/* Copyright (C) 2005 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as it is applied to this software. View the full text of the exception in file EXCEPTIONS-CONNECTOR-J in the directory of this software distribution. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package testsuite.simple; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.rmi.server.UID; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Savepoint; import javax.sql.XAConnection; import javax.transaction.xa.XAException; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import testsuite.BaseTestCase; import com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource; import com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXid; /** * Unit tests for our XA implementation. * * @version $Id: $ */ public class XATest extends BaseTestCase { MysqlXADataSource xaDs; public XATest(String name) { super(name); this.xaDs = new MysqlXADataSource(); this.xaDs.setUrl(BaseTestCase.dbUrl); this.xaDs.setRollbackOnPooledClose(true); } /** * Tests that simple distributed transaction processing works as expected. * * @throws Exception * if the test fails. */ public void testCoordination() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return; } createTable("testCoordination", "(field1 int) ENGINE=InnoDB"); Connection conn1 = null; Connection conn2 = null; XAConnection xaConn1 = null; XAConnection xaConn2 = null; try { xaConn1 = getXAConnection(); XAResource xaRes1 = xaConn1.getXAResource(); conn1 = xaConn1.getConnection(); xaConn2 = getXAConnection(); XAResource xaRes2 = xaConn2.getXAResource(); conn2 = xaConn2.getConnection(); Xid xid1 = createXid(); Xid xid2 = createXid(xid1); xaRes1.start(xid1, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); xaRes2.start(xid2, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); conn1.createStatement().executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testCoordination VALUES (1)"); conn2.createStatement().executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testCoordination VALUES (2)"); xaRes1.end(xid1, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes2.end(xid2, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes1.prepare(xid1); xaRes2.prepare(xid2); xaRes1.commit(xid1, false); xaRes2.commit(xid2, false); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testCoordination ORDER BY field1"); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(1, this.rs.getInt(1)); assertTrue(this.rs.next()); assertEquals(2, this.rs.getInt(1)); this.stmt.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE TABLE testCoordination"); // // Now test rollback // xid1 = createXid(); xid2 = createXid(xid1); xaRes1.start(xid1, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); xaRes2.start(xid2, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); conn1.createStatement().executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testCoordination VALUES (1)"); // ensure visibility assertEquals("1", getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(conn1, 1, "SELECT field1 FROM testCoordination WHERE field1=1").toString()); conn2.createStatement().executeUpdate("INSERT INTO testCoordination VALUES (2)"); // ensure visibility assertEquals("2", getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(conn2, 1, "SELECT field1 FROM testCoordination WHERE field1=2").toString()); xaRes1.end(xid1, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes2.end(xid2, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes1.prepare(xid1); xaRes2.prepare(xid2); xaRes1.rollback(xid1); xaRes2.rollback(xid2); this.rs = this.stmt.executeQuery("SELECT field1 FROM testCoordination ORDER BY field1"); assertTrue(!this.rs.next()); } finally { if (conn1 != null) { conn1.close(); } if (conn2 != null) { conn2.close(); } if (xaConn1 != null) { xaConn1.close(); } if (xaConn2 != null) { xaConn2.close(); } } } protected XAConnection getXAConnection() throws Exception { return this.xaDs.getXAConnection(); } /** * Tests that XA RECOVER works as expected. * * @throws Exception * if test fails */ public void testRecover() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) { return; } XAConnection xaConn = null, recoverConn = null; try { xaConn = getXAConnection(); Connection c = xaConn.getConnection(); Xid xid = createXid(); XAResource xaRes = xaConn.getXAResource(); xaRes.start(xid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); c.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT 1"); xaRes.end(xid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes.prepare(xid); // Now try and recover recoverConn = getXAConnection(); XAResource recoverRes = recoverConn.getXAResource(); Xid[] recoveredXids = recoverRes.recover(XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN | XAResource.TMENDRSCAN); assertTrue(recoveredXids != null); assertTrue(recoveredXids.length > 0); boolean xidFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < recoveredXids.length; i++) { if (recoveredXids[i] != null && recoveredXids[i].equals(xid)) { xidFound = true; break; } } assertTrue(xidFound); recoverRes = recoverConn.getXAResource(); recoveredXids = recoverRes.recover(XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN); assertTrue(recoveredXids != null); assertTrue(recoveredXids.length > 0); xidFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < recoveredXids.length; i++) { if (recoveredXids[i] != null && recoveredXids[i].equals(xid)) { xidFound = true; break; } } assertTrue(xidFound); // Test flags recoverRes.recover(XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN); recoverRes.recover(XAResource.TMENDRSCAN); recoverRes.recover(XAResource.TMSTARTRSCAN | XAResource.TMENDRSCAN); // This should fail try { recoverRes.recover(XAResource.TMSUCCESS); fail("XAException should have been thrown"); } catch (XAException xaEx) { assertEquals(XAException.XAER_INVAL, xaEx.errorCode); } } finally { if (xaConn != null) { xaConn.close(); } if (recoverConn != null) { recoverConn.close(); } } } /** * Tests operation of local transactions on XAConnections when global * transactions are in or not in progress (follows from BUG#17401). * * @throws Exception * if the testcase fails */ public void testLocalTransaction() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0) || isRunningOnJdk131()) { return; } createTable("testLocalTransaction", "(field1 int) ENGINE=InnoDB"); Connection conn1 = null; XAConnection xaConn1 = null; try { xaConn1 = getXAConnection(); XAResource xaRes1 = xaConn1.getXAResource(); conn1 = xaConn1.getConnection(); assertEquals(true, conn1.getAutoCommit()); conn1.setAutoCommit(true); conn1.createStatement().executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO testLocalTransaction VALUES (1)"); assertEquals("1", getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(conn1, 1, "SELECT field1 FROM testLocalTransaction").toString()); conn1.createStatement().executeUpdate( "TRUNCATE TABLE testLocalTransaction"); conn1.setAutoCommit(false); conn1.createStatement().executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO testLocalTransaction VALUES (2)"); assertEquals("2", getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(conn1, 1, "SELECT field1 FROM testLocalTransaction").toString()); conn1.rollback(); assertEquals(0, getRowCount("testLocalTransaction")); conn1.createStatement().executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO testLocalTransaction VALUES (3)"); assertEquals("3", getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(conn1, 1, "SELECT field1 FROM testLocalTransaction").toString()); conn1.commit(); assertEquals("3", getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(conn1, 1, "SELECT field1 FROM testLocalTransaction").toString()); conn1.commit(); Savepoint sp = conn1.setSavepoint(); conn1.rollback(sp); sp = conn1.setSavepoint("abcd"); conn1.rollback(sp); Savepoint spSaved = sp; Xid xid = createXid(); xaRes1.start(xid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); try { try { conn1.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { conn1.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { conn1.rollback(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { sp = conn1.setSavepoint(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { conn1.rollback(spSaved); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { sp = conn1.setSavepoint("abcd"); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } try { conn1.rollback(spSaved); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // we expect an exception here assertEquals("2D000", sqlEx.getSQLState()); } } finally { xaRes1.forget(xid); } } finally { if (xaConn1 != null) { xaConn1.close(); } } } public void testSuspendableTx() throws Exception { if (!versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0) || isRunningOnJdk131()) { return; } Connection conn1 = null; MysqlXADataSource suspXaDs = new MysqlXADataSource(); suspXaDs.setUrl(BaseTestCase.dbUrl); suspXaDs.setPinGlobalTxToPhysicalConnection(true); suspXaDs.setRollbackOnPooledClose(true); XAConnection xaConn1 = null; Xid xid = createXid(); try { /* -- works using RESUME xa start 0x123,0x456; select * from foo; xa end 0x123,0x456; xa start 0x123,0x456 resume; select * from foo; xa end 0x123,0x456; xa commit 0x123,0x456 one phase; */ xaConn1 = suspXaDs.getXAConnection(); XAResource xaRes1 = xaConn1.getXAResource(); conn1 = xaConn1.getConnection(); xaRes1.start(xid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); conn1.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT 1"); xaRes1.end(xid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes1.start(xid, XAResource.TMRESUME); conn1.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT 1"); xaRes1.end(xid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes1.commit(xid, true); xaConn1.close(); /* -- fails using JOIN xa start 0x123,0x456; select * from foo; xa end 0x123,0x456; xa start 0x123,0x456 join; select * from foo; xa end 0x123,0x456; xa commit 0x123,0x456 one phase; */ xaConn1 = suspXaDs.getXAConnection(); xaRes1 = xaConn1.getXAResource(); conn1 = xaConn1.getConnection(); xaRes1.start(xid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); conn1.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT 1"); xaRes1.end(xid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes1.start(xid, XAResource.TMJOIN); conn1.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT 1"); xaRes1.end(xid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); xaRes1.commit(xid, true); } finally { if (xaConn1 != null) { xaConn1.close(); } } } private Xid createXid() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream gtridOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(gtridOut); new UID().write(dataOut); final byte[] gtrid = gtridOut.toByteArray(); ByteArrayOutputStream bqualOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dataOut = new DataOutputStream(bqualOut); new UID().write(dataOut); final byte[] bqual = bqualOut.toByteArray(); Xid xid = new MysqlXid(gtrid, bqual, 3306); return xid; } private Xid createXid(Xid xidToBranch) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bqualOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(bqualOut); new UID().write(dataOut); final byte[] bqual = bqualOut.toByteArray(); Xid xid = new MysqlXid(xidToBranch.getGlobalTransactionId(), bqual, 3306); return xid; } }