options for compiling the object files for the shared library. # gc has to be configured with the option --disable-threads in order to make a # shared library that doesn't seg fault. For now, just disable gc in the # shared library. SHAREDOPTS = $(filter-out -DUSEGC, $(OPTS)) -fPIC -DFOR_SHARED CXX = @CXX@ CC = @CC@ MAKEDEPEND = $(OPTS) -O0 -M -MG -DDEPEND LEX = @LEX@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ datarootdir = @datarootdir@ bindir = $(DESTDIR)@bindir@ mandir = $(DESTDIR)@mandir@ infodir = $(DESTDIR)@infodir@ datadir = $(DESTDIR)@datadir@ asydir = $(datadir)/asymptote GUIdir = $(asydir)/GUI shaderdir = $(asydir)/shaders webgldir = $(asydir)/webgl docdir = $(DESTDIR)@docdir@ exampledir = $(docdir)/examples animationsdir = $(exampledir)/animations latexdir = $(DESTDIR)@latexdir@ contextdir = $(DESTDIR)@contextdir@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ REVISION = "const char *REVISION=" last = $(shell head -1 revision.cc | sed -e 's/.*\"\(.*\)\";/\1/') usinggit = $(shell if test -d ".git"; then echo yes; fi) ifeq ($(usinggit),yes) revision = $(shell LC_ALL="C" git describe --long | \ sed -e 's/git-\([0-9]*\)-g.*/-\1/' | sed -e 's/-0-g.*//') else revision = @VERSION@ endif export prefix docdir exampledir mandir infodir INSTALL MAKE DESTDIR TEXI2DVI asy: base/version.asy $(FILES:=.o) $(XNAME) revision.o @LSPLIB@ @GLEW@ $(CXX) $(OPTS) -o $(NAME) $(FILES:=.o) revision.o $(LIBS) $(XNAME): $(PYFILES) ln -sf GUI/xasy.py $(XNAME) version.txt: FORCE if test ! -s $@ || test "$(revision)" != "$(last)"; then \ echo "$(revision)" > $@; \ fi GUI/xasyversion: version.txt GUI/buildtool.py cd GUI && $(PYTHON) buildtool.py buildversionmodule --version-override="$(shell cat $<)" revision.cc: version.txt echo $(REVISION)\"$(shell cat $<)\"\; > $@ echo const char *AsyGLVersion=\"$(ASYGLVERSION)\"\; >> $@; base/webgl/asygl.js: base/webgl/asygl-$(ASYGLVERSION).js cp $< $@; base/version.asy: version.txt echo string VERSION=\"$(shell cat $<)\"\; > $@ doc/version.texi: version.txt echo @set VERSION $(shell cat $<) > $@ echo @set Datadir @datadir@ >> $@ echo @set Docdir @docdir@ >> $@ asymptote.so: $(COREFILES:=.pic.o) glew.o $(CXX) $(OPTS) -shared -o asymptote.so revision.o $(COREFILES:=.pic.o) $(SHAREDLIBS) LSP_BUILD_ROOT=@LSP_BUILD_ROOT@ LSP_ROOT=@LSP_ROOT@ $(LSP_BUILD_ROOT)/Makefile: $(CMAKE) -B$(LSP_BUILD_ROOT) -S$(LSP_ROOT) \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fPIE @OPTIONS@ @LSP_CXX_BUILD_FLAGS@ \ -I@ROOT_DIR_RELATIVE_TO_LSP@/$(GC)" @LSP_CMAKE_OPTIONS@ $(LSP_BUILD_ROOT)/liblspcpp.a: $(LSP_BUILD_ROOT)/Makefile $(MAKE) -C $(LSP_BUILD_ROOT) all: asy sty man faq asy-keywords.el $(GCLIB): $(GC).tar.gz gunzip -c $(GC).tar.gz > $(GC).tar tar -xf $(GC).tar rm -f $(GC).tar if test -r $(LIBATOMIC).tar.gz; then \ gunzip -c $(LIBATOMIC).tar.gz > $(LIBATOMIC).tar; \ tar -xf $(LIBATOMIC).tar; \ rm -f $(LIBATOMIC).tar; \ mv $(LIBATOMIC) $(GC)/libatomic_ops; \ fi if test "$(GC)" = "gc-7.0"; then \ cd $(GC)/include/private && \ patch < ../../../patches/gc-7.0nomem.patch; \ fi if test "$(GC)" = "gc-7.2b"; then \ mv gc-7.2 gc-7.2b; \ fi if test "$(GC)" = "gc-7.2c"; then \ mv gc-7.2 gc-7.2c; \ fi if test "$(GC)" = "gc-7.2d"; then \ mv gc-7.2 gc-7.2d; \ fi cd $(GC) && \ ./configure CC="$(CC)" CXX="$(CXX)" $(GCOPTIONS); \ $(MAKE) check $(GCPPLIB): $(GCLIB) sty: doc/version.texi cd doc && $(MAKE) asy-latex.pdf dvi: asy sty cd doc && $(MAKE) dvi html: asy sty cd doc && $(MAKE) doc man: asy sty cd doc && $(MAKE) man faq: asy sty cd doc && $(MAKE) faq $(RUNTIME_FILES:=.cc): %.cc: runtime.pl opsymbols.h runtimebase.in %.in $(PERL) ./runtime.pl --prefix $(@:.cc=) --opsym-file opsymbols.h \ --runtime-base-file runtimebase.in \ --src-template-dir . \ --header-out-dir . \ --src-out-dir . # symbol files GEN_PREOROCESSED_DEPFILE_BASE_ARGS = \ $(PYTHON) gen_preprocessed_depfile.py \ --cxx-compiler="$(CXX)" \ --additional-raw-arguments="$(OPTS)" \ --cxx-standard=$(subst gnu,,$(subst c++,,$(CXX_STANDARD))) $(SYMBOL_FILES:=.raw.i): %.raw.i: %.cc gen_preprocessed_depfile.py @echo Generating $@ from $< @$(GEN_PREOROCESSED_DEPFILE_BASE_ARGS) \ --out-i-file=$@ \ --in-src-file=$< $(SYMBOL_FILES:=.d): %.d: %.cc gen_preprocessed_depfile.py @echo Generating $@ from $< @$(GEN_PREOROCESSED_DEPFILE_BASE_ARGS) \ --out-dep-file=$@ \ --dep-file-only \ --out-i-file=$*.raw.i \ --in-src-file=$< $(SYMBOL_FILES:=.symbols.h): %.symbols.h: %.raw.i findsym.pl $(PERL) findsym.pl $@ $< $(SYMBOL_FILES:=.o): %.o: %.symbols.h allsymbols.h: $(SYMBOL_FILES:=.raw.i) findsym.pl $(PERL) ./findsym.pl $@ $(filter-out findsym.pl,$^) symbol.o: $(SYMBOLSH) icons_rc.py: GUI/res/icons.qrc -$(PYRCC) GUI/res/icons.qrc -o GUI/icons_rc.py GUI/xasyicons: GUI/res/icons.qrc GUI/buildtool.py -cd GUI && $(PYTHON) buildtool.py buildicons GUI/xasyqtui: $(UIFILES) GUI/buildtool.py cd GUI && $(PYTHON) buildtool.py buildui camp.tab.cc: camp.y $(BISON) -t --header=camp.tab.h -o $@ $< camp.tab.h: camp.tab.cc @test -f $@ || rm -f $< @test -f $@ || $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $< lex.yy.cc: camp.l $(LEX) -d -olex.yy.cc camp.l lex.yy.d: $(GCLIB) lex.yy.cc camp.tab.h keywords.h: camp.l keywords.pl asyprocess.cc $(PERL) ./keywords.pl --camplfile $< --output $@ --process-file asyprocess.cc opsymbols.h: camp.l opsymbols.pl $(PERL) ./opsymbols.pl --campfile $< --output $@ envcompleter.d: keywords.h asy-keywords.el: asy base/v3dtypes.asy base/v3dheadertypes.asy @echo Creating $@; $(ASY) -l > asy.list ls $(addsuffix /*.asy,$(KEYWORDS)) | grep -v plain\* | \ grep -v three_\* | grep -v map | xargs $(ASY) -l >> asy.list $(PERL) ./asy-list.pl asy.list $(revision) install-notexhash: asy-keywords.el install-asy install-man install: install-notexhash install-texhash install-all: install install-html install-texhash: install-asy -if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ texhash; \ fi install-asy: asy sty $(PYFILES) ${INSTALL} -d $(bindir) $(asydir) $(exampledir) $(animationsdir) ${INSTALL} -d $(shaderdir) $(webgldir) \ $(GUIdir) $(GUIdir)/configs \ $(GUIdir)/res $(GUIdir)/res/icons \ $(GUIdir)/xasyicons $(GUIdir)/xasyqtui $(GUIdir)/xasyversion -${INSTALL} -d $(latexdir) -${INSTALL} -d $(contextdir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 755 $(NAME) $(bindir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 base/*.asy $(addprefix base/,$(EXTRA)) \ asy-keywords.el $(asydir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 base/shaders/*.glsl $(shaderdir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 base/webgl/asygl.js \ $(webgldir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 755 GUI/xasy.py $(GUIdir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 GUI/*.py $(GUIdir) -${INSTALL} -p -m 644 GUI/xasyicons/*.py $(GUIdir)/xasyicons -${INSTALL} -p -m 644 GUI/xasyqtui/*.py $(GUIdir)/xasyqtui -${INSTALL} -p -m 644 GUI/xasyversion/*.py $(GUIdir)/xasyversion ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 GUI/configs/*.cson $(GUIdir)/configs ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 GUI/res/icons/*.svg $(GUIdir)/res/icons ln -sf @datadir@/asymptote/GUI/xasy.py $(bindir)/$(XNAME) ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 examples/*.asy $(addprefix examples/,$(EXEXTRA)) \ doc/extra/*.asy $(addprefix doc/,$(DOCEXTRA)) $(exampledir) ${INSTALL} -p -m 644 examples/animations/*.asy \ examples/animations/inlinemovie.tex \ examples/animations/inlinemovie3.tex $(animationsdir) -${INSTALL} -p -m 644 $(addprefix doc/,$(LATEXFILES)) $(latexdir) -${INSTALL} -p -m 644 $(addprefix doc/,$(CONTEXTFILES)) $(contextdir) install-html: html cd doc && $(MAKE) install-all install-man: man cd doc && $(MAKE) install install-prebuilt: install-asy cd doc && $(MAKE) install-prebuilt uninstall: uninstall-all uninstall-all: uninstall-man uninstall-asy uninstall-docdir uninstall-asy: -cd $(animationsdir) && rm -f *.asy *.tex -rmdir $(animationsdir) -cd $(exampledir) && rm -f $(EXEXTRA) $(DOCEXTRA) -rmdir $(exampledir) -cd $(GUIdir) && rm -f *.py -cd $(GUIdir)/xasyicons && rm -f *.py -rmdir $(GUIdir)/xasyicons -cd $(GUIdir)/xasyqtui && rm -f *.py -rmdir $(GUIdir)/xasyqtui -cd $(GUIdir)/xasyversion && rm -f *.py -rmdir $(GUIdir)/xasyversion -cd $(GUIdir)/configs && rm -f *.cson -rmdir $(GUIdir)/configs -cd $(GUIdir)/res/icons && rm -f *.svg -rmdir $(GUIdir)/res/icons -cd $(GUIdir) && rm -f icons_rc.py -rmdir $(GUIdir)/res -rmdir $(GUIdir) -cd $(shaderdir) && rm -f *.glsl -rmdir $(shaderdir) -cd $(webgldir) && rm -f *.html *.js -rmdir $(webgldir) -cd $(asydir) && rm -f asy-keywords.el *.asy $(EXTRA) -rmdir $(asydir) -cd $(latexdir) && rm -f $(LATEXFILES) -rmdir $(latexdir) -cd $(contextdir) && rm -f $(CONTEXTFILES) -rmdir $(contextdir) -cd $(bindir) && rm -f $(NAME) $(XNAME) uninstall-man: cd doc && $(MAKE) uninstall uninstall-docdir: -rmdir $(docdir) clean: FORCE -rm -f asy asymptote.so *.pic.o *.o *.d *.raw.i *mon.out $(CLEAN) -rm -rf acextbuilds -cd GUI && $(PYTHON) buildtool.py clean gc-clean: FORCE clean -if test -d $(GC); then \ $(MAKE) -C $(GC) clean; \ fi cleaner: FORCE clean -if test -d $(GC); then \ rm -rf $(GC); \ fi -rm -f Makefile config.h config.log config.status errors.temp -rm -rf acextlibs cd doc && $(MAKE) clean cd tests && $(MAKE) distclean distclean: FORCE cleaner cd doc && $(MAKE) distclean cleanest: FORCE maintainer-clean maintainer-clean: FORCE distclean -rm -f configure config.h.in $(DIST) -rm -rf autom4te.cache -rm -rf GUI/pyUIClass -rm -rf vcpkg_installed test: asy FORCE ./wce $(MAKE) -C tests check: test check-all: asy FORCE ./wce $(MAKE) -C tests all glew.o: backports/glew/src/glew.c config.h $(CC) -I. $(GLEWOPTS) -o $@ -c $< .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .o .d .ui .py %.o: %.cc $(GENERATEDENUMS:=.h) $(RUNTIME_FILES:=.cc) $(CXX) $(OPTS) -o $@ -c $< %.d: %.cc $(GENERATEDENUMS:=.h) $(GCLIB) @echo Creating $@; \ rm -f $@; \ ${CXX} $(MAKEDEPEND) $(MDOPTS) $< > $@.$$$$ 2>/dev/null && \ sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o \1.pic.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ %.d: %.c @echo Creating $@; \ rm -f $@; \ ${CC} $(MAKEDEPEND) $(MDOPTS) $< > $@.$$$$ 2>/dev/null && \ sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ %.py: %.ui mkdir -p GUI/pyUIClass -$(PYUIC) -o GUI/pyUIClass/$(notdir $@) $< # Compile for the shared library. OpenGL must be disabled as it causes # crashes inside a shared library. %.pic.o: %.cc $(CXX) $(SHAREDOPTS) -o $@ -c $< # Generate V3D headers %.h: %.csv generate_enums.py $(GENERATEDENUMS:=.csv) $(PYTHON) generate_enums.py -language cxx -o $@ -i $< -name $(notdir $*) -xopt namespace=camp base/%.asy: %.csv generate_enums.py $(GENERATEDENUMS:=.csv) $(PYTHON) generate_enums.py -language asy -o $@ -i $< -name $(notdir $*) %.py: %.csv generate_enums.py $(GENERATEDENUMS:=.csv) $(PYTHON) generate_enums.py -language python -o $@ -i $< -name $(notdir $*) ifeq (,$(findstring clean,${MAKECMDGOALS})) -include $(FILES:=.d) endif FORCE: configure: configure.ac autoheader && autoconf Makefile: Makefile.in config.status ./config.status config.status: configure ./config.status --recheck