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Complete Receive failed ?Syntax SEND Filename.type Send complete Send failed Kermit: Get complete Get from server aborted KERMIT is not running as a LOCAL Kermit Read error on TAKE file: TAKE file closed Unrecogized REMOTE command 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-@_.Exiting due to control C interupt Access not allowed to this command BYECOMCONCOPDELDIRDISERAEXIFINGETHANHELLOCLOGNOTQUIRECREMRENRDISENSERSETSHOSPASYSTAKTRATYPWHO FHHH JJIBH0IBHJH"HKLI$LABCDBH JVKJ@K^C^Z 78  <  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789:01234567P'XK0:* l+V+V+`d+m+ƀ+Ny+>m+m+Zm+m+l+m+xm+l+bk+k+l+ m+Nl+m,&c, b,*~V,V,ցV,V,Zp,p,p,p,Pp,6p,p,p,"p,p,p, *6QSRRr[qr[q)*lFD H L P v*pv)ll**r@+*&+IqM,@*+IqM,@*+IqM,**U(U,VR+I3d,-CVl++yC-CV R++IwI-JVl R++IKqP-QVR+l+IS-$U b+<,lU80U b++Iye80)z b+,Iw80 bt+",Id80d b++I380 V,,""Z<,p,I/"Z.ΐ<,V,I%Z<]8+hR))),)),))))))z*))))wx1^V^Z7 ^7 V7 T7 mlw m` ׭ 1׭1S, & L 7 ~  (@l-& > v-w1&  f  fE JeA  x &  n5(- ѝ4ѕ ff& vee( f& - ef# e > ` -ʼA K <jf " e + )f fA 2eff- L%BCAe-& N - f  w8DA wɇf- A ? wɇ  ɇ7 ɦɃ  r@ɃH -ɜA )f B 7 w  f" % f" e f@#& ݖ%f"@# eAld f>f" %f&" |% "f&-"- e  bf&&F e7TfX veff- %BCAe-& N ܷ -e@AzŇf- Z A ? 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Please type your escape sequence to return to your local machine. Shut down the server by typing the Kermit BYE command on your local machine. Spawned job failed due to timeout or TT read wait Logout failed - Quota exceededServer disconnected and still logged inDefault directory set to Default directory cleared deletedThe following commands are available for the Kermit-11 server. To avoid ambiguity with local Kermit commands some of the server commands will need to be prefixed with the REMOTE keyword. BYE Logout Kermit-11 REMOTE COPY Copy one file to another REMOTE CWD Change default directory REMOTE DIR Prints the directory out REMOTE DISK Prints available space REMOTE ERASE Deletes the filename(s) FINISH Exits a Kermit-11 server GET Sends the filename(s) REMOTE HELP Prints this help text REMOTE HOST Execute a host command REMOTE LOGIN Login. RSTS V9.x only REMOTE RENAME Rename old file to new REMOTE SPACE Prints the disk space REMOTE TYPE Prints the filename(s) REMOTE WHO Shows users logged in I need a filename to TYPESYSTAT failedLogin successfulMissing password or UIC (PPN) blocks copied file(s) renamedCan't create KERMIT.TMP FCan't get the remote KERMIT to FINISH LCan't get the remote KERMIT to LOGOUT ENSYXTppRo&ppo,ooRemote fails to respond to the command Remote NAK'ed the command 5 times Bad checksum retry abort Remote server response Receive data failed Remote ack: Can't get the remote KERMIT to respondInit failed for linkl+:Z+Vl+V+VV,,p,p,p,p,p,6tJ l"K d&K \JK TNK Jf& ! ef!   &bK f&f teff eehK nK rK & Ne@f& De ~K K , &f& v f&  0}  I N@I FDI >xI 6f ͖%& & & & & & & & &  & & & "3& & & & & 3e & & & & & & & & &  Ḋė&|I f& & %I zI rI jI b# < I RI J2J B6J :lJ 2pJ *J "J  J f& ! eJ f! f& & %J J J  z& Bf7 * Df! &f& TI& & & & 80& & & Εp & & & & @0& & & Εp & & & & F0& & & Ε  & & & & F0& & & Ε  & & & & & & & & &  & & & *j& & & & &  \0t0`& +1'ŝ 0  n  f ɇ & & 3& & & & & & & & & & & Ε  & & & & & & & & & Ε  & & & & 80& & & Ε  & & & & @0& & & Ε  & & & & & & & & & Ε 5 ;0 '׭  70 0 1& 12L Tŀ ~7<22\0  ~05775@PC Q E/ Ew2 2  , & 7  #7  ƭ0 0 t05?~͡&f a׭]Z  0 i & & & & 5& 5&   i׭, 2 5!5 5 & & & & &5& & &   & & & & & & & & &   sf&׭b5 WWY& )& & & & Z0& & & p 5& & & & && & &  25ע[  55 4ע Ԝ & e& & & & 23& & &  s&ŋ43& N  f ܱfŀ<3& N ت  N3  fp3 e f! ~  EҶ 5ȶU & & & & q3& & &  f! t  & & & & & & & & &   & & & & & & & & &  \0 t3 f&t3 ҿe 5 5 &f@  ̷& & & & J& & &  & & & & J& & &  7 |7 7 <7 7 AcAB hA B(B@B7CC0C ϷKpԷKf K\AA |Ae_& s J 2c- NJ`< 0-*<e e<>  -`E`C 0 ӳ) w  lf h–%C0C7 Rw BA a p d&f\ŀw H Ba < 7 2 WpBB!H7 Uҷ  Etҷ ! b-8!lҷ hҷ f-`> Ѹ L!s B > p& 7  B s   s&ffЄe̥̋  % 37 47!l7f7apw j7! \ ŀQ W ><  ` .HC "з 4Єw64 J̥  !sew8 j g6,*˷ ( F& & & & & ^A& Ε& Eʃ & & & & & ^A& Ε& |"׭p n j & & & & & ^A& Ε& 4pB)B)ƍ  뇷 fL& N  f ӱ ,5 5 Ъ~B)BBAc& & !pBB!&Xs& s B zXB3fŀ L& N  L  f>L e f!  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No connection Excessive RINGING... messages returned Operation aborted under user interupt No response or invalid response to dial commandCONNECTNO CARRIERBUSYERRORRINGABSpawning DTE. Use the EXIT key to return to Kermit. Use SETUP to set XK characteristics, such as speed. Spawn for DTE failed, status = Entering internal connect code. Function Keys will NOT control terminal emulation Using internal connection module. If you would prefer to use PRO/Communications, return to command level and type SET POS DTE, then CONNECT again. Connecting to Speed: Type your local escape sequence to return to the PRO You must first define an output port: Use the SET LINE command for this. Connecting to line at baud Type CTRL and then C to return to command level   CcIiQqRrXxBb?Hhsssssssssss t tt tttB Try to send a break to the remote C Connect back to the local Kermit-11 I Drop and raise DTR (for RSTS only) Q Quit console logging. See SET LOG R Resume console logging. See SET LOG X Send XON and cancel any active XONs RUBOUT Try to fake a break to the remote ? Print this message Invalid number! No previous number! Using: Please use the SET LINE command first Please use the SET MODEM command first A dial formatting string has not been defined This modem type is unknown. The known modem types are: Using: Modem in command mode Failed to get modems attention Modem dialing Call failed Connection made, use the CONNECT command to access remote Remote phone is ringing No modem type has been SET This is an internal modem The option has not been SET Modem message Message Class Successfull connect Informative message Failure to connect (Modem type: Wakeup string: Response to wakeup: Format for dialing: Delay for dialing: p, H 9 j9 b:9 Zf (Ζ% w7 7 7 f͋ 7 ؾ  j  >9 f9 7 .j9 1 ~ Md30 B *  0 & 0 n9 f&  ef2  f<f2 e 022& ~w &f00 ͋W   ͋W T&ff < 0178 E^1 = f& P%  .1^1$ ̋!  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Please put K11HLP in one of the following locations: Can't find symbol in internal STB i4j:: Byte data, size Word data, size ()  pBp   pV,Ђ&fAB?ѕ ~a H/$?C~ &fAB?ѕ ~a H/$?C~ &fAB?ѕ ~b H/$?C~ fB@ҕ C~B A f r e0C r e0e0ҕ ҕ-RҐҕ W   AY:R~    @  @@ff ee@@ \ˇ&@@ff ֜% `f&f % U`gg(2( 1, 2, Ώ *-*-ff e@' f ~e N <f ~eff ~e  e&CW 444 4 4 4 "4 $4 &4)4(4 *4 ,4 .' 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Receiving file Sending file LengthTypePaknum  []  Characters sent for  Characters received for File renamed to Files deleted: < Packets sent : Naks: Timeouts: < Packets received : Naks: Timeouts:  /J~Ƒ,u+W+m",h++W+jW+:x+,u+X+Y+4Y+j+W+"{+W+m+V", b+ b+tp+X+~v+u+do+Xm+j+m+r+Hg+n+*t+v+o+c+Vr+j+f+\p+zg+tp+$u+g+Bg+ b,u+g+g+^u+Ph+Rl+