/* * ckvcvt - assorted outboard processing for C-Kermit/VMS labeled files */ /* Revision History: * T1.0-00 - 08-Apr-91 - tmk - Initial coding, sync w/ 5A(167) and ckvfio.c * 2.0-066. * T1.0-01 - 14-Apr-91 - tmk - Fix errors in help output, show actual system * message on RMS error. * T1.0-02 - 15-Apr-91 - tmk - Redefine fab$b_journal as fab$b_rfm+1. * T1.0-03 - 15-Apr-91 - tmk - ACL support, sync w/ 5A(169) and ckvfio.c 2.0- * 069. * T1.0-04 - 16-Apr-91 - tmk - Fix _another_ journaling bug (whimper), handle * missing semicolon in filespec gracefully. * T1.0-05 - 04-Sep-92 - tmk - Implement ckvfio.c 087 fix. * T1.0-06 - 08-Apr-93 - tmk - Implement ckvfio.c 097 fix. * T1.0-07 - 24-Feb-95 - mpjz- Fix for DEC C on VAX. * T1.0-08 - 06-Sep-95 - fdc - Get rid of nonportable memmove(). */ #ifdef WINTCP #include stdio #include stdlib #include ctype #include string #include rms #include ssdef #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* WINTCP */ #define VERSION "T1.0-06" #ifndef OLD_VMS #include #endif /* OLD_VMS */ #define R_MODE "rb" #define IO_ERROR 0 #define IO_SUCCESS 1 /* * Definitions for output file */ static struct FAB fab_ofile; static struct RAB rab_ofile; static struct XABDAT xabdat_ofile; static struct XABFHC xabfhc_ofile; static struct XABPRO xabpro_ofile; static struct XABALL xaball_ofile; static struct XABRDT xabrdt_ofile; static short ofile_ffb; static int ofile_rec; /* * Common RMS items */ static unsigned long int rms_sts; /* * Global varables */ int keepacl = 0; /* Preserve ACL data? */ int backup = 0; /* Preserve file backup date? */ int debug = 0; /* Debug output? */ int notrim = 0; /* Don't trim names? */ int inquire = 0; /* Testing if labeled? */ int owner = 0; /* Preserve file ownership? */ int strip = 0; /* Just stripping? */ FILE *infd = NULL; /* Input file descriptor */ char *infn = NULL; /* Input file name */ char *outfn = NULL; /* Special output file name */ char buffer[512]; /* Work buffer */ char label[99]; /* Label name */ int lblen = 0; /* Length of label */ char vmsname[255]; /* Stored name */ char vmsfile[70]; /* Stored file info */ char vmsacl[512]; /* Stored ACL data */ int acllen = 0; /* Size of same */ char *filptr = vmsfile; /* Attribute pointer */ int gotname = 0; /* Found name? */ int gotfile = 0; /* Found file info? */ int gotacl = 0; /* Found ACL info? */ int bail = 0; /* If we should bail out */ char revdat[8]; /* Revision date */ unsigned short revnum; /* Revision number */ unsigned short jnlflg; /* Journaling flags */ /* * Function prototypes */ extern int main(int, char **); void do_help(); void barf(char *); void strip_file(); #if !defined(__DECC) && !defined(VAX) #define XABP char #else #define XABP void #endif /* memmove() replacement */ void mymove(to, from, len) char * to; char * from; int len; { char tmp[16384]; strncpy((char *)tmp,from,len); strncpy(to,(char *)tmp,len); } /* * Ok, let's do it */ int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register char *ap; int i, j; /* How original */ if (argc < 2) /* User say anything? */ do_help(); /* If not... */ if (*argv[1] != '-') { infn = argv[1]; if ((infd = fopen(argv[1], R_MODE)) == NULL) { perror(argv[1]); exit(IO_ERROR); } argc--; argv++; } else bail++; while (argc > 1) { ap = argv[1]; if (*ap != '-') { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s',", ap); fprintf(stderr, " do CKVCVT -? for help.\n"); } else for (ap++; *ap; ap++) { switch (tolower(*ap)) { case 'a': /* Preserve ACL's */ keepacl++; break; case 'b': /* Preserve backup date */ backup++; break; case 'd': /* Debug mode? */ debug++; break; case 'f': /* Name output file */ if (isgraph(ap[1]) != 0) outfn = &ap[1]; else if (argc > 2) { outfn = argv[2]; argc--; argv++; } else { break; } goto next_arg; case 'i': /* Inquire if labeled */ inquire++; strip++; break; case 'o': /* Preserve file ownership */ owner++; break; case 's': /* Just strip it */ strip++; break; case 't': /* Don't trim filenames */ notrim++; break; case '?': /* Emit help text */ case 'h': do_help(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "?Unknown option '%c',", *ap); fprintf(stderr, " do CKVCVT -? for help\n"); } } next_arg: argc--; argv++; } if (bail != 0) exit(IO_ERROR); fread(buffer, 20, 1, infd); if (strncmp(buffer, "KERMIT LABELED FILE:", 20) != 0) barf("not a Kermit labeled file"); fread(buffer, 2, 1, infd); buffer[2] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); if (lblen != 2) barf(""); fread(buffer, lblen, 1, infd); if (strip != 0) /* Stripping headers? */ strip_file(); if (strncmp(buffer, "D7", 2) != 0) barf("not from a VAX/VMS system"); fread(buffer, 6, 1, infd); if (strncmp(buffer, "04VERS", 6) != 0) barf(""); fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); fread(buffer, lblen, 1, infd); buffer[lblen] = '\0'; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "File created under VAX/VMS %s\n", buffer); fread(buffer, 7, 1, infd); if (strncmp(buffer, "05KVERS", 7) != 0) barf(""); fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); fread(buffer, lblen, 1, infd); buffer[lblen] = '\0'; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "File created with C-Kermit/VMS %s\n", buffer); next_label: fread(buffer, 2, 1, infd); buffer[2] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); if (lblen == 0) barf("lost sync"); fread(buffer, lblen, 1, infd); buffer[lblen] = '\0'; if (strcmp(buffer, "VMSNAME") == 0) { fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); fread(vmsname, lblen, 1, infd); vmsname[lblen] = '\0'; gotname++; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Loaded file name block as %s\n", vmsname); i = (int)strstr(vmsname, "::"); if (i != (int)NULL) { char temp[255]; i += 2; mymove(vmsname, (char *)i, (int)strlen(vmsname)); } if (!notrim) { char temp[255]; i = (int)strrchr(vmsname, ':'); j = (int)strrchr(vmsname, ']'); if (j == (int)NULL) j = (int)strrchr(vmsname, '>'); if (j > i) i = j; i++; mymove(vmsname, (char *)i, (int) strlen(vmsname)); } if (strchr(vmsname, ';') != NULL) { for (j = strlen(vmsname); vmsname[j] != ';'; j--) ; vmsname[j] = '\0'; } if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Resultant filespec: %s\n", vmsname); goto next_label; } else if (strcmp(buffer, "VMSFILE") == 0) { fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); fread(vmsfile, lblen, 1, infd); vmsfile[lblen] = '\0'; gotfile++; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Loaded file attribute block\n"); goto next_label; } else if (strcmp(buffer, "VMSACL") == 0) { fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; acllen = atoi(buffer); fread(vmsacl, acllen, 1, infd); vmsacl[acllen] = '\0'; gotacl++; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Loaded file ACL block\n"); goto next_label; } else if (strcmp(buffer, "DATA") == 0) { fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); if (lblen != 0) barf(""); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Positioned at start of file data\n"); goto all_set; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized label '%s'\n", infn, buffer); fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); if (lblen > 512) barf("unrecognized label too long to skip"); fread(vmsfile, lblen, 1, infd); goto next_label; } all_set: if (gotfile != 1 || gotname != 1) barf("missing required labels"); /* * Prep the characteristics */ fab_ofile = cc$rms_fab; fab_ofile.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_BIO | FAB$M_PUT; fab_ofile.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_MXV; if (outfn == NULL) { fab_ofile.fab$l_fna = vmsname; fab_ofile.fab$b_fns = strlen(vmsname); } else { fab_ofile.fab$l_fna = outfn; fab_ofile.fab$b_fns = strlen(outfn); } fab_ofile.fab$l_xab = (XABP *)&xabdat_ofile; rab_ofile = cc$rms_rab; rab_ofile.rab$l_fab = &fab_ofile; xabdat_ofile = cc$rms_xabdat; xabdat_ofile.xab$l_nxt = (XABP *)&xabrdt_ofile; xabrdt_ofile = cc$rms_xabrdt; xabrdt_ofile.xab$l_nxt = (XABP *)&xabfhc_ofile; xabfhc_ofile = cc$rms_xabfhc; xabfhc_ofile.xab$l_nxt = (XABP *)&xabpro_ofile; xabpro_ofile = cc$rms_xabpro; xabpro_ofile.xab$l_nxt = (XABP *)&xaball_ofile; xaball_ofile = cc$rms_xaball; /* * Load 'em up */ mymove(&xabpro_ofile.xab$w_pro, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; if (owner != 0) mymove(&xabpro_ofile.xab$l_uic, filptr, 4); filptr += 4; mymove(&fab_ofile.fab$b_rfm, filptr, 1); filptr += 1; mymove(&fab_ofile.fab$b_org, filptr, 1); filptr += 1; mymove(&fab_ofile.fab$b_rat, filptr, 1); filptr += 5; /* 4 bytes reserved for char */ mymove(&fab_ofile.fab$b_fsz, filptr, 1); filptr += 1; mymove(&xabfhc_ofile.xab$w_lrl, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; mymove(&fab_ofile.fab$w_mrs, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; mymove(&xabfhc_ofile.xab$l_ebk, filptr, 4); filptr += 4; /* preserve this as RMS won't remember it for us */ mymove(&ofile_ffb, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; mymove(&xaball_ofile.xab$l_alq, filptr, 4); filptr += 4; mymove(&xaball_ofile.xab$w_deq, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; #ifdef COMMENT /* was: defined(VAX) && defined(__DECC) */ /* This is really annoying. The people from DEC changed xaball, but only on VAX not AXP! - mpjz */ mymove(&xaball_ofile.xaballdef$$_fill_7, filptr, 1); #else mymove(&xaball_ofile.xab$b_bkz, filptr, 1); #endif /* COMMENT */ filptr += 1; mymove(&fab_ofile.fab$w_gbc, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; mymove(&xabfhc_ofile.xab$w_verlimit, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; mymove(&jnlflg, filptr, 1); if (jnlflg !=0) printf( "Original file was marked for RMS Journaling, this copy is not.\n" ); filptr += 1; mymove(&xabdat_ofile.xab$q_cdt, filptr, 8); filptr += 8; mymove(&revdat, filptr, 8); filptr += 8; mymove(&revnum, filptr, 2); filptr += 2; mymove(&xabdat_ofile.xab$q_edt, filptr, 8); filptr += 8; if (backup != 0) mymove(&xabdat_ofile.xab$q_bdt, filptr, 8); filptr += 8; /* * ACL's? */ if(keepacl != 0 && gotacl != 0) { xabpro_ofile.xab$l_aclbuf = (XABP *)&vmsacl; xabpro_ofile.xab$w_aclsiz = acllen; } /* * Give it a quick whirl around the dance floor */ printf("Creating %s...\n", fab_ofile.fab$l_fna); rms_sts = sys$create(&fab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); if(keepacl != 0 && gotacl != 0) { if (!(xabpro_ofile.xab$l_aclsts & 1)) exit(xabpro_ofile.xab$l_aclsts); } rms_sts = sys$connect(&rab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); ofile_rec = 1; fread(buffer, 512, 1, infd); while (!feof(infd)) { rab_ofile.rab$l_rbf = buffer; rab_ofile.rab$w_rsz = 512; if (ofile_rec == xabfhc_ofile.xab$l_ebk) { xabfhc_ofile.xab$w_ffb = ofile_ffb; if (ofile_ffb) rab_ofile.rab$w_rsz -= (512 - ofile_ffb); if (debug) { fprintf(stderr,"FFB (first free byte) = %d\n", ofile_ffb); fprintf(stderr,"Last record size = %d\n", rab_ofile.rab$w_rsz); } } rms_sts = sys$write(&rab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); fread(buffer, 512, 1, infd); ofile_rec++; } /* * Update the revision information */ mymove(&xabrdt_ofile.xab$q_rdt, revdat, 8); mymove(&xabrdt_ofile.xab$w_rvn, &revnum, 2); rms_sts = sys$close(&fab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); printf("...done.\n"); exit(IO_SUCCESS); } void do_help() { printf("This is CKVCVT %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Usage: CKVCVT infile options\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -a Preserve file ACL data (may require privs)\n"); printf(" -b Preserve file backup date\n"); printf(" -d Print debugging information\n"); printf(" -f fn Name output file fn instead of default\n"); printf(" -i Inquire if a file is labeled\n"); printf(" -o Preserve file ownership (requires privs)\n"); printf(" -s Strip one level of label information\n"); printf(" -t Don't trim paths from output file name\n"); printf(" -? Display this message\n\n"); exit(IO_SUCCESS); } void barf(text) char *text; { if (text == "") fprintf(stderr, "%s: corrupted Kermit labeled file\n", infn); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", infn, text); exit(IO_ERROR); } void strip_file() { next_label: fread(buffer, 2, 1, infd); /* Get label length */ buffer[2] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); if (lblen == 0) /* Better not be zero! */ barf("lost sync"); fread(label, lblen, 1, infd); /* Get the label name */ label[lblen] = '\0'; fread(buffer, 8, 1, infd); /* Get the contents length */ buffer[8] = '\0'; lblen = atoi(buffer); if (strcmp(label, "DATA") == 0) { /* If done... */ if (lblen != 0) barf(""); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Positioned at start of file data\n"); goto all_set; } fread(buffer, lblen, 1, infd); /* Else skip contents */ goto next_label; /* And loop */ /* * We've skipped the first header, now do whatever task is needed */ all_set: if (inquire != 0) { printf("%s is a properly formatted Kermit labeled file\n", infn); exit(IO_SUCCESS); } fab_ofile = cc$rms_fab; fab_ofile.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_BIO | FAB$M_PUT; fab_ofile.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_MXV; fab_ofile.fab$l_fna = infn; fab_ofile.fab$b_fns = strlen(infn); fab_ofile.fab$b_rfm = FAB$C_FIX; fab_ofile.fab$w_mrs = 512; rab_ofile = cc$rms_rab; rab_ofile.rab$l_fab = &fab_ofile; printf("Stripping %s...\n", fab_ofile.fab$l_fna); rms_sts = sys$create(&fab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); rms_sts = sys$connect(&rab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); fread(buffer, 512, 1, infd); while (!feof(infd)) { rab_ofile.rab$l_rbf = buffer; rab_ofile.rab$w_rsz = 512; rms_sts = sys$write(&rab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); fread(buffer, 512, 1, infd); } rms_sts = sys$close(&fab_ofile); if (!(rms_sts & 1)) exit(rms_sts); printf("...done.\n"); exit(IO_SUCCESS); }