include(FindPkgConfig) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( lspcpp GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG master ) if (ENABLE_LSP) message(STATUS "LSP Enabled.") # disable New Boost version warning set(Boost_NO_WARN_NEW_VERSIONS 1) set(USE_SYSTEM_RAPIDJSON ON CACHE INTERNAL "Use system rapidjson") set(LSPCPP_USE_CPP17 ON CACHE INTERNAL "C++17 mode") set(LSPCPP_SUPPORT_BOEHM_GC ON CACHE INTERNAL "Use boehm GC") # For transitive URI dependency set(Uri_BUILD_DOCS OFF CACHE INTERNAL "build docs for uri") set(Uri_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE INTERNAL "build tests for uri") FetchContent_MakeAvailable(lspcpp) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES lspcpp) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LSP=1) else() FetchContent_Populate(lspcpp) # only include lsp libraries message(STATUS "LSP Disabled. Will not have language server protocol support.") list(APPEND ASYMPTOTE_INCLUDES ${lspcpp_SOURCE_DIR}/include) endif() # zlib find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES ZLIB::ZLIB) # flex + bison if (UNIX) include(FindFLEX) include(FindBISON) if (NOT FLEX_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "FLEX is required for building") endif() if (NOT BISON_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Bison is required for building") endif() elseif(WIN32) if ((NOT WIN32_FLEX_BINARY) OR (NOT WIN32_BISON_BINARY)) # downlod winflexbison message(STATUS "Flex or bison not given; downloading winflexbison.") FetchContent_Declare( winflexbison URL URL_HASH SHA256=8D324B62BE33604B2C45AD1DD34AB93D722534448F55A16CA7292DE32B6AC135 ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(winflexbison) message(STATUS "Downloaded winflexbison") if (NOT WIN32_FLEX_BINARY) set(FLEX_EXECUTABLE ${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/win_flex.exe) endif() if (NOT WIN32_BISON_BINARY) set(BISON_EXECUTABLE ${winflexbison_SOURCE_DIR}/win_bison.exe) endif() else() set(FLEX_EXECUTABLE ${WIN32_FLEX_BINARY}) set(BISON_EXECUTABLE ${WIN32_BISON_BINARY}) endif() endif() # getopt (win32 only) if (WIN32) find_package(unofficial-getopt-win32 REQUIRED) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES unofficial::getopt-win32::getopt) endif() # glm; mandatory for all builds find_package(glm CONFIG) if (glm_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES glm::glm) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBGLM) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "glm not found; will not use glm") endif() # -------- not required, but highly recommend if your system can build it --------- # these options are (mostly) on by default # boehm gc if (ENABLE_GC) find_package(BDWgc CONFIG) if (BDWgc_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES BDWgc::gc BDWgc::gccpp) # We use #include as opposed to (and also for other gc include files) to allow # linking directly to the compiled source for testing different GC versions. # In GC tarballs downloaded from, the header files are in include/gc.h, and not # include/gc/gc.h, hence we need a way to allow inclusion of "gc.h". In vcpkg gc distributions, the include # files are provided in include/gc/gc.h (and other files). Hence we append "/gc" to the include directories. list(APPEND ASYMPTOTE_INCLUDES $,APPEND,/gc> $,APPEND,/gc> ) if (WIN32) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES BDWgc::gctba) endif() list(APPEND ASY_MACROS USEGC) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "BDWgc not found") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling gc support") endif() if (ENABLE_READLINE) # curses if (UNIX) # we know ncurses work on unix systems, however # not always supported on windows (esp. msvc) set(CURSES_NEED_NCURSES TRUE) find_package(Curses) if (Curses_FOUND) list(APPEND ASYMPTOTE_INCLUDES ${CURSES_INCLUDE_DIRS}) list(APPEND ASY_COMPILE_OPTS ${CURSES_CFLAGS}) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBRARIES ${CURSES_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H HAVE_LIBCURSES) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "curses not found; will compile without curses") endif() pkg_check_modules(readline IMPORTED_TARGET readline) if (readline_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES PkgConfig::readline) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBREADLINE) else () message(FATAL_ERROR "readline not found; will compile without libreadline") endif() elseif(WIN32) find_package(unofficial-pdcurses CONFIG) if (unofficial-pdcurses_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBRARIES unofficial::pdcurses::pdcurses) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_CURSES_H HAVE_LIBCURSES) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "curses not found; will compile without curses") endif() find_package(unofficial-readline-win32 CONFIG) if (unofficial-readline-win32_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES unofficial::readline-win32::readline) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBREADLINE) else () message(FATAL_ERROR "readline not found; will compile without libreadline") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Only supported on Unix or Win32 systems") endif() else() message(STATUS "libreadline disabled; will not use libreadline") endif() # libcurl if (ENABLE_CURL) find_package(CURL) if (CURL_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES CURL::libcurl) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBCURL) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "curl not found") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling curl support") endif() # pthreads if (ENABLE_THREADING) if (UNIX) set(CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD TRUE) set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG TRUE) include(FindThreads) if(CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES Threads::Threads) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_PTHREAD=1) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "No thread library specified") endif() elseif(WIN32) find_package(PThreads4W) if(PThreads4W_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES PThreads4W::PThreads4W) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_PTHREAD=1) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "No thread library specified") endif() else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Only supported on Unix or Win32 systems") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling threading support") endif() # gsl if (ENABLE_GSL) find_package(GSL) if (GSL_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES GSL::gsl) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBGSL) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "GSL not found") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling gsl support") endif() # eigen if (ENABLE_EIGEN3) find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG) if (Eigen3_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES Eigen3::Eigen) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_EIGEN_DENSE) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "eigen3 not found") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling eigen3 support") endif() # OpenGL stuff if (ENABLE_OPENGL) # fatal error here, since OpenGL is optional find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) if (OPENGL_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES OpenGL::GL) else() message(WARNING "gl libraries not found") endif() if (OPENGL_GLU_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_GL) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "GL components incomplete; will not use OpenGL") endif() find_package(FreeGLUT CONFIG) if (FreeGLUT_FOUND) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES $,FreeGLUT::freeglut,FreeGLUT::freeglut_static>) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS FREEGLUT HAVE_LIBGLUT) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "freeglut not found; will not use freeglut") endif() if (ENABLE_GL_COMPUTE_SHADERS) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_COMPUTE_SHADER) else() message(WARNING "Compute shader disabled") endif() if (ENABLE_GL_SSBO) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_SSBO) else() message(WARNING "SSBO disabled") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling opengl support") endif() if (ENABLE_RPC_FEATURES) if(UNIX) pkg_check_modules(TIRPC REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET libtirpc) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES PkgConfig::TIRPC) endif() if (WIN32) # win32 does not have native open_memstream support set(OLD_BUILD_TESTING ${BUILD_TESTING}) set(BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE INTERNAL "build testing") FetchContent_Declare( fmem GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG 6274a441380a8fcfd4e1a6e47b3d1f0b28b3c48a ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(fmem) set(BUILD_TESTING ${OLD_BUILD_TESTING} CACHE INTERNAL "build testing") list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES fmem) list(APPEND ASYMPTOTE_INCLUDES $) endif() list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBTIRPC) else() message(STATUS "Disabling rpc and xdr/v3d support") endif() # fftw3 if (ENABLE_FFTW3) set(FFTW3_USABLE TRUE) find_package(FFTW3 CONFIG) if (NOT FFTW3_FOUND) message(WARNING "libfftw3 not found; will not use fftw3") set(FFTW3_USABLE FALSE) endif() if (FFTW3_USABLE) list(APPEND ASY_STATIC_LIBARIES FFTW3::fftw3) list(APPEND ASY_MACROS HAVE_LIBFFTW3 FFTWPP_SINGLE_THREAD) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "environment lacks needed fftw3 features") endif() else() message(STATUS "Disabling fftw3 support") endif()