Begin4 Title: LILO Version: 22.8 Entered-date: 2007-02-19 Description: Generic boot loader for Linux. Distribution includes full source, documentation and support files. Pre-compiled binaries depend on glibc 2.1. Keywords: Linux, boot loader, LILO Author: Werner Almesberger John Coffman (beyond v.21) Maintained-by: John Coffman Primary-site: 2kB lilo-22.8.announce.txt 433kB lilo-22.8.src.tar.gz 1kB lilo-22.8.src.tar.gz.sig 134kB lilo-22.8.bin.tar.gz 1kB lilo-22.8.bin.tar.gz.sig 312kB lilo-22.8.bin.static.tar.gz 1kB lilo-22.8.bin.static.tar.gz.sig Alternate-site: (developer's site) Original-site: Platforms: Linux 0.99pl12 or newer, gcc (2.91-4.1.0), and as86 (v.16) needed to compile. bcc (0.16.11) needed to compile diagnostic disk 2 & DOS *.com. LaTeX and (optionally) Perl and Transfig needed to print the documentation. Copying-policy: BSD End