Kermit FAQ - How Do I Get a Session Log without All the Embedded Escape Sequences?

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19 How Do I Get a Session Log without All the Embedded Escape Sequences?

This can be done in Kermit versions that have true terminal emulators, such as MS-DOS Kermit and Kermit 95.

In MS-DOS Kermit:

In Kermit 95:

The resulting file will contain only screen lines, and not the escape sequences that put them there. The mechanism used internally is called "autoprint", and works by sending each screen line to the printer or printer file when the cursor leaves it.

In UNIX and OS-9 C-Kermit, you can "set session log text". This does not filter out escape sequences, but at least it takes care of CR/LF/CRLF conversion for you; see the description of this command in "Using C-Kermit".

Kermit FAQ / Columbia University /