LinuxFocus pages should be readable in any
browser and definitely on all platforms where Linux
is available. The more people can read the pages
the better. They should also be designed such that
the user can already read text while images are
still loading. The later is mostly a html design
issue and you don't have to worry about it if you
use lfparser to generate the pages. What you should
check is:
- Correct html syntax. Very good tools for that
are e.g:
-validator from
-tidy from:
Run "tidy -e articleXXX.meta.html" to see errors
correct them manually where needed. You don't
have to correct the warnings but they can also
indicate error. Look twice.
With "tidy -im -raw articleXXX.meta.html" you can
indent the html and make it look pretty.
- No broken links:
-Run for every article that you get "tr_llnk
-A " and check what links are available in the
article. Often you can already now spot errors.
(tr_llnk is part of HTML::TagReader)
Especially older issues of LinuxFocus are rather
bad with regards to html syntax.