SCRIBE Reference Card (For a complete list of commands, see the SCRIBE Users Guide, Release 4) @@ - Produces a literal "@" character in the document. @! - Sets return marker to current horizontal cursor position. @/ - Moves the cursor to the return marker. @* - Forces a line break (without performing justification). @: - Forces a sentence break. @# - Leaves a quad space. @+ - SuperScript @- - SubScript @\ - Moves the cursor to the next tab stop or marks the end of text being centered or flushedd right. @^ - Sets a tab at the current cursor position. @> - Marks the left end of text to be flushed right. @= - Marks the left end of text to be centered. @& - Repeats characters between @& and the next command from the current position until the next tab setting. @) - Like @&, but synchronized in fixed columns from one line to the next. @. - Generates a period that is not the end of a sentence. @_ - Conditional hyphen. @| - Conditional linebreak. @Appendix[text] - Starts a new page with the Appendix text as given and places it in the Table of contents. @Appendixsection[text] - Subsection of Appendix. @B[phrase] - Boldface. @Begin[command] - long form of command (see command types below). Center Centered lines Description Paragraphs with headers in a widened left margin Display Unjustified text with widened margins Enumerate Numbered paragraphs with widened margins Equation Equation, numbered in the right margin Example Unjustified text with widened margins in a fixed-width typeface Figure Figure with appropriately-numbered caption FlushRight Flushed right lines FlushLeft Flushed left lines Format Hand-formatted text Itemize Marked paragraphs with widened margins Math Math in running text MathDisplay Math in examples and displays Quotation Text with widened margins Theorem Theorem, numbered in the right margin Titlepage TitlePage Transparent Dummy environment Verbatim Characters copied exactly, without formatting, in a fixed-width typeface Verse Verse quotation with widened margins @Bibliography - puts the Bibliography at this point. Usually it goes at the end and is activated automatically by any use of a @Cite command. Bibliography entries take the form: @DocumentType[identifier, parameter list] where "DocumentType" is one of Article, Book, Booklet, Conference, InBook, InCollection, InProceedings, MastersThesis, Manual, Misc, PhdThesis, Proceedings, TechReport, or Unpublished. The complete set of parameters is: Address The address of the publisher or printer or organization. Author The name of the author or authors. Put names in the order. Annote Any annotation text. Conditionally printed. BookTitle Title of Book or Proceedings. Chapter Part of a Book. Edition Edition name or number. Editor(S) Name(s) of the editor(s). FullAuthor The full name of an author, without commas. HowPublished For unusual manuscripts, how it came into your possession. Institution The name of the organization or institution backing or publishing a technical report or a proceeding. Journal The title of a journal. Key The sort key. Month January, February, etc. Note Any comment. Always printed. Number Issue number of a journal or publication series. Organization The name of the organization holding a conference. Pages The page numbers. Publisher The name of the publishing company. School For theses, the name of the school granting the degree. Series The name of a book series. Title The title of the article, paper, book, etc. being cited. Type Alternate name for a technical report. Volume The volumn number for journals or book series. Year The year of publication in four digits. @BlankPage[number of pages] - leaves that number of blank pages after the current page. @Blankspace[size] - leaves a blank space of the indicated size (inches, cm, mm, points, picas, ems (quads), chars (ens), or lines). @C[phrase] - SMALL CAPITALS. @Caption[Text] - puts the word "Figure" and the appropriate number of the Caption before the centered text. @Chapter[text] - starts a chapter with the text as given. It will place the correct chapter number on the page and put a reference in the Table of Contents. @Cite[codeword] - Generates a bibliography citation in the text and places the bibliography entry in the document's Bibliography. @Comment[text] - puts an unprinted comment in the source file. @Device[output device] - sets up the output device as follows: Device File Page Page Code Extension Length Width Description AJ832 .POD 11 inches 8.5 inches Anderson-Jacobsen 832 AJ833 .POD 11 inches 8.5 inches Anderson-Jacobsen 833 CRT .DOC 24 lines 79 cols CRT, screen size paging DIABLO .POD 11 inches 8.5 inches Diablo HyType printer FILE .DOC no limit 79 cols CRT, no paging GIGI .GG 479 rasters 767 rasters DEC VK100 (GIGI) terminal IMPRINT10 .IMP 11 inches 8.5 inches Imagen Imprint10 LA36 .TXT 66 lines 132 cols LA36 DECwriterII LPT .LPT 57 lines 132 cols Line printer [standard] PAGEDFILE .DOC 57 lines 79 cols CRT, page size paging PRINTRONIX .LPT 57 lines 132 cols Printronix Printer SPINWRITER .POD 11 inches 8.5 inches NEC SpinWriter Terminal TI700 .TXT 66 lines 80 cols Texas Instruments Silent 700 TI725 .TXT 66 lines 80 cols Texas Instruments Silent 725 X2700 .X27 11 inches 8.5 inches Xerox 2700 Laser Printer X2700II .X27 11 inches 8.5 inches Xerox 2700 Laser Printer II X9700 .X9700 11 inches 8.5 inches Xerox 9700 Laser Printer @End[command] - ends the command block (see @Begin). @Equate[newname=name] - changes a command name. @Foot[text] - inserts a reference to the footnote and puts the numbered footnote text at the bottom of the page. @G[phrase] - Greek. @Heading[text] - prints the heading text in medium-size letters, centered. @Hinge - Allows a grouped environment to be broken at the point of the call. @Hinge always forces a new output line. @I[phrase] - Italics. @Include[file name] - Makes SCRIBE suspend processing of the main manuscript file, process a second file, then resumes processing of the original manuscript file. @Index[entry] - places a reference to the entry in the index. @Label[codeword] - marks the page and section number of the codeword for reference by @Ref and @Pageref. @MajorHeading[text] - prints the heading text in large letters, centered. @Make[document type] - builds a document type. Predefined types are: Article A sectioned document. Produces numbered Sections, SubSections, Paragraphs, and Appendices. No Index. Article, Form 1 Same are Article, but sectioning is not numbered. Bibliography Produces a Bibliography only. Brochure Open, informal layout with lots of white space. Provides numbered Chapters, Sections, SubSections, Paragraphs, Appendices, and AppendixSections. Guide Similar to Brochure, but designed to be printed in a handbook-size format. Letter A letter. LetterHead A business letter with CMU letterhead. Manual A sectioned document. Produces numbered Chapters, Sections, SubSections, Paragraphs, Appendices and AppendixSections. Has a Table of Contents, and TitlePage and Index on demand. Manual, Form 1 Same as Manual, except all Sections are unnumbered except Chapters and Appendices. MilStd837a Miliary Standard Document 837A. ReferenceCard Produces a pocket reference guide or card. Each panel of the reference card corresponds to one Scribe page. The output is intended for 65% reduction, yielding a finished size of 3.6 inches by 8.5 inches for each panel. Report Like Manual but with no Index. Report, Form 1 Like Report, but only Chapters are numbered. Slides Makes overhead-projector slides. Font sizes and spacing have been selected to make the slides maximally visible at normal projection distances. Only possible on some devices. Text Default document type. No automatic sectioning, Table of Contents, or Index. Thesis CMU Thesis Format. @Modify[environment,list of changes] - globally changes an enviroment. @NewColumn[] - begins a new column in multicolumn output. @NewPage - starts a new page immediately (same as @NewPage[0]). @NewPage[positive number] - leaves a number of pages without test, but with headers and footers, if defined. @Note[text] - inserts a reference to the endote and puts the numbered endnote at the end of the document in the Note Section. @Ovp[text1]text2 - prints text2 over text2. @P[phrase] - Bold Italics. @PageFooting[left string1, center string2, right string3] - places the strings at the bottom of the page at the corresponding locations. Useful keywords: Immediate, even, odd. @PageHeading[left string1, center string2, right string3] - same as above, except at top of the page. @Pageref[codeword] - puts in the page number of the page on which a @Tag[codeword] or @Label[codeword] command occurred. @Paragraph[text] - starts a paragraph with the text as given. It will place the correct paragraph number on the page and put a reference in the Table of Contents. @Part[part name, root "file name"] - defines a file to be a subpart of an entire document whose root name is "file name". @PrefaceSection[text] - starts a major section with the text as given. It will unnumbered but will be referenced in the Table of Contents. @R[phrase] - Roman (the normal type face). @Ref[codeword] - puts in the text the thing or place marked by a @Tag[codeword] or @Label[codeword] command. @Section[text] - starts a section with the text as given. It will place the correct section number on the page and put a reference in the Table of Contents. @Set[phrase] - allows you to change the counter values of page, chapter, theorem number, etc. @String[codeword="value"] - defines "codeword" as a text string with the contents equal to the delimited string "value" (see @Value). @Style[parameters] - allows you to change the appearance of the document in a number of ways, some of which are: BottomMargin Changes the vertical distance between the last line of text and the bottom of the page. ColumnMargin Specifies the distance between columns in multicolumn text. Citation Specifies the citation format. CitationSeparator A string to be used for separating multiple citations. CitationType Specifies how citations are to appear in the text. Date A template for printing dates, using some representation of March 8, l952. DoubleSided Allows for odd and even pages to have different designs. EndNotes Footnotes generated by the @Foot command are placed at the end of the document. ExceptionDictionary String in quotes names an Exception Dictionary to be used with the hyphenation algorithm. FontFamily Designates the FontFamily for devices that can change fonts. FootNotes Specifies the numbering style to use for marking footnotes in the text and in the footnote itself. Takes a numbering template as a value. Hyphenation Specifies method of Hyphenation. Indentation Horizontal distance indicating amount of indenting for each paragraph, relative to its left margin. Justification Controls justification of right margin. LeftMargin Horizontal distance of the global left margin from the physical left margin. LineWidth Horizontal distance from the global left margin to the end of the line. Notes Specifies where to place footnotes. PageNumber A counter template specifying the style of page numbering. References Specifies reference and citation style. RightMargin Horizontal distrance between the end of the text line and the global right margin. ScriptPush Determines whether to add extra vertical spacing for subscripts and superscripts. ShortestHyphenatable The length of the shortest word to be hyphenated. SingleSided Turns off Doublesided. Spacing Vertical distance from base of one line of text to the base of the next. Spread Vertical distance added to Spacing to specify the vertical distance between paragraphs Time A template specifying the format in which @Value[Time] will be printed. Must be some representation of 4:30 PM. TopMargin Vertical distance from the top of the paper to the baseline of the first text line on the page. WidestBlank A horizontal distance giving the maximum amount of white space that will be tolerated in a line before hyphenation will be attempted. WidowAction Controls the processing of widows and orphans. @SubHeading[text] - prints a SubHeading with normal-size boldface letters, flush to the left margin. @Subsection[text] - starts a subsection with the text as given. It will place the correct subsection number on the page and put a reference in the Table of Contents. @T[phrase] - Typewriter font. @Tabclear - clears any set tabs. @TabDivide[number] - divides the line into number equal tab stops. @Tabs[tab values] - sets the tabs to the values given. @Tag[codeword] - marks cross-reference points. @Theorem[text] - adds the prefix text "Theorem" and then prints the current theorem number before the text. @TitleBox[text] - positions text in the area used for technical report titles. @TitlePage[text] - prints text on separate page, with items centered. @U[phrase] - underlines non-blank characters. @UN[phrase] - underlines alpha-numberics (but not punctuation or spaces). @UnNumbered[text] - defines a major section that is unnumbered and places it in the Table of Contents. @Use[file type "file name"] - uses other database, bibliography, and auxiliary files than normal. @UX[phrase] - underlines all characters. @Value[codeword] - retrieves the value of the codeword as follows: Date produces the current date in the format given by the style command. You specify the format by giving the special date of "8 March 1952." For example: If @Style[Date="8 March 1952"] then @value[Date] = 20 July 1982 If @Style[Date="08/03/52"] then @value[Date] = 20/07/82 If @style[date="03/08/52"] then @value[Date] = 07/20/82 If @style[date="Eighth of March, Nineteen Fifty-two"] then @value[Date] = Twentieth of July, Nineteen Eight-two Day the day number in the current month, e.g. "7". Month the full name of the current month, e.g. "August". Year the current year, e.g. "1978". Weekday the name of the current week day, e.g. "Monday". Time the time, in 24-hour notation, to the nearest minute, when the current SCRIBE run began; e.g. "02:26". TimeStamp the date and time of processing. Page the current page number. ScribeVersion the version of the current SCRIBE. SectionTitle title of the chapter, section, subsection, or whatever is appropriate. SectionNumber number of the chapter, section, subsection, or whatever is appropriate. SiteName the name of the site. SourceFile the particular place in the manuscript file or the @included subfile that scribe is processing. UserName the name of the user scribing the source file. @W[phrase] - makes all blanks in the phrase significant, i.e., everything within the brackets is treated as a single word.