Following is the announcement of CP/M-80 Kermit version 4.09, the first new release of CP/M Kermit since 4.05 since February 1985. Kermit files may be obtained over networks and by mail order. On the Internetwork, use FTP to log in to host CU20B, CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU, or CU20B.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU (a DECSYSTEM-20), as user ANONYMOUS, using any password, and GET (or MULTIPLE GET, or MGET) the desired files from logical device KER:, e.g. MGET KER:CP*.* for the new CP/M files. You can also get Kermit files over BITNET/EARN; to get started send a message with text HELP to KERMSRV, the Kermit file server, at host CUVMA. For detailed instructions, read the file KER:AANETW.HLP (AANETW HLP on KERMSRV). To order by mail, request a complete list of Kermit versions and an order form from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025 USA. Date: 8 Jan 88 0:00:00 From: Bertil Schou, Loughborough University, UK Via: Subject: Announcing Version 4.09 of Kermit-80 for CP/M-80 Keywords: CP/M-80 Kermit 4.09 After an incredibly long gestation period, here is hopefully an updated version of Kermit-80 V4.05. Kermit-80 V4.08 is issued for testing purposes only. Version 4.09 is the release issue of version 4.08. I still, however, want any feedback about problems generated in this revision, or others desperately want fixing. Superficially, there is little real change in operation of Kermit-80, version 4.05, but there have been some major jobs tackled like trapping BDOS calls and multiple FCB buffering... New bits for this version include: SET {SEND/RECEIVE} START-OF-PACKET character SET DIRECTORY-FILE-SIZE (Shows or hides file sizes on DIRectory displays) SET TERMINAL to OFF, VT52, DUMB, EXTERNAL, QUIET, REGULAR. SET USER to set other user spaces RECEIVE to collect a file from a remote SENDer GET to collect a file from a remote SERVER SEND {local filename} {remote filename} TAKE to take command files from disk (including other take files!) FCOPY Copy CP/M files from within Kermit (no wildcard) TYPE Type a file to the console from within Kermit PRINT Print a file to the printer from within Kermit - Updated TRANSMIT command that waits for a string of characters from the host (default is CR). - Command line commands, eg: KERMIT ;SET FILE BINARY;SEND FOO.BAR - Automatic TAKE KERMIT.INI on default disk on loading KERMIT-80 (useful for SET BAUD etc.) - Much improved speed on DIRECTORY - Automatic CLOSE-ing of a terminal connection if the line is DROP-ped (currently only for an Apple, and Torch has a dummy test for cntrl-] D in connect state) - Improved printer handling. On the negative side, only LASM and Microsoft M80 assemblers can be used to assemble the source files. I personally see no point in being able to support several assemblers if LASM can do the job, but then again, I have not used the MAC80 cross assembler... Comments on assembler compatabilities, please! All source files have been renamed, and there are a few additions. All source files are named in the form CPaxxx.ASM, where: a=A for general information a=S for system independent source files and hex file a=X for system dependent source files a=V for system-dependent hex files The system dependent code has changed a litle too, hopefully bringing the CPXSYS.ASM (formerly CP4SYS.ASM) file a bit more toward a manageable size. There is now the possibility for FAMILIES of systems, like APPLE and NorthStar (also Comart), which contains code for computers of a single type. I have immediately gone against all this by creating a family with the code for Torches, Cifers, Ithacas and Superbrains (this because we have these systems here at Loughborough.) Bertil Schou. [Ed. - Many thanks, Bertil! And also to Alan Phillips and Steve Jenkins at Lancaster University for sending this new version to us via transoceanic magnetic tape, and to the many others in the UK who contributed to this new release. This version supports all the systems supported by version 4.05, with the exception of the HP-125, and with the addition of many more, for a total of something like 52 systems. The new files have been installed in KER:CP*.*, and the old ones moved (on CU20B, anyway) to KO:CP*.*. CP/M users, please get this new version and try it out, so we can make sure it's safe to distribute. And this is also the time to plead ONCE AGAIN for volunteers to distribute CP/M Kermit on 5.25-inch diskette for different kinds of systems, and also in "universal" 8-inch diskette format. Please come forward if you can do it, or know of a user group that can!] CPKERM.MSG 08 Jan 1988 ********** After an incredibly long gestation peroid, here is hopefully an updated version of Kermit-80 V4.05. Kermit-80 V4.08 is issued for testing purposes only. Version 4.09 is the release issue of version 4.08. I still, however, want any feedback about problems generated in this revision, or others desperately want fixing. Superficially, there is little real change in operation of Kermit-80, version 4.05, but there have been some major jobs tackled like trapping BDOS calls and multiple FCB buffering... New bits for this version include: SET {SEND/RECEIVE} START-OF-PACKET character SET DIRECTORY-FILE-SIZE (Shows or hides file sizes on DIRectory displays) SET TERMINAL to OFF, VT52, DUMB, EXTERNAL, QUIET, REGULAR. External is for those wanting to write their own drivers, DUMB passes only printing characters and sone control characters (eg CR/LF). QUIET/REGULAR permits brief/verbose screen displays during transfers. SET USER to set other user spaces RECEIVE to collect a file from a remote SENDer GET to collect a file from a remote SERVER SEND {local filename} {remote filename} TAKE to take command files from disk (including other takes files!) FCOPY Copy CP/M files from within Kermit (no wildcard) TYPE Type a file to the console from within Kermit PRINT Print a file to the printer from within Kermit - updated TRANSMIT command that waits for a string of characters from the host (default is CR) - Command line commands, eg: KERMIT ;SET FILE BINARY;SEND FOO.BAR - automatic TAKE KERMIT.INI on default disk on loading KERMIT-80 (useful for SET BAUD etc.) - much improved speed on DIRECTORY - automatic CLOSE-ing of a terminal connection if the line is DROP-ped (currently only for an Apple, and Torch has a dummy test for cntrl-] D in connect state) - improved printer handling. (Kermit-80 sends an XOFF to the host if the characters are comming in faster than they are printed. This does not work in this version, as another option, SET FLOW- CONTROL has not been fully implemented - also, I did not have a printer to test this out on a Torch...) On the negative side, only LASM and Microsoft M80 assemblers can be used to assemble the source files. I personally see no pont in being able to support several assemblers if LASM can do the job, but then again, I have not used the MAC80 cross assembler... Comments on assembler compatabilities, please! All source files have been renamed, and there are a few additions. All source files are named in the form: CPaxxx.ASM where: a=A for general information a=S for system independent source files and hex file a=X for system dependent source files a=V for system-dependent hex files The system dependent code has changed a litle too, hopefully bringing the CPXSYS.ASM (formerly CP4SYS.ASM) file a bit more toward a manageable size. There is now the possibility for FAMILIES of systems, like APPLE and NorthStar (also Comart), which contains code for computers of a single type. I have immediately gone against all this by creating a family with the code for Torches, Cifers, Ithacas and Superbrains. (This because we have these systems here at Loughborough) CPXSYS.ASM is the "left over" systems not having a family to go to (poor things), but is very much smaller than the original CP4SYS.ASM. All VDU and terminal information is now held in CPXVDU.ASM. This is really the last section in the older CP4SYS.ASM file. A quick "schematic" of what happens at assembly time... (assuming LASM is being used) LASM CPXTYP... this then assembles the following: CPXTYP | v CPSDEF | v CPXLNK | v CPXCOM (Common code for most systems) | v CPXSWT-------+----------+-----------+-----------+---- File selector | | | | | v v v v CPXTOR CPXAPP CPXNOR CPX??? one of | | | | | several | | | | | Families +<----------+----------+-----------+-----------+---- | v CPXVDU (if a terminal is required) | | v Users should be aware of the change both to the linking information and start of the overlay address. Since Version 4.05, four new entries have been added to the overlay table. First of all, family (offset +6), which is a two byte poiter to a text string in the family file. The remainder are two byte pointers (in the usual JMP 0 format) to a print status routne, (lptstat offset 20h), an optional VDU driver, and a reverse entry back to the system independent BDOS routines (which does a lot more than simply pass on the BDOS request to BDOS) There have also been some bugs fixed in some of the system dependent code, so you would be wise pulling all the source files across. The overlay address is now 6000h, and will probably change before this revision is complete. The speeding up of multiple file handling takes its toll on memory, as there are now 64-ish FCBs buffered. This speeds up the DIRECTORY command no end. With the overlay address at 6000h there is still a lot of space free for more things to be added, so unless there is a big hash made to Kermit, this will not change. Most of the Version 4.05 documentation still holds for this version of kermit-80. Note however the changes in the number of system dependent files used, and the use of FAMILY files. The new commands are (hopefully) self-explanatory. The TAKE command requires files TAKE-n to be pure ASCII text, with a control-z as the end of file marker. Most editors will probably do this for you. LASM and Microsoft M80 assembles are the only ones supported. I suggest LASM be used by default for all further development work, though I DO know that there are others requestin M80 comaptability. How to get V4.09 onto your system. ********************************** If you alread have a Kermit running on your system, you should be able to pull the CPSKER.HEX and suitable system file to yopur system, then MLOAD the two together. If you dont have kermit, see if you cannot get a copy from somewhere - it saves a lot of frustrating work. Failing that, refer to the REAL manuals! If you want to assemble the sources from scratch, pull all CPS*.ASM files, and CPX(TYP LNK COM SWT).ASM files, and CPXVDU.ASM if you use a terminal. You will have to pluck either CPXSYS./ASM or another family file. You will also need loads of disk space. If you run short, but have a handy IBM PC or clone with a Mbyte or two free, use the public domain Z80 emulator Z80MU to develop the .HEX files required. Also aquire a copy of LASM. Use LASM it to assemble CPSKER and CPXTYP after editing CPXTYP and selecting a suitable system. This generates CPSKER.HEX and CPXTYP.HEX. MLOAD the two .HEX files together, eg: MLOAD NEWKER=CPSKER,CPXTYP After this, you will hopefully have a runnable copy of KERMIT-80 Version 4.09 on your system. Disclaimer: No responsibilty can be assumed by anyone as to the suitabilty etc.etc. In otherwords, you are the one responsible for your implentation of Kermit-80, any version. I will give help where I can, but no guaranttes will be given. Note that not all systems and facilities have been tested (thats why you are getting involved!) so make sure you have a copy of 4.05 Kermit before trying this one! Things yet to be done - lots! There have been moves trying to add other independent modules for other terminal emulators other than the VT52. Demands for SERVER, REMOTE HOST..., file compression, better TRANSMIT, % of file sent and/or Kbytes sent/received as part of the display diring transfers, a lot of cosmetic tidying up as well as even more systems to be added. CP/M-80 is a slowly dying DOS, and I feel inclined to leave some bits out, like SERVER (how many use really large Winchesters in CP/M-80 systems, and want true servers?). Does anyone have a burning desire for these facilities? And if so, will YOU be willing to take on the job of implementing them? If you have any comments, please E-mail them to OBSchou (me) at Loughborough. If you really must, try (0509) 222313, but I share a phone, so use the phone only if you cannot mail me. Best of luck, Bertil Schou.