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depth = (int) 24, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0xFF000000, green_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, blue_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 24, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, green_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, blue_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 24, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, green_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, blue_mask = (int) 0xFF000000, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 24, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, green_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, blue_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 32, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0xFF000000, green_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, blue_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, alpha_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 32, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, green_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, blue_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, alpha_mask = (int) 0xFF000000, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 32, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, green_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, blue_mask = (int) 0xFF000000, alpha_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 32, depth = (int) 32, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, green_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, blue_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, alpha_mask = (int) 0xFF000000, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 24, depth = (int) 24, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, green_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, blue_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 24, depth = (int) 24, endianness = (int) BIG_ENDIAN, red_mask = (int) 0x000000FF, green_mask = (int) 0x0000FF00, blue_mask = (int) 0x00FF0000, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) AYUV, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) YUY2, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) YVYU, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) UYVY, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) Y800, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) I420, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-yuv, format = (fourcc) YV12, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 16, depth = (int) 16, endianness = (int) BYTE_ORDER, red_mask = (int) 0xf800, green_mask = (int) 0x07e0, blue_mask = (int) 0x001f, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ];video/x-raw-rgb, bpp = (int) 16, depth = (int) 15, endianness = (int) BYTE_ORDER, red_mask = (int) 0x7c00, green_mask = (int) 0x03e0, blue_mask = (int) 0x001f, width = (int) [ 1, max ], height = (int) [ 1, max ], framerate = (fraction) [ 0, max ]gst_video_crop_get_image_details_from_capsgst_video_crop_transformgst_video_crop_transformsxGCC: (GNU) 4.2.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.rel.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.comment.note.GNU-stack@ 6 )` % =` / 42 C2V' R = ^`(gr(r(wD+  d0L$6_Joc, pVPP(NE1p+}+D` @@@  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