/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "avi.h" #include "endian.h" /* avi_set_compress_options gets its own file... now don't WE feel important? */ AviError avi_set_compress_option (AviMovie *movie, int option_type, int stream, AviOption option, void *opt_data) { int i; if (movie->header->TotalFrames != 0) /* Can't change params after we have already started writing frames */ return AVI_ERROR_OPTION; switch (option_type) { case AVI_OPTION_TYPE_MAIN: switch (option) { case AVI_OPTION_WIDTH: movie->header->Width = *((int *) opt_data); movie->header->SuggestedBufferSize = movie->header->Width*movie->header->Height*3; for (i=0; i < movie->header->Streams; i++) { if (avi_get_format_type(movie->streams[i].format) == FCC("vids")) { ((AviBitmapInfoHeader *) movie->streams[i].sf)->Width = *((int *) opt_data); movie->streams[i].sh.SuggestedBufferSize = movie->header->SuggestedBufferSize; movie->streams[i].sh.right = *((int *) opt_data); ((AviBitmapInfoHeader *) movie->streams[i].sf)->SizeImage = movie->header->SuggestedBufferSize; fseek (movie->fp, movie->offset_table[1+i*2+1], SEEK_SET); awrite (movie, movie->streams[i].sf, 1, movie->streams[i].sf_size, movie->fp, AVI_BITMAPH); } } break; case AVI_OPTION_HEIGHT: movie->header->Height = *((int *) opt_data); movie->header->SuggestedBufferSize = movie->header->Width*movie->header->Height*3; for (i=0; i < movie->header->Streams; i++) { if (avi_get_format_type(movie->streams[i].format) == FCC("vids")) { ((AviBitmapInfoHeader *) movie->streams[i].sf)->Height = *((int *) opt_data); movie->streams[i].sh.SuggestedBufferSize = movie->header->SuggestedBufferSize; movie->streams[i].sh.bottom = *((int *) opt_data); ((AviBitmapInfoHeader *) movie->streams[i].sf)->SizeImage = movie->header->SuggestedBufferSize; fseek (movie->fp, movie->offset_table[1+i*2+1], SEEK_SET); awrite (movie, movie->streams[i].sf, 1, movie->streams[i].sf_size, movie->fp, AVI_BITMAPH); } } break; case AVI_OPTION_QUALITY: for (i=0; i < movie->header->Streams; i++) { if (avi_get_format_type(movie->streams[i].format) == FCC("vids")) { movie->streams[i].sh.Quality = (*((int *) opt_data))*100; fseek (movie->fp, movie->offset_table[1+i*2+1], SEEK_SET); awrite (movie, movie->streams[i].sf, 1, movie->streams[i].sf_size, movie->fp, AVI_BITMAPH); } } break; case AVI_OPTION_FRAMERATE: if (1000000/(*((int *) opt_data))) movie->header->MicroSecPerFrame = 1000000/(*((int *) opt_data)); for (i=0; i < movie->header->Streams; i++) { if (avi_get_format_type(movie->streams[i].format) == FCC("vids")) { movie->streams[i].sh.Scale = movie->header->MicroSecPerFrame; fseek (movie->fp, movie->offset_table[1+i*2+1], SEEK_SET); awrite (movie, movie->streams[i].sf, 1, movie->streams[i].sf_size, movie->fp, AVI_BITMAPH); } } } fseek (movie->fp, movie->offset_table[0], SEEK_SET); awrite (movie, movie->header, 1, sizeof(AviMainHeader), movie->fp, AVI_MAINH); break; case AVI_OPTION_TYPE_STRH: break; case AVI_OPTION_TYPE_STRF: break; default: return AVI_ERROR_OPTION; break; } return AVI_ERROR_NONE; }