Begin3 Title: awele Version: 1.0 Entered-date: 12DEC95 Description: The game of Awele is a popular african game, also known as "Sungo" or "Ubao". It is made of a wooden board with 12 holes containing some kind of stones. The aim is to capture as many stones as possible. There exist varieties of rules. I implemented the one I know, which is one of the most popular (in Ivory Coast at least). Keywords: awele, strategy, game, X11 Author: (Jean-Paul Berroir) Maintained-by: (Jean-Paul Berroir) Primary-site: /contrib/games 789 awele1.0.README 15796 awele1.0.tgz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/games/x11/strategy 789 awele-1.0.README 15796 awele-1.0.tgz Original-site: http:/// Platforms: X11, tcl7.4, tk4.0, color display, ANSI-C compiler Copying-policy: Copyrighted, freely distributable End